Tag: Obama

Barack ‘Adam Smith’ Obama?

| December 8, 2013 | 0 Comments
Barack ‘Adam Smith’ Obama?

“Statistics show not only that our levels of income inequality rank near countries like Jamaica and Argentina, but that it is harder today for a child born here in America to improve her station in life than it is for children in most of our wealthy allies, countries like Canada or Germany or France. They […]

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Barack ‘Adam Smith’ Obama?

| December 8, 2013 | 0 Comments
Barack ‘Adam Smith’ Obama?

“Statistics show not only that our levels of income inequality rank near countries like Jamaica and Argentina, but that it is harder today for a child born here in America to improve her station in life than it is for children in most of our wealthy allies, countries like Canada or Germany or France. They […]

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When SCOTUS rules 9-0 against Obama

| August 3, 2013 | 0 Comments
When SCOTUS rules 9-0 against Obama

washington-supreme-courtIn an interesting USA Today op-ed by George Mason University law professor Llya Somin explores the galling paradox Obama messiah must face when the White House loses high-court cases 9-0 time after time. Professor Somin thinks that the president “is going too far” in pushing what I call his Marxist/Alinsky agenda to systematically deconstruct American law and society. A literary analogy would be Don Quixote tilting at windmills. A historical analogy is Hitler (a National Socialist) burning down the Reichstag and blaming it on his fellow fascists, the communists, and on his scapegoat, the Jews.

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Mark Levin on President Woodrow Wilson

| January 11, 2013 | 0 Comments
Mark Levin on President Woodrow Wilson

washington130112In my last column, I made the historical connection between presidents Wilson and Obama, characterizing Obama as “Wilson reborn.” In other words, if the radical legislation Wilson signed 100 years ago in 1913 was what I call “the birth of a Tragedy,” then America is collectively living through the ghoulish resurrection of Wilson through Obama. To help people understand the existential connection between these progressive leaders, Mark Levin, a conservative intellectual, radio host and best-selling author, on his Dec. 19 show, took the occasion to read from Woodrow Wilson’s 1908 treatise, “Constitutional Government in the United States.”

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Mark Levin on President Woodrow Wilson

| January 11, 2013 | 0 Comments
Mark Levin on President Woodrow Wilson

washington130112In my last column, I made the historical connection between presidents Wilson and Obama, characterizing Obama as “Wilson reborn.” In other words, if the radical legislation Wilson signed 100 years ago in 1913 was what I call “the birth of a Tragedy,” then America is collectively living through the ghoulish resurrection of Wilson through Obama. To help people understand the existential connection between these progressive leaders, Mark Levin, a conservative intellectual, radio host and best-selling author, on his Dec. 19 show, took the occasion to read from Woodrow Wilson’s 1908 treatise, “Constitutional Government in the United States.”

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I, Caligula. I, Obama, Part 2

| October 19, 2012 | 2 Comments
I, Caligula. I, Obama, Part 2

washington121020I, Caligula (A.D. 12– A.D. 41), in my accession to the throne, I (like Persian King Xerxes did in 480 B.C. and later Alexander the Great) had a pontoon bridge built leading across the sea from Baiae to Puteoli; a stretch of water two and a half miles long. The bridge was even covered with earth and paved stones. This obscene cost would in today’s currency number in the hundreds of millions of dollars, not to mention the wasted manpower building this meaningless bridge to nowhere.

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I, Caligula. I, Obama

| October 13, 2012 | 1 Comment
I, Caligula. I, Obama

Obama-CaligulaAnd now comes, I, Gaius Julius Caesar Germanicus-Caligula (A.D. 12-A.D. 41). I was the third son of Germanicus (nephew of Tiberius), and Agrippina the elder and was born at Antium in A.D. 12.

And now comes, I, Barack Hussein Obama (1961-). I was the illegitimate first son of Stanley Anne Durham and my real father, the Soviet agent and communist propagandist, Frank Marshall Davis. We were born four weeks apart (Aug. 4/Aug. 31).

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Dreams from Obama’s real father, Part 2

| September 10, 2012 | 2 Comments
Dreams from Obama’s real father, Part 2

washington-On March 3, 1964, Barack Obama, Sr. applied for an extension of his visa – which granted his part of the deal for his sham marriage to Ann – to be allowed to get his Ph.D. from Harvard. The film’s Obama impersonator says, “Obama’s frequent lessons in politics mostly involved Karl Marx and the Communist Manifesto. Frank explained, all history is class struggle between the oppressors and the oppressed. Frank lectured that America’s corporate system was designed to benefit the rich and to keep the poor down.

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Dreams from Obama’s real father

| September 3, 2012 | 0 Comments
Dreams from Obama’s real father

washington120901Movie director Joel Gilbert concludes his revelatory movie about President Barack Obama with this telling statement: “The ‘Birthers’ have been on a fool’s errand. To understand Obama’s plans for America, the question is not ‘Where’s the Birth Certificate?’; the question is ‘Who is the real father?’” Gilbert’s film “Dreams from My Real Father” unites together the confirmed facts with consistent logic and supposition in an effort to fill in the apparent gaps in Obama’s history.

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| July 30, 2012 | 6 Comments

washington120728When President Obama goes off prompter, he usually tells truth … at least the “truth” as he sees it. Obama’s quote above not only reminds me of Karl Marx, the father of socialism and communism, moreover, his arrogant, anti-business, anti-capitalism screed reminds me of the words of Thomas Jefferson who wisely said, “A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have.” Perhaps that’s why so many Marxists and socialists professors and liberal teachers are rewriting and revising history today, because they don’t want the voting public to be knowledgeable about the truth of history, politics and economics.

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