Symposium—The When and the Why of Black Women’s Irresistible Impulse to Disrespect and Hate the Black Man?
Socrates (470-399 B.C.) was a famous Greek philosopher from Athens who taught Plato, and Plato taught Aristotle, and Aristotle taught Alexander the Great. Socrates created the concept of convening a “Symposium” for his students as a modus operandi for developing a simple but cleverly profound method of teaching by asking penetrating, revelatory, and psychologically probing questions. The Greeks called this form, Dialectic – starting from a thesis or question, then discussing ideas and moving back and forth between points-of-view to determine how well ideas stand up to critical review with the ultimate principle of the dialogue being Veritas – Truth.
Imagine if Black men had to wear White men’s hair to feel handsome.
~ Cordell Jones (quoted on the 5150 Show: beg.@43:45)
If she rejects you in her prime, don’t choose her in her decline.
~ Accountable Commentary
Oh, Joan! {laughter} “Huh-Huh-Huh-Huh! I ain’t goin’ do nothin’ like THAT!”
~ Grandfather Theodore Roosevelt Cowser (1902-87) (responding to some ridiculous request by Joan his daughter and my mother (circa 1984)
There will never be another Black Messiah unless WE create him.
~ J. Edgar Hoover (FBI Director: 1924-72)
FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover was once asked, ‘What in his opinion was the single greatest threat to the United States of America?’ He responded, ‘BLACK UNITY’.
Publius {Ellis, a precocious young student of Socrates}
Frederick Douglass: {Former Slave & ‘Dean of the Abolitionist Movement’ that ended the Institution of Slavery exploited by the Democrat Socialist Party…To this Day}
Black Men {High-Value, Alpha-Black Men through the Ages}
White Feminists {the Jezebel Spirit that birthed the Feminist (‘Women’s Rights’) movement at the Seneca Falls Convention in July 1848}
Black Feminists {Bitter, Low-IQ, Emotional “House Slaves” throughout History overly devoted to “Missy”, the Feminist movement, and Servitude Life on the Democrat Party Plantation to their own Democide … To This Day}
Accountable Commentary {Blogger promoting Black Men to be separate and independent from Black Women for their own safety, security and quality of Life}
Oshay Duke Jackson {Blogger who discusses Black relationships and entertainment}
Psychologist Orion {Blogger of PsycHacks providing psychological advice on relationships and promoting a Rational Worldview}
*N.B.: See generally, Accountable Commentary, Frederick Douglass tried to warn Black Women about White Women, but they didn’t listen; Oshay Duke Jackson, Psychologist Explains Why Modern Women Can’t Keep Successful MEN; Psychologist Dr. Orion Taraban of PsycHacks.
The When? — Prologue to the Eternal Enemy of the Black Family = Black Women who perpetually Wars against the Black family because she refuses to submit to the authority of her Black Men
Socrates: One of the early Directors of the FBI, America’s first intelligence agency founded in 1908, was a man named, J. Edgar Hoover (Director: 1924-72) who was once asked, ‘What is the single greatest threat to the United States of America?’ He responded, ‘NEGRO [BLACK] UNITY’.
*N.B.: IRONY OF IRONIES!—In 2000, genealogical research exposed by author Millie McGhee proved conclusively that FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover was a Black man who spent his entire life passing as a normal White man while venting his demonic hatred against Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights movement whom the author “believes that his obsession with King and other black civil rights leaders stemmed in part from his repressed anger about his secret life.” The article continues,
Millie McGhee, the author of Secrets Uncovered, J Edgar Hoover – Passing For White? is an African-American who says she was told as a little girl in McComb, Mississippi, of her family’s links with Hoover.
She writes in the book that her grandfather told of her of this “very powerful” man in Washington who was related to the family but did not want the links to be known and passed himself off as white. . .
She says her research shows that Hoover’s grandfather and great-grandfather lived in a segregated black area of Washington [D.C.] and were classified in a census as “coloured”.
Socrates: My purpose for citing this little-known information about FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover, one of the most powerful men in American history, is to expose how deep this Conspiracy of Treachery called, ‘White Privilege‘ and ‘White Supremacy‘ goes in EVERY institution in America specifically designed to deconstruct and destroy the Black Family. How? By isolating, by infiltration, by obsession and repression, by division, fear and force, by systematically deconstructing and destroying the Black Man and the Black Family with the Judas-level treachery and assistance of the Black Women as the accomplice to her own Democide!
*N.B.: Examples of White Privilege, White Supremacy causing Black Democide in America (e.g., Institution of Black Slavery in the Americas (1400s-2024), pressuring Black Women to get Abortions (1820s-2024) at democidal rates, (*N.B.: Roe v. Wade (1973) overturned in 2022), Tuskegee Syphilis Study (1932-72), CIA bringing ‘crack’ cocaine into Black inner cities in the early 1980s, the Prison Industrial Complex, invention of ‘Gangsta Rap’ music in the early 1990s, Obamacare in the 2010s, the Covid-19 ‘Death jab’ in 2020, etc…).
Publius: But what did the FBI mean by these words, Professor Socrates? Isn’t ‘Black Unity’ good for America?
