Symposium—Narrative of a World War I Jewish Lawyer finding Jesus Christ the Real Messiah

| June 24, 2024
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Socrates (470-399 B.C.) was a famous Greek philosopher from Athens who taught Plato, and Plato taught Aristotle, and Aristotle taught Alexander the Great. Socrates created the concept of convening a “Symposium” for his students as a modus operandi for developing a simple but cleverly profound method of teaching by asking penetrating, revelatory, and psychologically probing questions. The Greeks called this form,  Dialectic – starting from a thesis or question, then discussing ideas and moving back and forth between points-of-view to determine how well ideas stand up to critical review with the ultimate principle of the dialogue being Veritas – Truth.



Publius {Stone, a precocious and devoted young student of Socrates}

Jewish Lawyer: {Atheist Jewish lawyer who in the aftermath of World War I and the privation and hyperinflation of the Weimar Republic found the real Messiah Jesus Christ}

Jesus Christ 

Professor Allan Bloom (1930-92) {Legendary and iconoclastic Philosopher, Classicist, and History Professor at the University of Chicago}

About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School for 1 year (1988-89) with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama, (b. 1960 – d. 09/29/2019), a Rothschild and a blood grandson of the German NAZI dictator, Adolph HITLER! – but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia and Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted since 1989 – for over 35 yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why? To avenge Harvard University’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}. 

How do We the People escape the 150-year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Death certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold and trading people’s identities like animals on Wall Street) and Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, Death Taxes, Fiat or Counterfeit currency not based on Gold or Silver, but based on NOTHING! 

Cui bono?– Who benefits? Why are all national currencies of the world promiscuously printed at will by the Rothschild Central Bankers? Is it to fund perpetual False Flag Wars while keeping the entire world enslaved inside an existential – Birth-School-Labor-Taxes-Debts-Retirement-Death cycle of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021)? Further answers can be learned by reading, studying and sharing the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog that has just surpassed 24 million and on FacebookTwitter/X— #JesusIsGod (Isaiah 9:6) #DCActof1871


For unto us a child is born [= JESUS], unto us a son is given [= CHRIST]: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father [Jesus = GOD], The Prince of Peace. 

Isaiah 9:6 (740-700 B.C.)

He came onto His own, and His own received him not. But as many as received Him, to them gave He the power to become the Sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.

~ John 1:11-12


Prologue—A Jew Meets Jesus – Self Denial Channel (March 30, 2024)

Socrates: We are gathered here today at my Symposium to discuss this moral paradox which is a dialectical dilemma – Can a Man change his Worldview or transfigure his human nature to be considered sinless and acceptable to God though faith in the redeeming blood of Jesus Christ? The transcript narrative below is from a YouTube channel by Self Denial (aka Peniel Ngonde Ministries) titled, “A Jew Meets Jesus.” This short testimony of how a young Jewish Lawyer of an atheist belief was led in despair to find out who the real Jewish Messiah was due the first World War (1914-18) in Germany followed by record-levels of economic privation and poverty, job losses and hyperinflation during the feckless and doomed government of the Weimar Republic (1918-33).

Publius: Professor Socrates, what is the answer to your dialectical question stated above – Yes or No?

Socrates: How long have you studied with me, Publius to know that dialectical questions are by their nature very complex and have many layers and sub-questions, technical deviations and analytical answers that are dependent on how a person addresses the initial question or how  unforeseen circumstances could possibly dictate future responses and events.

Publius: But how can human nature change? Isn’t human nature fixed and irrevocable? I remember once Professor Socrates that you told your students about a prophet from the Bible who queried – “Can a leopard change his spots”? 

Socrates: Indeed, however the ultimate meaning and truth behind the prophet Jeremiah’s words is  this – Can Mankind conspicuously change his nature to comply with God’s perfect will and mandated Holiness? This is one of the great paradoxes of humanity through the Ages—Can Man change his Human Nature to comply with God’s degree of perfect holiness through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ? If yes, then why is human history filled with so few examples of truly Christian people conquering sin and overcoming the world? If no, then did Jesus Christ die in vain and all of Humanity therefore according to the Word of God is doomed to suffer perpetual Death in Hell and after the Final Judgement, eternal damnation in the Lake of Fire with Satan and all his demons? 

