Myths vs. Facts (Part 18) – The Impeachment of Andrew Johnson and Spiritualism’s Attack on Christianity

| October 6, 2019
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About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama for 1 year (1988-89), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted for 30+ yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why?For Harvard’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-Year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund false flag wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog with the Youth that’s nearing 20 Million views @ & on Facebook — #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

There’s been a deliberate design for years to change the natural genius of this government. This was in the Great Conspiracy as origin and history.”

  ~ President Andrew Johnson, cited in – John Hogan, The Great Conspiracy: It’s Origin and History (p. 240)

We mentioned that Thomas Paine and Benjamin Franklin brought back from Europe a decidedly anti-Christian movement that set in motion the Spiritualist movement … this steady growth in the number of domestic and foreign radicals that promoted the Illuminati agenda has gone on unabated since the birth of our nation.”

“The attack on God is in reality an attack on American liberty.”

~ Art Thompson, Myths vs. Facts, Episode 36

Prologue—President Andrew Johnson (1865-69) – The Illuminati’s First Presidential Coup d’état or De facto Assassination

Socratic Dialectical Inquiry – Is there an historical and Illuminati connection between the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson in 1868 and President Donald J. Trump in 2020?

The assassination of Abraham Lincoln (15 April 1865), occurred less than 6 weeks [42 days]! after his Second Inauguration on 4 March 1865. As expected American government, politics and society was thrown into utter chaos, confusion and nihilism. This was of course the intended purpose of the Illuminous-backed Conspiracy agents that assassinated Lincoln, mortally injured many in his Cabinet. The results were predictably catastrophic for the nation because just at the pivotal time in history when the nation needed to come together and heal itself from the Civil War (1861-65) – what was at the time the worst, highest casualties war in U.S. history – was the exact time the demonic, Illuminous organizations and their legions of well-placed, surreptitious agents activated their evil plot to assassinate Abraham Lincoln and the top members of his cabinet. A plan aimed at all, except surprisingly Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton, a Globalist and Marxist who may have in reality been one of the key Illuminous conspirators because his power would rise exponentially in the subsequent administration of Andrew Johnson (1865-69), however, that is only speculation at this point. More research is needed.

According to the Presidential Right of Succession the Vice President would immediately be sworn in as the new President of the U.S., which was Andrew Johnson. Since Andrew Johnson was targeted for assassination by the Conspiracy but escaped, the Illuminati had unfinished business with him since his policies were generally in favor of fulfilling Lincoln’s second term of unifying the Nation. Therefore, President Johnson was targeted by the Illuminati Conspiracy to be removed from office. However, two presidential assassinations within a year would have been too obvious, so the Illuminati decided to remove President Johnson from office using another one of their seven evil tactics to achieve their New World Order—they would IMPEACH him. Sounds familiar to today, doesn’t it? – with President Trump and the relentless unmerited, unconstitutional calls for President Trump’s impeachment by the CIA-“Operation Mockingbird” Fake media as we approach the landmark Elections of 2020.

Historian Art Thompson made the connection to the political obsession and existential hatred against Andrew Johnson in 1868 and Trump (possibly) in 2020 in this manner – “Now the impeachment papers of Johnson were full of the idea of a Conspiracy trying to be exposed by Johnson. He was saying that the Radical Congress was preventing the return to the peaceful Union that had existed prior to the Civil War and that an authoritarian government was planned by these congressional radicals not dissimilar to many in Congress today, right?”

Myths vs. Facts (Episode 35) – The Impeachment of Andrew Johnson


“Welcome back again this week to Myths vs. Facts.  The reason that President Andrew Johnson was impeached was because he had become an obstruction to the Conspiracy’s plans, and he was in the process of exposing what they were doing to the country. There were many things about Johnson the average modern Conservative would object to, but the man was a Patriot in spite of his failings. As Vice President, he could not see the Conspiracy in the North, but he did see it in the South in regard to the Southern conspirators. He had exposed it in January 31, 1862 quoting Johnson about the Southern Conspiracy has said this –