Socrates: It means that ‘Reality’ isn’t Real, Reality is a sociological Construct. It means that We the People are all being controlled by hidden evil powers from the Shadows. It means that We the People are enslaved, controlled and imprisoned inside a Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix. This forbidden knowledge was learned from my early Symposiums by my student Plato. He called this eternal paradox, “Plato’s Allegory of the Cave.“
It means that ALL of America’s “Social Programs” and ALL of America’s Institutions have been carefully developed over many centuries and at great expense to establish Communism and Globalism while promoting White Supremacy by the Hidden Satanic Global Power Structure designed to destroy America by deconstructing ‘Black Unity’ and to deliberately destroy the Black family. For example, inventing the so-called Women’s Rights movement, Feminist Rights movement and Abortion Rights movement (e.g., “Women’s Health Rights”; “Women’s Reproductive Rights”; “Abortion Rights”), and even the Civil Rights movement. None of these so-called social movements were organic, but were artificial constructs of this existential ‘Matrix’ we call ‘Culture’ and ‘Society’. All social movements were created by intelligence agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA) or Secret Societies and National Governmental Organizations (NGOs) like—the Vatican, the Jesuits, the Illuminati, Rosicrucians and Freemasons, the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, the Bilderbergs, Council on Foreign Relations, Council of 13, Committee of 300, United Nations, George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, Klaus ‘Rockefeller’ Schwab’s World Economic Forum, DAVOS, etc.
Publius: You mean to tell me that the Women’s movement and the Civil Rights movement were cynical construct creations by Billionaire psychopaths like the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds? Are social movements bad for America?
Socrates: All social movements in America are classic CIA MK Ultra Psychological Operations or ‘Psyops’. Remember the slogan from the radical nihilist group of the early 1960s, Students for a Democratic Society—“The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the [Communist-Globalist] Revolution.”
*N.B.: (above) Civil Rights Icon Dr. Martin Luther King at a Communist Training School (April 22, 1965).
*N.B.: Martin Luther King receives award at Planned Parenthood’s 50th anniversary gala in 1966, Coretta Scott King read her husband’s speech to a standing ovation. It read:
Colored citizens constitute half the poor of the nation. Like all poor, colored and white, they have many unwanted children. This is a cruel evil they urgently need to control. There is nothing inherent in the colored man’s mentality which creates this condition. Their poverty causes it. When colored citizens have been able to ascend economically, statistics reveal they plan their families with even greater care than whites. Colored citizens of higher economic and educational status actually have fewer children than white families in the same circumstances.
The line from Dr. King’s acceptance speech that Planned Parenthood is most fond of quoting goes like this: “There is a striking kinship between our movement and Margaret Sanger’s early efforts. … Our sure beginning in the struggle for equality by non-violent, direct action may not have been so resolute without the tradition established by Margaret Sanger and people like her.” (Source: The Abortion73 Blog: Martin Luther King’s Confounding Relationship with Planned Parenthood). (end excerpt)
The Public Enemy#1 of the White Feminist movement was since Slavery times the seed of the Black Women = the Black Male Baby. That’s why FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover boasted soon after the successful FBI assassinations of Civil Rights icons, Malcolm X (murdered by the FBI, Feb. 21, 1965) and Dr. Martin Luther King (murdered by the FBI, April 4, 1968), that “There will never be another Black Messiah unless WE create him.” … And they did create another Black Messiah for Black America 40 years later who became POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama (POTUS: 2009-17).
How psychopathic and demonic is this American Psyops where the two most important Civil Rights leaders of the twentieth century—Malcolm X and Martin Luther King—were both assassinated on the orders of the Director of the FBI, a Black Man passing as a White man named, J. Edgar Hoover, nevertheless, 40 years later another undercover Black Man named Barack Hussein Obama would do much more to deconstruct America’s institutions and destroy the Black family beyond the wildest dreams of J. Edgar Hoover could ever imagine.
Socrates: Therefore, understand that the White Feminist movement influences, controls and enslaves Black women. It always has throughout American history… even to this day. But also understand that Black Women did not act alone to betray the Black Man. She always could rely on the help of her ‘House Slave’, Beta Male ‘Simp’ accomplices who were either too Ignorant or too Cowardly to stand up to Black Women and expose their Judas-level Treachery to deconstruct and destroy Black America, but instead willingly choose to go along to get along with these Black Jezebels throughout the Ages.
Publius: My Dear Professor Socrates, I knew this knowledge decades ago and didn’t develop it because I tragically forgot about it. However, some knowledge is forbidden knowledge, some knowledge is such a profound epiphany experience that once this knowledge or wisdom enters your mind you are irrevocably changed for Life and the way you formerly viewed Culture, Relationships and Society, Politics and History are indelibly and forever changed… because you are now a different person.
Socrates: Indeed, Publius. Now declare to this Symposium when you first learned of this ‘forbidden knowledge’ that the real enemy of the Black Family was its very matriarch… the Black Woman?
Publius: I remember two occasions during my past academic studies—the first was about 30 years ago in the early 1990s when I was a student under Professor Arthur LaBrew (1930-2015), the legendary Musicologist and Black Aesthetics Historian. In reading his books and scholarly articles particularly on Frederick Douglass and the Abolitionist movement which covered Black History of the Antebellum South Era and Civil War Era, I remember reading about Douglass’s founding of his influential newspaper, The North Star and especially about his encounters in the 1840s with certain upper class White women who would soon become the founders and leadership of the Modern-day Feminist or “Women’s Rights” movement—e.g., Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucy Stone, James and Lucretia Mott.