{Location: Berlin, Germany – Weimar Republic just before the outbreak of World War I (circa Jan. 1914)}

Jewish Lawyer: I was spiritually poor. I took my doctoral degree and established myself as a lawyer. I met a nice young woman and after some time I asked her to marry me. She came from a Catholic family. When her priest heard that she would like to marry a Jew he threatened her with excommunication. Her parents also strongly resisted this news. When she came to me in tears, I said we are both intellectuals and don’t need religion. Let us only keep philosophical principles from now on. She followed her heart and to my great joy she agreed to marry. Now we had each other and that was all that we needed.

My business grew fast and materially we lacked nothing; spiritually however, we were poor, blind and naked longing for rest. In Germany at that time, it was common to belong to a church – religious or not. My wife told me how embarrassed she would feel at times because she belonged nowhere. I liked to see her completely happy and agreed to join something. In the synagogue however she noticed that the Jewish traditions were meaningless for her, and I from my side couldn’t agree with the Roman Catholic teachings. My heart cried for something. A desire grew within me for peace and rest.

Socrates: This first part of the Jewish lawyer’s testimony about how he discovered the real Messiah Jesus Christ is set in early 1914 – at the dawn of two momentous events—1) his graduation from law school and the beginning of his legal career as a lawyer; 2) the beginning of World War 1 that would start in Germany, but would soon ravage most of Europe. 

This “secular” worldview embraced by this Jewish lawyer was not uncommon in German society in the early 1900s. The German worldview at this time and virtually going back to the reign of Germany’s first Chancellor, Otto von Bismarck (1871-90) who radically transformed and modernized German society and brought many technical and innovative aspects to German culture and society so much so that by the end of the nineteenth century the world considered Germany as the singularly greatest and intellectual, most economically wealthy country in Europe with had the best quality of life in the world. Life was good, vocational advancements and opportunities abounded for those who were willing to work hard which is what this young Jewish man had done. Now he wanted to share the fruits of his labors and get married finding a nice, young beautiful girl to marry, but there was one problem – he was Jewish and she was Catholic. 

No problem, since they were both “intellectuals” religion would only have a utilitarian or perfunctory position in their lives. They didn’t need religion, God or Jesus. This arrogant, overconfident Jewish lawyer had a growing and successful law practice. What did this young, enterprising Jewish lawyer need a God for to fulfill their wants and needs? This Jewish lawyer worshipped at the altar of his own skills and abilities to get money. . . but War was on the horizon!

If you understand real History of Humanity you realize that War was always on the horizon for that’s how shadowy powers like these have seized power and controlled the world for thousands of years—13 Royal Families of the Illuminati, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Bilderbergs, Freemasons, Rosicrucians. The Vatican, the British Royals and Royal Families of Europe, Council of 13, Committee of 300, Club of Rome, Skull and Bones, Council on Foreign Relations, World Economic Forum, United Nations, DAVOS, etc. . . In other words, History = Hegelian Dialectic = Perpetual War – Mass Slavery – Democide.


Jewish Lawyer: In July 1914 World War I broke out and Germany was plunged into misery. In 1922 Germany’s money lost its value. When I realized I had lost all of my money I suffered a nervous breakdown. A neighbor was concerned with my spiritual condition and often visited me. Against my will he left a New Testament. One day after some time I started to read it. Immediately I was extremely fascinated by the wondrous words. I had always thought that this book taught the people to hate the Jews, but now I noticed to my surprise the opposite. Prayer out to the depths At that time I was a physical and spiritual wreck lost in utter despair at times. I saw suicide as the only solution.


*N.B.: Circa 1923 – {top} German lawyer or businessman leaving the bank with a wheelbarrow full of money to buy bread for his family during the record level privation, economic depression and hyperinflation of the Weimar Republic (1918-33).