There’s been a deliberate design for years to change the nature and genius of this government.”
~ President Andrew Johnson

ANTIFA vs. President Andrew Johnson – 1866

“This book was written to make the case that there was a Conspiracy, but claims it was all in the South with no linkage to the Master Conspiracy out of the Illuminati. When Johnson saw the problem in the South he was elevated in the North, when he began to see it in the North he was smeared. Once he was president, within weeks Johnson started to see what was really going on and tried to expose it. He set about giving a series of speeches around the country to bring the problem to the American people with wide and enthusiastic acceptance. This was not going to be allowed by the radicals – they organized hecklers in the audience. By the time he appeared in Indianapolis the hecklers opened the meeting by tearing down the transparencies, firing shots, killing one man and wounding others, and forcing the president to quit the place without uttering a word. The impeachment papers of Andrew Johnson cited a portion of his speech that he gave on August 18, 1866. We have more on this in our book [To the Victor Go the Myths & the Monuments], but a small part of what he said was this quote—

We have seen this Congress pretend to be for the Union when it’s every step an act tended to perpet- uate disunion and make a disruption of the state’s inevitable… We have seen a Congress in a minority assume to exercise power which allowed to be consummated would result in despotism or monarchy itself.”
~ President Andrew Johnson (Aug. 16, 1866)

“Johnson was saying that the Radical Republicans were destroying the country in the aftermath of the War. Now you may wish to look up the Radical Republicans online – it will open up your eyes to a certain extent. There has been violence in New Orleans … and he addressed that as well. If you will take up the riot at New Orleans and trace it back to its source, you will find out who was responsible for the blood that was shed there. If you’ll take up the Riot at New Orleans and trace it back to the Radical Congress you will find that the riot at New Orleans was substantially planned – this according to Johnson. Now the impeachment papers of Johnson were full of the idea of a Conspiracy trying to be exposed by Johnson. He was saying that the Radical Congress was preventing the return to the peaceful Union that had existed prior to the Civil War and that an authoritarian government was planned by these congressional radicals – not dissimilar to many in Congress today, right?

Stanton & Schiff: Conspiracist, Socialist Demagogues (then and now) Against President’s Andrew Johnson & Donald Trump

“This was in league with Edwin Stanton and was one of the reasons Johnson fired Stanton as Secretary of War. The quotes from Johnson’s speeches were used to make it appear that Johnson was unstable and a conspiracy theorist. The general theme against Johnson was that it was just silly to believe that conspirators and government and the army would contrive to start a riot in New Orleans as an excuse to bring about an authoritarian rule; he must be drunk. Even today, school histories talk about the idea that Johnson was a drunkard. This smear was widely spread during Johnson’s life.”

“Johnson showed his naivety by asking Carl Schurz to tour the South and come up with a plan for rebuilding the South. Schurz returned with a plan for land reform that would have made Mao Zedong proud; Johnson rejected it. Rebuilding the South was not in the plan of the Radicals. To them Reconstruction was needed to change the pesky Southerners from demanding adherence to the Constitution. It was to be the elimination of the Old Social Order, not simply the elimination of slavery – that had already been done. Land reform was to be part of the scheme and laid the foundation to totally socialize the South.  Johnson rejected the recommendation although he had been a supporter of land reform years before. He had even been considered as a candidate for land reform on their ticket years before. His rejection of the Schurz Plan was a shock to the land reform Socialists. Congress however ordered 100,000 copies of the Schurz’s report to be printed and distributed. It became an important tool of the Radical Republicans. Such a book today would be 1,300,000 copies in today’s demographics.”