Secondly, it was about 2011 when I was invited to be a substitute speaker for Pastor Levon Yuille, former host of Joshua’s Trial Radio Show in Detroit, Mich. My subject, since it was near the Fourth of July, was Frederick Douglass’s famous Fourth of July Speech first delivered on July 5, 1852, which I cleverly tied to the subject condemning modern day Abortion as Douglass had used that speech to expose White Supremacy in America; to condemn White hypocrisy in espousing Liberty and Freedom for all mankind throughout the world on the Fourth of July. Yet, here in America millions Black people still are shackled in the bondage of Slavery where they are treated worse than dogs, prompting Douglass to make a Socratic dialectical inquiry—What to the Slave is your Fourth of July?
Socrates: Accountable Commentary, please provide this Symposium with some historical context between Black ex-Slaves demanding Human Rights vs. White Women seeking Equal Rights, particularly the Right to Vote.
Accountable Commentary: During the Slavery era (1600-1865) around the 1840s History was on the March! For example, during the Antebellum Era (1815-61) preceding the Civil War (1861-65), and afterwards during the so-called Reconstruction Era (1865-1877). During the 1840s White Women began seeking to get equal rights, particularly voting rights which they viewed as the path to “Equal Justice under the Law.”
Nevertheless, what History tries to cover up and ignore to this day was the fact that White Women (particularly the White leaders of the Feminist or ‘Women’s Rights’ movement) tried hard to control the collective destiny of Black men as White men had done during hundreds of years of slavery by trying to co-op the Abolitionist movement and the Black Men’s Voting Rights movement, but failed on both counts.
One particular great man and Abolitionist by the name of Frederick Douglass (1817-95) saw who these White Feminist leaders really were and actually said to himself, ‘I’m going to step away; I see what you are trying to do to control Black men (even those who were “free”). After some early interactions, ultimately, Douglass made a decision not to align himself with this new Feminist movement and Alpha Black men working with the Abolitionist movement were inclined not to align themselves with White Feminist movement.
However, right after slavery during the period known as the Reconstruction Era (1865-77), Black women en masse allied themselves with the Feminist movement run by White women over allying with their own Black men whose authority they were allegedly supposed to be under. These Black men who many of them had just come out of slavery where smart enough to see and understand what needed to be done for them to advance. So, these were very special Brothers right here, you understand? To come out of Slavery and educate yourself and to try move yourself and others forward, you got to understand what type of fortitude, resilience, character that takes in order for you to really appreciate who these Black men were.
Socrates: Frederick Douglass, here is when your iconic biography enters the annals of History. Tell this Symposium your story in particular how your struggles for Human Rights for Black people in America intersected with the White Women’s Right movement for Equality and Voting Rights.
Frederick Douglass: I was considered the legendary voice for Black America during the mid-late 1800s. I was called the ‘Dean of the Abolitionist movement,’ Orator and Writer, Frederick Douglass (1817-1895) who escaped from the bondage of Slavery in 1838. In 1841, I joined the Abolitionist movement and in 1847 I moved to Rochester, New York where I published my influential newspaper titled, The North Star, “a weekly publication with the motto—‘Right is of no sex, Truth is of no color, God is the Father of us all, and we are all Brethren.’“
The next year I, Frederick Douglass was invited to the first Women’s Rights Convention which was in reality the inauguration of the Feminist movement at the so-called Seneca Falls Convention, in July 1848. I was there at the genesis of the Women’s Rights movement! So, I saw the creation and development of the Feminist movement from its very beginnings.
Publius: Why did the Women’s Rights Convention want Frederick Douglass as their first keynote speaker launching this new Feminist or “Women’s Rights” movement?
Socrates: They wanted Douglass there because the Feminist movement leadership all bore witness to the great success Douglass had gained to win public approval on the Slavery Question with his work with the Abolitionist movement under it’s leader, William Lloyd Garrison (1805-79). These duplicitous, deceitful leaders of the Feminist movement saw a golden opportunity through aligning their Feminist movement with Douglass because Douglass was getting a lot of positive public attention and the Feminist movement wanted to ride the coattails of the Abolitionist movement that Frederick Douglass was a leading voice on which was trying to get the institution of Slavery abolished, Equal Rights for Black people and the Right to vote.
*N.B.: Frederick Douglass was invited to the first Women’s Rights Convention at Seneca Falls, New York, in July 1848. He literally saved the convention from dissolving into petty, partisan squabbles with his iconic speech, “Why I insist on a Women’s Right to Vote.”
Today we would call these Feminist tactics to ingratiate themselves into the Abolitionist movement and particularly to Frederick Douglass’s fame and celebrity as, “clout chasing”. Just like today the Feminists ride off the coattails of everything Black people do when it comes to Black Civil Rights. Remember, before Affirmative Action was abolished last year in the Supreme Court upended Affirmative Action on established equal protection grounds with its decision in Students for Fair Admissions Inc. v. Harvard and Students for Fair Admissions Inc. v. UNC, (June 2023) effectively eliminating the use of affirmative action in college admissions, White Women were considered “minorities” just like Black People. This is ridiculous. Nevertheless, neither White Women nor Black Women were in the forefront of fighting for Civil Rights. In fact, every other group always rides the coattails of something Black America provided to culture and society.
Frederick Douglass: According to the article in Wikipedia, in 1848, I, Frederick Douglass was the only Black person to attend the Seneca Falls Convention, the first Women’s Rights convention, in upstate New York. I agreed to the invitation of Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucy Stone, James and Lucretia Mott to be the keynote speaker at the very first Women’s Rights Conference at Seneca Falls, New York, in July 1848.
