We are all under Shariah law now

| September 21, 2012
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Everyone remembers that famous Newsweek cover of February 2009 – “We Are All Socialists Now.” Similarly, recent perilous events exploding throughout the Middle East and at home here in America have forced me to come to this conclusion: “We are all under Shariah law now.”

President Barack Obama’s official campaign flag replaces the 50 stars of Old Glory representing the United States with his communist-inspired “Forward” symbol. Why? Remember, from ages 9-18 Marxist ideology was drilled into young Obama’s head three times a week by his “real” father, the communist propagandist Frank Marshall Davis.

Symbolism is a primary power tactic historically used by tyrants and dictators to capture the minds and hearts of the masses and to deify their messianic cult “Leader.” For example, Mussolini’s Italian fascist used the fasces; the Soviet communists used the hammer and sickle; and the German Nazis the swastika to affirm that their tyrannous regimes were all-powerful, all-present and inevitable.

Obama and Hillary continue to blame a movie trailer nobody has seen allegedly mocking the prophet Muhammad as the cause of American embassies coming under siege throughout the Middle East, Asia and Africa. Americans and the moviemaker have no rights Shariah law is bound to respect.

Obama hates the U.S. Constitution. To hell with the Ninth and 10th Amendments; to hell with Natural Law, federalism and the original intent of the constitutional framers; to hell with separation of powers, liberty, free-market capitalism and the rule of law. Obama is socialism on steroids as he continues his revolution against America. His existential liberal fascism has now moved America beyond the parochialism of a democratic republic, where 50 sovereign states and the federal government operate by the consent of govern, to devolve into a European-style Marxist state. Incidentally, this treasonous path was launched against us over 100 years ago by America’s first progressive president, Theodore Roosevelt (1901-09) and followed by every progressive president since – especially by Woodrow Wilson, FDR, LBJ and Obama (Harding, Coolidge and Reagan notwithstanding).

We are all under Shariah law now.

Click here to read the article at World Net Daily

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