President Johnson Survives Unconstitutional Impeachment by the Radical Republicans

“Impeachment and then a trial before the Senate was instigated by the Radical Republicans, but Johnson survived. One of the reasons that Johnson was not found guilty in his trial before the Senate was that some Senators did not want to see Benjamin Wade made President. Wade would have succeeded Johnson under the rules of succession at the time. Wade was a radical of the Radicals – one of Lincoln’s secretaries, John Hay, referred to the radical leaders in their Republican Congress as the Jacobin Club which included Wade. Wade supported all of the Socialist agenda at the time. At the beginning of the War a Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War was formed with Wade as Chairman. This committee hauled up general officers before it if they lost a battle or seemed to be moving too slowly and then punished them accordingly with the blessings of Stanton. The pressure to find Johnson guilty was immense the tactic of depriving members of Congress their seats was used if they were suspected of wanting to vote for Johnson. The Senators who did not vote Johnson guilty suffered socially in business and were driven out of politics by a concerted program against them. Even though Johnson was not found guilty he became a lame-duck president.”

“If Johnson would have won his battle with the radicals, it is improbable that the Constitution would have been amended as it was over the next few years – no Reconstruction with the thought the South escaping ten years of harsh treatment. Arrests of private individuals were common enough and served as examples to all that resistance to the United States Army was forbidden. Even with the pen of editors or judges with court writs during this post-war decade came under the sword of the Army. In areas occupied by the Army – both in the North, but especially the South, newspapers would not allow freedom of press or judges the ability to uphold the US Constitution now that they were supposedly back under its authority. The only real Authority was the radicals backed up by the War Department.”

“Part of the deal in giving the Election of 1876 to Rutherford Hayes rather than Samuel Tilton in the electoral college tie was the promise to withdraw the Army from the South and allow local government to once again operate – as a result, things began to function more normally. Due to the adverse rule of the Radical Republicans the political situation in the Southern states became known as the ‘Solid South’ where voters supported the Democrat Party and rejected the Republican Party. It was not until the election of 1964 that any areas of the South started to vote Republican – 100 years later. Next week will take a course change and discuss the influence of the Spiritualist movement.”

Myths vs. Facts (Episode 36) – Spiritualism: Attack on Christianity


“Welcome back again this week to Myths vs. Facts. The next couple of episodes are going to be a bit bizarre and for many people very difficult to believe. As we have said there have been many books written placing blame on one thing or another as the cause of the Civil War. We recall reading in the late 1980s as part of researching our book in the Haze-Kansas Public Library a very old book written shortly after or near the end of the Civil War. It was written by a pastor who said, “It was God’s punishment on the United States for deviating from God’s Word” – that is the Civil War. Without understanding where he was coming from one would think he was a tent revivalist who had a tendency to exaggerate.”

“The problem Today is that most Americans have no idea of the rise of the anti-Christian and anti-God movement that existed since the beginning of our country. We mentioned that Thomas Paine and Benjamin Franklin brought back from Europe a decidedly anti-Christian movement that set-in motion the Spiritualist movement and as seldom mentioned in our history books. Domestically, this steady growth in the number of domestic and foreign radicals that promoted the Illuminati agenda has gone on unabated since the birth of our nation. Several American political parties have come and gone as a result. Due to the anti-Christian agenda as one of the main thrusts of this Radicalism – Transcendentalism, Deism and Spiritualism came on the scene decades before the Civil War and had a huge influence on the established Christian denominations. Spiritualism had grown so influential just before the War that there were religious leaders who blamed it for the War as they saw it from their angle. As the example we cited above shows from their viewpoint Spiritualism played the major part in bringing about the War. You cannot blame them for thinking that way and the way they did because Spiritualism had a large following prior to the War and only grew larger after the War.”

Unitarianism – Original Social Justice Warriors, or a Real Church?

“We have stated that we did not want to get into denominationalism and how some churches have succumbed to Illuminism feeling that it was best left to the reader and viewer once they understood the Illuminous agenda to decide for themselves relative to any particular church. We will use only one example as we do in the book – that the Unitarian Church. In the beginning was not as radical as it became, and while it was only an example we shall use, it is by no means the only one. It was the work of Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-82), a Unitarian minister educated by Edward Everett (1794-1865), and ever since friends – that changed the sacraments, boiled down the very essence of Christianity into something called “god”, but in the steam boiled off Christ and became centers for the socialization [Socialism] of America.”