I, Douglass stood and spoke eloquently in favor of women’s suffrage; he said that he could not accept the right to vote as a Black man if women could also not claim that right. He suggested that the world would be a better place if women were involved in the political sphere:
In this denial of the right to participate in government, not merely the degradation of woman and the perpetuation of a great injustice happens, but the maiming and repudiation of one-half of the moral and intellectual power of the government of the world.[109]
After Douglass’s powerful words, the attendees passed the resolution.[109][110]
The Eternal Paradox of the House Slave vs. the Field Slave
White Feminists: What people fail to understand was how these White Feminist Women were able to finance these Women’s Conferences? It is because they were all married to wealthy White Men. This is a point of History expressing “UNITY” is something that Black Women then and now don’t seem to appreciate—The Feminist movement was essentially bankrolled by White Men, who in most cases were the husbands of the leadership of the Feminist movement.
*N.B.: The Slavery System in America was also financed and bankrolled by White Men of Secret Societies, particularly the Illuminati, Freemasons, Rothschilds and Rockefellers, unscrupulous millionaire financiers and industrialist called, “Robber Barons” would soon after the end of slavery (in 1865), in 1871 invented a new type of Economic Slavery called Chattel Slavery and Debt Slavery which exists in all nations of the world to this day.
But here is the Judas Treachery of Black Women who failed to understand the complex duplicity of the Women’s Rights movement. White Women told Black Women who wanted to join the Feminist movement (while ignoring the Abolitionist movement of Frederick Douglass) to get away from your Black men, don’t listen to your Black Men, forsake your Black family and join US to get your “Equal Rights”… in the FUTURE! While we go home every night to our White Husbands and make dinner for our White Families which remain intact, while you, Black Women, neglect and undermine your own Black Family. . . for What?!?
Socrates: *N.B.: Scene from the 1939 movie classic, Gone with the Wind, depicting the Civil War and it’s aftermath. Here, Mammy (played by Hattie McDaniel, who went on to become the first African American to win an Academy Award), is aggressively clearing a path for her “Mistress”, Scarlett O’Hara to walk through the crowded streets in Atlanta: “Out of our way, trash! Get out of the way here. Get away! Go on!”
Also, this scene above exposes the utter contempt, hatred and disrespect displayed by the Black women servant-class had towards their own Black brothers, some of whom (as in the movie scene above) were Black soldiers presently fighting in the Civil War—heroic and courageous Black men risking their lives fighting for Mammy’s (and all Black Women’s) right to be free in America! Yet, Mammy only saw these Black men as “Trash”?!? *N.B.: See, House Slave vs. Field Slave Paradox and Malcolm X describes the difference between the “House Negro” and the “Field Negro”, Michigan State University speech, 23 Jan. 1963.
Publius: Does this ‘Paradox’ between the Black Man and Black Women go all the way back to the Slavery Era? The Cognitive Dissonance of Black American Women in 2024 seems more acute and worse than it was 200 years ago during Slavery.
Socrates: The Paradox of House Slaves (majority Black Women) vs. Field Slaves (majority Black Men) = War of the Sexes, Division, Disunity, Chaos Theory — As it was in 1824, so the Judas-level Treachery and War against the Black Man continues in 2024, but the Bible declares, “The Truth will make you Free.” ~ John 8:32
The Paradox of the House Slave Perpetually Waring Against his own Freedom and Waring Against his fellow Blacks who are Free—*N.B.: This pivotal scene from the 2012 movie, Django Unchained, starring Jamie Foxx, Christopher Waltz, Leonardo DiCaprio and Samuel L. Jackson, exposes the irrational loyalty that the head House Slave, “Stephen” had for his master, Mr. Candie who exposes Stephen’s cognitive dissonance of— 1) seeing for the first time in his life a free Black man and 2) witnessing a free Black man owning and riding a horse next to a White man as friends. This scenario sent Stephen into a near catatonic state of Psychopathy; into a hateful RAGE against Django whom at this point in the movie he had never met before.
Black Men: Black Women—Do you understand the Judas-level Treachery, Low-IQ, Hypocrisy and the Cognitive Dissonance writ large by collectively aligning yourselves with the same people of the Democrat Socialist Party who brutalized and abused you, who raped and enslaved you for hundreds of years?!?
Socrates: Tell this Symposium, Mr. Douglass, what caused the break between you and the Feminist movement after working together for over 20 years (1848-69)—From the Seneca Falls Convention (1848) to the end of the Civil War (1861-65) and the beginnings of the Radical Reconstruction Era (1865-77)?
Frederick Douglass: In 1866, I, Frederick Douglass along with Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony founded the American Equal Rights Association which demanded universal suffrage (voting rights for women). The group disbanded 3 years later in 1869 due to growing tensions among its members. What happened one year later? In 1870 Black men gained the right to vote.
Another more sinister reason why American Equal Rights Association disbanded was that Susan B. Anthony insisted that White Women get the vote before Black men. Frederick Douglass said, NO! —”You are either behind us, helping us. We’re not going to be behind you because you are trying to fight for the right to have a voice in your own home, your own household. I’m trying to fight for the right to be HUMANS, for Human Rights.”
Socrates: What were the White Feminists leaders working towards doing the critical historical period in Civil Rights history (from 1848-1870) during in the preceding years before Black Men secured and won the passage of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments granting them the end of Slavery, Due Process Rights and the Right to Vote in 1870?