“ALL WARS ARE [ROTHSCHILD] Banker WARS”—The Genocide and Chaos of World War I (1914-18) and the subsequent Treaty of Versailles (June 28, 1919) designed to extremely punish Germany led to the Hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic of Germany (1918-33) that caused World War II, the rise of Adolph Hitler and his Third Reich (1933-45), the Holocaust, resulting in the collapse of Europe and much of the world becoming chattel and debt slaves of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia.

Socrates: What are the logical comparisons and consequences we can understand between the economic, moral and intellectual devolution of Germany under the Weimar Republic that ushered in the National Socialism of Adolf Hitler and a post-Ronald Reagan America (since 1990), that perpetuated the Democratic Socialism of Wilson, FDR and LBJ, which eventually ushered in the Age of Obama (2008-17)?

Professor Allan Bloom (d. 1992), author of the modern-day prophecy “The Closing of the American Mind” (1987), did not know Barack Obama, but as a prophet to the academy, Bloom foretold that intellectually decadent societies like Revolutionary France (1789-99), the Weimar Republic (1918-33) and America were ripe for demagogic radicals to fill the moral vacuum inside the souls of Europeans and Americans.

Professor Allan Bloom:

“But the Weimar Republic, so attractive in its left-wing version to Americans, also contained intelligent persons, who were attracted, at least in the beginning, to fascism, for reasons very like those motivating the Left ideologues, reflections on autonomy and value creation. Once one plunges into the abyss, there is no assurance whatsoever that equality, democracy or socialism will be found on the other side. At very best, self-determination is indeterminate. … Both [Heidegger and Nietzsche] helped to constitute that ambiguous Weimar atmosphere in which liberals looked like simpletons and anything was possible for people who sang of the joy of the knife in cabarets.”

*N.B.: Allan Bloom, The Closing of the American Mind (1987), p. 154.

Publius: With World War I breaking out in Germany by July 1914, the very country where this young Jewish lawyer and his young wife lived and throughout all of Europe, how were they able to survive such Biblical level privation and social upheaval?

Socrates: War like cancer often breaks out in a living host without notice. People lived their lives the best they could under the circumstances. Their leaders lied to the people when they told them that this would be a short war that would last between 18 months to 2 years… World War I lasted over 4 years and had more casualties than virtually all the previous wars combined – An entire generation of men were forever democided, decimated by this first modern war of the early twentieth century. Quantifying the level of catastrophe is not easily known or appreciated…even to this day.

Of course, 1914 was 11 years before the rise of Adolph Hitler and his Nazi Third Reich who would raise their demonic head in 1925, consolidating his power President and Chancellor in 1933, nevertheless, this was the era of the Weimar Republic and people lived in wartime Germany with a stiff resolve and stoic demeanor to get through the food rationings and night time bombing campaigns the best way they could.  Nevertheless, how can an Atheist Jewish Lawyer reconcile his unbelief in God in the face of overwhelming war atrocities and mass deaths, privation, disease, rising unemployment and food shortages? Yet our Jewish lawyer would soon come face-to-face with his own Day of Reckoning.

Jewish Lawyer: One evening I became horrified by the darkness in my soul. For the first time in my life, I kneeled down in my room to pray. With a loud voice I cried out, ‘O God! Is Jesus our Messiah’? I need to know. I cannot say how long I kept crying to him in tears but suddenly there was a radiant light. It seemed stronger than the sun, but the glow didn’t hurt my eyes and was not dazzling. I was shocked, felt paralyzed and couldn’t keep my eyes off that shinning, wonderful, staggering light.

Gradually I noticed in the midst of this light a figure of indescribably beauty; his face beamed with infinite compassion and his eyes gave me wonderful comfort. His garment was whiter than snow. He was not old although I saw in him the wisdom of Ages. He was not young, but I noticed in Him the pureness and freshness of idealistic youth. Completely  conscious I remained fascinated on my knees when to my great dismay a wonderful figure came towards me. The nearer he came to me the more fearful I became. I wanted to cry but my voice broke. Then when I laid there helplessly, he stretched out his hands, laid them on my head and spoke with a clear, warm voice the comforting words –

Jesus Christ: My child, my child, I AM the Messiah, I AM the Messiah. Believe in me, believe in me.