“Most Christians today look upon this denomination as more of a Community Action organization [e.g., SJW, Social Justice Warriors] than a church. It is not unusual for them to provide a platform for the Communist agenda in their community. Emerson’s poetry was well accepted by the American people during his lifetime as well as today. Who would not be stirred by his poem etched on the pedestal of the Minuteman statue at the Concord Bridge?

“As a result of this status and the promotion of his reputation by Socialist leaders such as Horace Greeley and George Henry Evans, his organizing and other writings did great harm [to American society]. There are historians who claim that Emerson was an anti-Socialist. The reality was that he worked with them his entire life in organizations and causes in support of a variety of Socialist initiatives. Emerson himself said

I honor the generous ideas of the Socialists, the magnificence of their theories, and the enthusiasm with which they have been urged.”
~ The Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson:  Lectures
and biographical sketches

“Now we see these things happening in regard to Emerson and in addition, Emerson lauded the key Carbonari and Marxist revolutionaries of the day. Indeed, Emerson’s experience in Europe during the 1848 Revolutions moved him into the role of a radical revolutionary in the pre-Civil War decade. Emerson was an important leader in the agenda against God and this was the man we were required to read and look up to in our English classes when I went to school. The blatant attacks against God were not as successful as the more subtle, but the blatant attack served to make the subtle seem moderate and reasonable [e.g., Overton Window]. It was the technique of patient Gradualism steadily eroding the organized Christian faith. Religious leaders who were part of the Conspiracy promoted the idea that Christianity was Socialism. That to be a good Christian, you had to be a Socialist.”

“Now John Humphrey Noyes (1811-86), first cousin of President Rutherford Hayes, was a believer in Spiritualism or belief in communication with the spirit world [e.g., Necromancy]. And Noyes said this belief was essential to the religious liberty of community. Noyes founded the Communist commune called Oneida and Noyes called the “communication with the heavens the Palladium of conservatism” in the introduction of The New Social Order, when Noyes was first ordained as a minister, he climbed into the pulpit and claimed – “I am perfect” – the church expelled him at the age of 23 as you can well imagine. Noyes called his movement “Perfectionism”. It was by no means confined to a small commune. For instance, Garrison the Abolitionist leader was an ardent member of this group. By 1861, they were calling their system “Communism”. Charles Guiteau, who assassinated President Garfield was also part of this group. As we said the anti-Christian movement moved down two roads the total rejection of religion that in other words, the Radical, and to the more subtle method of moving people a step at a time towards total rejection, or the Moderate, they were both scheduled to arrive at the same destination just by different routes – you take high road and I’ll take the low road.”

Illuminous Manchurian Candidate Alert! — Assassin of President Garfield (2 July 1881): Charles Guiteau (1841-81) doubtlessly triggered after joining the utopian religious Illuminati-infiltrated sect the Oneida Community, in Oneida, New York (1860). Later he was associated with the radical Communist newspaper publisher, Horace Greeley. “By 1875, Guiteau’s father was convinced that his son was possessed by Satan.” [Wiki]

“Without exposing the agenda but having it as a natural byproduct of their design was the subtle rejection that as our Declaration of Independence proclaims – Our Rights come from God. By rejecting God and thereby the source of our rights, the State, is substituted in his place and thus our rights are granted by the State as in all countries around the globe. At the time where government usually through a king with divine right grants the people’s rights or takes them away. It is so important that this founding principle of God-given rights be understood, or we will lose our freedom. The attack on God is in reality an attack on American liberty. We have included only a couple of examples of pre-War Spiritualism, the attack on God, and the purpose of this agenda. We will begin to really show its influence next week. The names will surprise you.”

Epilogue—2020 Conspiracy Coup Plot? – Impeach Trump before he releases the FISA Memo Damning all Democrat Leaders as Traitors

Thompson writes that President “Johnson was saying that the Radical Republicans were destroying the country in the aftermath of the War.” When he went down to New Orleans to give a speech exposing this treachery by the Republican Party, he was met with an 1860s version of ANTIFA (a modern day Nazi Brownshirt, Illuminous group sponsored by Billionaire Leftist, George Soros). These GOP-organized thugs shot nearly a dozen people, killing one, and caused such mayhem that the Illuminati’s result was achieved – President Johnson was prevented from giving that public speech exposing the Conspiracy that would destroy America by turning this into a Socialist nation and become part of the Illuminati, Globalist One-World Government or New World Order.