Black Feminists: Hateful and Fearful, Envious and Jealous of the Black Man’s success in helping to win the Civil War, securing the end of Slavery and getting Due Process Rights, in 1868, the White Women of the Feminist movement were secretly working very hard to convince Black Women to join their White Feminist movement to get the vote by exploiting Black Women’s overt and covert treachery of placing the White Women’s cause (Voting Rights) over their own Black men and against their own Black families (Human Rights).
White Women tricked us Black Women into helping THEM secure the right to vote (which they didn’t get until 50 YEARS later in 1920 and Black Americans didn’t get “real” Civil Rights until 50 years after that in the early 1970s!) Yet it could be argued in 1970 that Black Women really had ‘de facto Voting rights’ for 100 years based on the work of their own Black Men whom the Black Women had repeated betrayed down through the Ages.
A final irony of history was that these same White Feminists possessing the Spirit of Jezebel promised to help Black Women get the vote and equal rights if they joined their Women’s Rights movement in 1848. It was a Faustian bargain with Jezebel that Black Women and the Black Family have been paying for 200 YEARS!
Publius: But Socrates, how were Black Women betrayed by the White Feminist movement?
Socrates: Because from its beginnings in the 1840s the White Feminist movement treated Black Women as Slaves, as inferiors in the Women’s Right movement. Black Women were told to stay in the background and to stay out of sight. Also, because the White Feminist movement was NEVER about Equality or Women’s voting rights. Particularly from 1900-1973, the Feminist movement was always about ABORTION Rights (e.g., “Women’s Health”, “Women’s Reproductive Rights”).
And who was the #1 person on their White Feminist Abortion Hit List? It was the seed of the American Black Woman… the BLACK BABY! See the SCOTUS case that legalized democide called Abortion in the case, Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973). “In June 2022, the Supreme Court overruled Roe and Casey in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization on the grounds that the substantive right to abortion was not “deeply rooted in this Nation’s history or tradition”, nor considered a right when the Due Process Clause was ratified in 1868, and was unknown in U.S. law until Roe.”
Publius, Remember the motto of the Progressive movement from which the Women’s Rights movement came from—”The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the [Communist-Globalist] Revolution.” As it was in 1848, the genesis of the Feminist movement at the Seneca Falls Convention, so it was 1860-70 as Feminist secretly worked behind the scenes but failed to keep Black people Slaves, so it was in 1963 when MLK gave his famous “I have a Dream” Speech and his subsequent assassination on April 4, 1968, so it is with Black Women in 2024 to this DAY!—TREACHERY—DISRESPECT—DRAMA—DECEIT against the Black Man and against his dreams and aspirations, and against the Black Family which in Year 2024 is all but totally destroyed.
Socrates: Here is the section from the Wikipedia article on Frederick Douglass that chronicles the systemic treachery White Women of the Feminist movement did behind the scenes trying to co-op the Black man’s fight to secure the vote–
After the Civil War, when the 15th Amendment giving black men the right to vote was being debated, Douglass split with the Stanton-led faction of the women’s rights movement. Douglass supported the amendment, which would grant suffrage to black men. Stanton opposed the 15th Amendment because it limited the expansion of suffrage to black men; she predicted its passage would delay for decades the cause for women’s right to vote. Stanton argued that American women and black men should band together to fight for universal suffrage, and opposed any bill that split the issues.[111] Douglass and Stanton both knew that there was not yet enough male support for women’s right to vote, but that an amendment giving black men the vote could pass in the late 1860s. Stanton wanted to attach women’s suffrage to that of black men so that her cause would be carried to success.[112]
Douglass thought such a strategy was too risky, that there was barely enough support for black men’s suffrage. He feared that linking the cause of women’s suffrage to that of black men would result in failure for both. Douglass argued that white women, already empowered by their social connections to fathers, husbands, and brothers, at least vicariously had the vote. Black women, he believed, would have the same degree of empowerment as white women once black men had the vote.[112] Douglass assured the American women that at no time had he ever argued against women’s right to vote.[113]
Socrates: From its Beginnings! Understand that the White Feminist movement of the 1840s was the Public Enemy #1 of the Black Family even though Frederick Douglass initially did much to help Feminists gain notoriety in America, these Feminist Harpies repaid the great Abolitionist Frederick Douglass with a Judas knife to the back and collectively a noose around the neck of every Black Man who collectively gave his Life, Liberty and his Sacred Honour fighting to get Slavery abolished, Due Process Rights for Black people and Voting Rights for Black Men during the post-Civil War period of history! (1865-70)
The Why? — Psychologist Explains Why Modern Women Can’t Keep Successful MEN
The Bully Archetype (and the poison pill of disrespect)
Psychologist Orion: The first thing that is important to understand is that disrespect is typically a process; it happens gradually over time. The best predictor of overt disrespect is covert disrespect which are small behaviors that have plausible deniability. So, if you don’t want a larger problem on your hands further down the road it’s important to address disrespect while it is still in its smaller forms.
The clearest examples of the process of disrespect are seen in high schools and prisons. A bully usually doesn’t go straight to shaking down his Target; that’s actually pretty risky if he doesn’t know who he is dealing with he could always pick the wrong guy to mess with and that’s going to make his life more difficult and complicated than he intended. So, what these folks tend to do is they kind of test their victim. A classic example is bumping into their target as they are crossing paths in a hallway and seeing how he responds. This is a subtle test because there is some plausible deniability here… However, if the bully bumps into the target and the target says, “excuse me”, that person is now pegged as a target for escalation.