Jewish Lawyer: While he looked at me with great love and disappeared before my eyes. A deep silence filled the room. Remembering I was ill and had to go to bed I stood up and all the pain and [suicidal] feelings of being ill appeared to be gone. I felt completely happy. I realized that I had seen Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews, my Redeemer.

Turning point – My life changed completely. I became a new creation in Christ Jesus. In the past I was satisfied with my own good deeds, however, the more I learned and the better I tried to live the more insecure I became. I went into a terrifying Darkness until I saw Him that day and that glorious light and his pierced hands and feet. I saw my crucified King and heard his wondrous voice –

Jesus Christ: Come to me. Fear not. I have overcome the world.

Jewish Lawyer: Then I found Hope, Joy and Happiness in Jesus. I found everything that a man could ever desire. He took all of my insecurity. He forgave all my sins. He gave me a new song in my mouth. He set my feet upon the rock that I now know my hope is built solely on his blood and righteousness. I stand on the steadfast Rock; Jesus Christ and all other ground is sinking sand.


Socrates:  Let us hear the conclusion of this matter—Can a man truly change his human nature which is based on chaos and survival of the fittest, cowardice, injustice and selfishness to embrace the Holiness and Righteousness of God through faith in the redemptive death on the cross by His Son, Jesus Christ? Jesus answered this question declaring in the Gospel of Matthew, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” 

In examining the culture, society and social conditions of the Weimar Republic up to and through World War I it brings to mind two aphorisms – John Adams declared, “There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword; the other is by debt. Gregor Strasser, a Senior Nazi Party leader stated, “What was a disaster for Weimar was good, very good for us.”  The first aphorism by Adams shows how throughout history the Rothschild Central Bankers used as a Social or Philosophical Construct or False Flag Wars to plunge society or the world into chaos as a pretext to consolidate their power, control through mandating the world to use their fiat paper currency system. This is why the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Central Bankers have funded both sides of every war from the American Revolution (1775-83) and French Revolution (1789-99) to the present Russian-Ukrainian War (2022-present).


*N.B.: It is now reported by Dr. Jordan Peterson, a popular Canadian professor and public intellectual that we can conclusively prove through review of original source materials that Communism was designed from its beginnings as a form of Satanism. This is self-evident since Karl Marx was a practicing Satanist.


The second aphorism by Senior Nazi leader, Gregor Strasser, What was a disaster for Weimar was good, very good for us” demonstrates how that throughout history evil people, institutions (political, business, banking) and nations have plotted and planned to use the chaos of wartime situations for their own good. During colonial times they called these unscrupulous men “profiteers”. Thus, Strasser was essentially stating the historical truism that there could be no Nazi Third Reich or Adolph Hitler without the economic turmoil and hyperinflation of the Weimar Republic which set the stage in the minds of the German people for a New, Strong, Resolute “Further” to lead the once great German people to its rightful place has the leader of nations and reemerge as Nietzsche’s Übermenchen (e.g., Overman, Superman). To understand the History and Truth, follow the money.


The testimony of the Jewish lawyer demonstrates conclusively that his metaphysical encounter with Jesus Christ directly led to his immediate and irrevocable conversion as a Christian which led to him and possibly his wife and their children became Christians during one of the most hellish and societal upheaval times in history, but proves conclusively by this young Jewish lawyer’s testimony, that Mankind can change its nature. But not by his own power or strength, but only through the prompting of the Holy Spirit who most lead him to accept the redemptive offering of the blood of Jesus Christ which He shed not only for this Jewish lawyer, not only for the Jewish people and the Nation of Israel, but for the sins of all the people in the world. 


1.     Ellis Washington, Social-Darwinism in Nazi Family and Inheritance Law-Washington (2).pdf (2011). 

2.     Ellis Washington, An American Weimar Republic (, 2011). 

3.     Allan Bloom, The Closing of the American Mind (1987), p. 154.


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