As I have stated many times in this lecture review essay of Art Thompson’s book, “Since 1 May 1776, for over 240 years the Illuminati always infiltrates all sides of a Conspiracy to ensure Victory! They did it with their first Revolution infiltration of 1776—the American Revolution (1775-83) where Founding Fathers and Continental allies like Washington, Franklin, Gen. Lafayette, Jefferson, Paine, Clymer were either Illuminati or whose actions bore the goals of the Illuminous agents and organizations.” Likewise, we witness this repeat of history regarding the Impeachment of President Andrew Johnson (15 Feb. 1868) mirrored 152 years later with the attempted impeachment of President Donald J. Trump before the Election of 2020. Why? Because both men were not of the Deep State Socialist establishment. Both Johnson and Trump were statesmen – men of peace who eschewed war and societal chaos as a pretext for tyrannical rule – whose Machiavellian designs by fomenting Civil War was as a pretext to turn the U.S.A. into the U.S.S.A. (e.g., United Socialist States of America).

Ever since Trump first announced his candidacy to run for president when he came down the escalator at Trump Tower on 15 June 2015, the Deep State Illuminati has been trying to destroy this American Nationalist and Patriot and use all its treacherous powers to prevent him from becoming the 45th POTUS. It didn’t work. Fast forward 4 years later and Trump has been president for 2½ years and after the failure of Special Counsel Mueller Investigation to find Trump-Russia collusion or Trump-Russia Obstruction of Justice, or the Democrat’s latest Conspiracy lately – Trump-Ukraine Collusion as a pretext for Impeachment without even the pretense of a legitimate constitutional foundation.

Exhibit One: Rep. Adam Schiff – “If we don’t learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it,” were the prescient words of philosopher, George Santayana. Thus, as we approach the critical Election of 2020 next year, history is indeed repeating itself with unanimous cries of IMPEACHMENT from the Democrat Socialist Party. Why? Democrat demagogues like Rep. Schiff (like the Illuminati did to Johnson 150 years before) are trying to pervert Trump’s foreign policy conversation with Volodymyr Zelensky, the new reformist Prime Minister of Ukraine. Trump responded to Schiff’s treasonous attempt to set the stage in Congress to impeach him via an unconstitutional coup d’état via Twitter–

Trump (unlike President Johnson) never hesitates to go on the offensive and always answers his political enemies’ false charges with concise truths via his deadly effective Twitter account. One Tweet he responded to a floor speech Rep. Schiff made regarding the grounds to impeach Trump based on the false Trump-Ukraine lie that Trump was withholding foreign aid from Ukraine until they gave him political dirt on Joe Biden and his son, Hunter regarding his unearned seat on the board of a Ukrainian gas company – a position which Hunter Biden had no expertise in which his father, Joe Biden, then Vice President, used undue influence to threaten to withhold billions in foreign aid if they didn’t put his son on the board. Thus, the Democrats are exhibiting classic Freudian Psychological Projection and Transference mental disorders in an failed effort to blame and frame President Trump for what they (the Democrats) are guilty of before the world.

Trump on the other hand by any rational reading of the U.S./Ukraine transcript of the conversation between President Trump and Prime Minister Zelensky demonstrates that he is completely operating within his Article 2 Powers as the Commander-and-Chief of the United States of America.

President Trump Strategy – Keep your Friends close, and your Enemies Closer

Finally, Trump like Lincoln and Johnson seemingly made the political blunder of staffing his cabinet with hated enemies who would secretly undermine his administration, but while his enemies are playing checkers, Trump is playing 3-dimensional chess – President Trump Strategy – Keep your Friends close, and your Enemies Closer. He never makes unwise appointments. For example, on the surface it seems like John Bolton, a war hawk was a bad choice for Director of National Intelligence since Trump was an avowed Statesman that loathed Globalist/New World Order/Illuminati wars which in the past cost needless American lives, trillions of dollars and our geopolitical position oversees was usually worse than when these misguided wars began. In reality, Trumps appointment of Bolton ferreted out other war hawks whom Bolton consulted, so when Bolton was sacked, Trump was able to make purges of other war hawks embedded in his administration as Obama-Clinton-Bush stay-behind sabotage networks.