Psychologist Orion: On the other hand, if the target were to respond appropriately and cast a warning glance at the bully or issue a verbal warning, that bully could always play it off, but he would probably think twice about escalating the situation. The issue is that most bullies know that they’re bullies and while women absolutely can be bullies—that is intentionally using tactics to inflict emotional or psychological pain in order to get what they want—I also believe that a lot of women actually aren’t aware of how they may be communicating disrespect to men. [ODJ disagrees here] And this is in part because at least in part respect means different things to men and women.
Publius: What is the second archetype you will discuss?
The Boss Archetype
Psychologist Orion: Now at this point I’m going to offer the women in the audience a really simple test to determine whether your behavior is likely going to be perceived as disrespectful to a man. With respect to any behavior just ask yourself—Would I say that same thing in the same way to my boss if I was interested in keeping my job? If the answer to that question is No, congratulations! You potentially have disrespectful behavior on your hands. ODJ says, if their answer is No, put these women out your home IMMEDIATELY and don’t tarry or delay.
If you were interested in keeping your job. . .
- Would you roll your eyes at your boss?
- Would you be dismissive of your boss’s feedback?
- Would you complain angrily?
- Would you reply to your boss’s requests sarcastically?
- Would you nag your boss to comply to your demands?
- Would you mutter under your breath when your boss talks at meetings?
- Would you talk badly about your boss with your co-workers behind his back?
- Would you tease your boss?
- Would you be openly indifferent or uninterested in your boss’s proposals?
- Would you mock your boss’s attempts to maintain order and discipline?
The Reality — ‘A Husband is Better than a Boss and a Job’
Oshay Duke Jackson: I’ll say a lot of Black men get more disrespect from our community than some other communities. Black women want a man, but [in reality] you want a job, and a job is consistency. A HUSBAND IS BETTER [many times over] THAN A BOSS OR A JOB! That’s why women who are married have more money and they have more wealth passed down to them than when they earn by themselves on a job. So, when you’re wanting a husband, you are trying to get a J-O-B! Look at it in the same way, it’s the same thing—Not that ‘City Girl’ attitude that some Sisters have, or that ‘Boss Chick’ attitude, No Boo!
Oshay Duke Jackson: Black Women must understand this Undeniable Truth of Life — Relationship = You are applying for a JOB and a husband is better than a job. He’s a protector. You may change jobs here and there, different bosses, but that man if he loves you is going to be providing for you… on your monthly cycle, when you’re sick and not feeling well, when your mother and other family members die, when you want to go on vacation. You understand, your job doesn’t do that help with that, that is what your husband does, but Black Women (collectively) don’t look at it like that because many Black Women don’t think you have to respect the Black Men in such lofty terms… But you do if you want to have a chance to get a husband and have a happily married life.
Socrates: Women must stop thinking that you are some fantasy or caricature of a Woman like a ‘City Girl’ or ‘Boss Chick’ or ‘The Prize’. If you are leveraging male access to your vagina for any material benefit, you are not the Prize but a Prostitute. Stop thinking that the man, like a circus monkey, should be constantly jumping around, genuflecting to you, begging for the woman’s attention. That’s not Reality. That’s Psychopathy.
Publius: But Socrates, the Feminist movement going back to its very beginnings in the 1840s has always taught society that White Women are special creatures even above the Black Man and that, because of their white skin, they are intrinsically better than Black Men and should therefore get the right to vote before the Black Men. Wasn’t this racist worldview the central reason why Frederick Douglass fell out of favor with the White Feminists of the Women’s Rights movement 21 years after the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848?
Socrates: Indeed, Publius. And despite the overwhelming odds of fighting against the institution of Slavery and White racism in America, Frederick Douglass and his Abolitionist movement achieved the vote for the Black Man in 1870—just one year later after separating his time and energy from these Horrible Harpies of the White Feminist movement!
Publius: So, Professor Socrates, we were lied to when society today calls “Women the Prize”?
Socrates: Indeed. Remember Publius that Women are the “helpmate” of the Man. Women are merely the receptacle for the man’s seed that produces LIFE. The Man has ALWAYS been the prize. Even the Bible tell us this fact. The Bible uses the repeated metaphor of Christians being the “Bride of Christ” eagerly awaiting the Groom (Jesus Christ) to come back at any time “like a thief in the night” (= Rapture) for his spotless Bride (the Church). *N.B.: Read the Parable of the 10 Virgins.
Publius, the world is completely Crazy. The World is upside down. For example, at most wedding ceremonies today instead of playing the music, “Hear Comes the Bride”, according to the Bible the music should be titled, “Here Comes the GROOM!”
*N.B.: Music by J.S. Bach, St. Matthew Passion.
Psychologist Orion: Women have to be Rational and honest with themselves and not overvalue their worth and their station in Life. Women should ask themselves regarding the manner and tone they speak to and treat their husbands—Would I say that same thing in the same way to my boss if I was interested in keeping my job? I think most of us understand that if we’re interested in keeping our jobs the answer to all of those questions is No. And for the 3% of you out there listening to this who are now saying to yourselves, ‘Well Ryan actually I tease my boss all the time; we have a warm and playful relationship.’ Okay, then the question for you becomes—Would you act like that with your boss in front of other clients or customers?