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky (right) at the headquarters of the United Nations on September 25, 2019. Valery Sharifulin/TASS/Getty Images

Suggested Readings:

  1. G. Ward Hubbs, Search for Freedom After the Civil War: Klansman, Carpetbagger, Scalawag, and Freedman (2015), xi-xii.
  2. Arkon Daraul, A History of Secret Societies  (Citadel Press: 1961, 1989), 109-110 (Totenbund – the Death League).
  3. Robert Denney, The Civil War Years (Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., NY, 1992).
  4. Marx and Engels, The Civil War in the United States (International Publishers, New World Paperback Ed., 1937).
  5. Art Thompson, To the Victor Go the Myths & the Monuments (John Birch Society, 2016). See sections on Bickley, George, 281, 463; Brown, John, 274-77; 290-302; Darwin, Charles, 291, 409, 467; Darwinism, 225, 341, 408, 419; Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 10, 47-52; Garrison, Wm. Lloyd, xxxiv, xxxix, 187, 188, 191, 197, 209, 262, 268, 269, 272; Greeley, Horace, xxix, xxxi, 36, 48, 76, 102, 121; Lincoln, Abraham, xiv, 16, 102, 140, 222, 246, 261, 262, 285, 296, 319; Hinton, Richard J., 293, 297, 307; Hoar, Ebenezer, 287, 395, 410; Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 26, 48, 192, 193, 269, 304; Kagi, John H., 297; Pinkerton, Alan, 287, 300, 352, 422; Russell, Wm., 26, 198, 287, 288, 291, 424; Thoreau, Henry David, 38, 218; Turners, 27, 170, 245, 340-45; Sumner, Charles (Senator), 28, 47, 49, 192, 238, 244; White, Andrew Dickenson, 26, 50, 51, 258; Wolf’s Head, 28, 171; Interesting Rosicrucian flowcharts/Conspirators – Council of Three – including Abraham Lincoln, 14-16; American Intellectual Conspirators, 52; Illuminati hierarchy flowcharts, 47-48, 221 (many names).
  6. John Robinson, Proofs of A Conspiracy ([1797], John Birch Society, 1967 ed.). 
  7. Augustin Barruel, Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, ([1797], 2002 ed.). Cited by Thompson in his book, To the Victor…, pp. xxxii, 6, 8, 9, 63, 481.
  8. Bill Federer, Yale President Battles French Illuminati, (01/10/2015).
  9. Ellis Washington, The Progressive Revolution—Vol. II: 2009 Writings—[History of] Liberal Fascism through the Ages (University Press of America, 2013), p. 28 on the Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831) and Worcester v. Georgia 1832) Supreme Court cases.
  10. _____________, 1918-2018—100 Years of UnNatural Law of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, 9 Faulkner Law Review No. 1, 209 (Fall 2017), pp. 171-226.
  11. _____________, The Inseparability of Law and Morality: The Constitution, Natural Law and the Rule of Law, University Press of America (2002), Chaps. 10-12 (Reply to Judge Richard A. Posner…), 233-326.
  12. ______________, Why Does the Left So Hate America?, (2015).
  13. Dinesh D’Souza, The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left (2017).
  14. Dr. Dave Janda, President Trump Exposes the Deep State Fraud,, Operation Freedom (June 18, 2019).
  15. Thanks to Peniel Ngonde whose Christian videos on Civil War General and 33rd Degree Freemason icon, Albert Pike is very important to exposing this lost, perverted Civil War history that so affects U.S. today.
  16. Joseph Holt, Report of the Judge Advocate General on “The Order of American Knights,” alias “The Sons of Liberty.” A Western Conspiracy in aid of the Southern Rebellion (Washington, D.C.: Union Congressional Committee, 1864).

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