Oshay Duke Jackson: BOOM! Like would you disrespect your husband in front of other people? Would you talk down to your husband in front of other people? I’ve seen women do that at Walmart and other places and then expect that that man is actually going to stay in this tortuous relationship until the day he dies?!?
This Man that looks after you, that takes care of you, you are regularly disrespecting in front of other people, and you expect him to stay with you’re a$$?
Psychologist Orion: Of course not and why is that? Because you know how that behavior would come off to other people who are not initiated into your special little dynamic and this means that you understand my point.
Now before I address why this behavior is detrimental to women’s best interests, let me respond to the most common objection I usually receive at this point in my argument…
Black Feminists: ‘The Man is not the boss of me’! I’m an Independent Black Woman! I will NEVER submit to the Black Man… or submit to any Man.
Psychologist Orion: Fair enough, however, your boss is not the boss of you either. You’re not his slave. He can’t make you do things that you don’t want to do. You are a participant in an At-Will professional relationship. He’s not the boss of you, however he is the boss of you in a professional context. Or even better, he’s the boss of the employees, which is a role that you voluntarily agreed to assume and within that dynamic the boss has legitimate authority to make reasonable demands of and set reasonable expectations for his employees.
Oshay Duke Jackson: In the same way that the Black man who wants to be a leader and be in authority, he isn’t trying to run you, he’s got to look after you. And sometimes those are going to be discussions and things that you don’t like that you need to comply with because that Man is the leader, but Black Women don’t want him to do that. Black Women want to do whatever you want to do and then the Black Man is supposed to give you whatever you want. But in the words of that great blues singer, Bobby ‘Blue’ Bland, Ya’ll goin’ learn today!
Psychologist Orion: The person who builds the frame or to use my sexual Marketplace metaphor, builds the ship is the Boss or Captain. This is not always the Man, but it generally is. Why? Because it’s usually men making bids to women to enter into their lifestyles, not the other way around.
Oshay Duke Jackson: I’ll tell you why. We don’t enter into Black Women’s lifestyles for the most part, because you all’s lifestyles will be more erratic than ours. Regarding “High-Value Men” the Black Man’s lifestyle is generally more stable, it has more order that’s why women like to be in the men’s lifestyle because it’s more consistent than what you’re doing.
Psychologist Orion: However, even if you disagree with that perspective a valid retort to what was previously stated would be—Why do you feel that your boss is entitled to a higher level of respect than I am? Go hook up with that guy or see how long he puts up with your BS on his time off.
If you communicate disrespect to your Man in ways that you wouldn’t disrespect your boss, you are functionally communicating that your professional relationship with your boss is more valuable to than your intimate relationship with your Man. And maybe for you it is, and communication is appropriate, no problem. However, if it isn’t you should be aware that you may be communicating this message inadvertently.
Alright, so why is disrespecting men bad for women? We can approach the answer in two ways—in the first place a man that has any kind of self-worth whatsoever and who enjoys any kind of optionality in the sexual Marketplace will not tolerate disrespect.
*N.B.: Black Women’s Democidal Patterns of 70%—70% of Black Women are single, 70% of Black Women have had abortions, 70% of Black births are to illegitimate children, and 70% of the father’s whose names are on the birth certificate of their children ARE NOT the biological fathers of these Black Women’s children because the Black Women habitually lie to Black Men about who is the real father of their children!
*N.B.: For further readings about Margaret Sanger (1879-1966), the Founder of the militant Abortion organization, Planned Parenthood, see Pastor Clenard Childress, Jr. writes—
Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in America. 78% of their clinics are in minority communities. Blacks make up 12% of the population, but 35% of the abortions in America. Are we being targeted? Isn’t that genocide? We are the only minority in America that is on the decline in population. If the current trend continues, by 2038 the black vote will be insignificant. Did you know that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a devout racist who created the Negro Project designed to sterilize unknowing black women and others she deemed as undesirables of society? The founder of Planned Parenthood said, “Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated.” Is her vision being fulfilled today? |
Psychologist Orion: So, the woman being overtly or covertly disrespectful she may be jeopardizing what could otherwise be a fulfilling and rewarding relationship for her. That’s the obvious reason, but here’s the second reason—Disrespecting men not only threatens the women’s relationships it also threatens their positive emotionality. This is because it is not possible for a woman to love a Man she does not respect.
Black Women Allied with the Spirit of Jezebel utterly despise their Heroic Black Men who gave their lives and their sacred Honour to end Slavery [13th Amendment], obtained Due Process under the Law [14th Amendment] and the Right to Vote [15th Amendment]
Socrates: The federal government orchestrated fatherless homes through the implementation of social programs that stipulated that fathers could not live in the house with the mother and children (e.g., FDR’s “New Deal” of the 1930s, LBJ’s “Great Society” of the 1960s, Barack Obama’s “Obamacare” of the 2010s.
Connect the dots of History—Once FBI longest serving Director, J Edgar Hoover was asked, ‘What in his opinion was the single greatest threat to the United States of America?’ He responded, ‘BLACK UNITY’.
Publius: Why would an important man like the Director of the FBI say something like that?!?
Socrates: Who was the founder of America’s first spy agency, the FBI in 1908? A man named Joseph Conrad Bonaparte (1851-1921) (the grand nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821, the Tyrant of France who almost conquered all of Europe, North Africa and Russia. Thus, the founder of the FBI, Joseph Conrad Bonaparte, has the same tyrannical bloodlust as his great uncle Napoleon Bonaparte possessed. This paradox is not by accident. There is no such thing as ‘coincidence’. Understand Black America that the introduction of all social programs are simply and deliberately designed by politicians and policy makers to destroy the Black family.
Let us therefore hear the conclusion of the matter in this Symposium, “What was the difference between White Abolitionists and Black Abolitionists? – While many White Abolitionists focused only on slavery, Black Americans tended to couple anti-slavery activities with demands for racial equality and justice.”
Publius: “Why were relations between Black and White Abolitionists often tense? – Black abolitionists protested that they did not have a fair share of influence and leadership positions in the movement.”
Socrates: ‘Divide-and-Conquer’ has been a favorite tactic of Satan going all the way back to the Garden of Eden in the Bible and even earlier when Lucifer convinced one-third of the Angels to join his rebellion against God and Jesus causing ‘War in Heaven’ therefore he and his fallen angels (demons) were cast out of Heaven down to earth (and some into Hell) which became his kingdoms. *N.B.: See, Revelation 12:7-17.
Likewise the White women of the early Feminist movement—Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucy Stone, James and Lucretia Mott, initially seem to desire a amicable coalition with Frederick Douglass and the Abolitionist movement because they all opposed slavery, but did they all really oppose Slavery?
Nevertheless, as this suspect coalition grew from the late 1840s to the late 1860s it became increasingly acute that as Black men stood at the precipice of passing the Thirteenth Amendment (ratified Dec. 6, 1865)(ending Slavery), Fourteen Amendment (ratified June 13, 1866)(getting due process rights) and the Fifteenth Amendment (ratified Feb. 3, 1870)(Black Men received the right to vote). This last Amendment was the last straw for the White Feminist movement when the Black Man got the vote before THEM! The Fifteenth Amendment in particularly triggered latent racism deep down in the White woman’s collective Soul and this coalition breach with Frederick Douglass (and by association all Black people in America) was breached and would never be healed… THIS MEANS WAR!
And in the early 1900s as a new generation of feminists arose this time led by Margaret Sanger (1879-1966), Founder of Planned Parenthood, White Feminist Women would get their revenge against Frederick Douglass, the Abolitionist movement and against Black America through pushing the Democidal policy of ABORTION.
1889—Were Women Happier 41 Years later after the Founding of the American Feminist Movement at the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848?
*N.B.: 41 Years after the creation of the modern Feminist movement—In 1889, a British newspaper asked women why they were ‘spinsters’ and the responses were incredible. Meaning of Spinster.
Socrates: Enter the Black Women who by Logic and Rationality, Race and Struggle, History, Culture and Ethnicity she clearly belongs as an ally with the Black Man, however, the Black Woman has always been a Judas to the Black Man. Even at the beginning of the Feminist movement in the 1840s, 20 years before the end of Slavery the shrewd Jezebel tactics of Feminism tricked the Black Woman (as Feminists tried to do with Frederick Douglass) to join her Feminist cause at the expense of her own freedom and more importantly by committing racial treachery against her own Black brothers… A breach in the Black Family that exists TO THIS DAY!
But Malcolm X warned you on the eve of his assassination—100 years after the Civil War about the Treacherous Black people (Men and Women) who would arise, who would be allied politically with the White Democrat Party to destroy the Black Family, to destroy Black America. . . !
*N.B. Malcolm X (1925-65) was assassinated on Feb. 21, 1965 just 2 days after he gave this iconic speech excerpted in the meme above … 100 years almost to the day after the end of the Civil War!
Black Women: As Black women (to their own destruction and psychological health) we boldly state that Black Women are “divested” from Black Men, that we don’t need a Black Man, we don’t want a Black Man, and Black Women should always refuse to submit to the authority of a Black Man.
Socrates: At the same time, Black Women have increasingly deified the White Man and has chosen him (the descendant of their slavemaster oppressors for hundreds of YEARS!) as their preferred mate. This collective Psychopathy is beyond Reason and Logic which is why today in 2024 there is a growing movement of marriage age Black men choosing other non-Western women to marry, even going through great lengths to travel abroad (e.g., “Travel-Bros”, “Passport Bros”) to find a suitable, quite, obedient, submissive wife who won’t war against him and War against the Black Man’s Hopes and Dreams in Life all the time.
*N.B.: This meme above applies to Christianity vs. Feminism (which postures as championing “Equal Rights”, but in Reality is the Spirit of Jezebel – a controlling, succubus spirit) which in the end for those who embrace this Weltanschauung (worldview) will only deliver Destruction, Loneliness and Death.
Publius: But Socrates what was the ultimate cause of the destruction of the Black Family and why was FBI Director Herbert Hoover’s greatest fear for America “Black Unity”?
Socrates: Black Unity has always been America’s greatest fear and that’s why all of America’s institutions War against Black America to this day. Thus, the main cause of the breakdown of the Black Family isn’t poverty, ignorance and crime as academics have theorized for over 150 years, but the Judas of the Black Family is it’s very matriarch… the Black Feminist Woman and until she learns to submit to her Black Man, the Black Family is doomed to the abyss and the Black Woman is doomed in the words of Relationship Expert, Kevin Samuels—Black Women who refuse to submit to the authority of a High-Value Man are doomed to live the rest of her pitiful life with a bunch of cats and …”TO DIE ALONE …”
Accountable Commentary: If she [Black Women] rejects you in her prime [giving her body to ‘Pookies’ and ‘Rae-Raes’], don’t choose her [Black Women] in her decline.
Category: Commentary