Myths vs. Facts (Part 13) – Build up to the Civil War: Who is to Blame?

| August 8, 2019
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About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama for 1 year (1988-89), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted for 30+ yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why?For Harvard’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-Year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund false flag wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog with the Youth that’s nearing 20 Million views @ & on Facebook — #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

“But, to protect men, we must have the power of controlling them. We must first enslave them before we can protect them.”

~ George Fitzhugh, Sociology for the South or the Failure of Free Society (1854)

“[T]he wing comprising the Communist apparatus of the [Civil War] Conspiracy founded the Republican Party.”

~ Art Thompson, Myths vs. Facts, Episode 26

Prologue to a New World Order: 1850-2020

Socratic Dialectical Inquiry – What was the driving force behind the War Between the States or the Civil War? – Slavery? Societal inequality between the races? Gender inequality? Economic inequality between the poor agrarian South vs. the progressive Industrial North? No! Was it $$$ and control of the U.S. money supply?

Irish-English Playwright, George Bernard Shaw had a famous aphorism attributed to him but coined by the French Critic, Alphonse Karr—”The more things change, the more they remain the same.” Thus, just like the American Revolution (1775-83), that birthed America under the Common Law, Natural Law and Natural Rights, and the French Revolution (1789-1800) that birthed modern Europe under Humanism and Hegelian Dialectical Materialism, Moral Relativism, Evolution Atheism and Marxist Communism, since that time, the devil in the details funding BOTH sides of every major war has been the Rothschild Banking Elites together with the Illuminati and it’s legions of allied Illuminous Banks, Armies, Government Agencies, Crony Courts/Judges, Traitorous Politicians, Institutions, Secret Societies, the Vatican and Religious Cults). The revelatory meme below succinctly codifies this hidden and perverted History: “The American Civil War was engineered by the Rothschild Banking Elite. The Rothschild’s used a divide-and-conquer strategy to take America by creating a conflict between the North and the South.

  • The North was to be a British colony, annexed to Canada and under the control of Lionel Rothschild. (Union Flag)
  • The South was to be a French colony, given to Napoleon III of France and under the control of James Rothschild. (Confederate Flag)
  • Abraham Lincoln opposed this destruction of America by issuing the ‘Greenback’ to fund its defense against the international bankers.
  • Lincoln’s interest-free Greenbacks were later redeemable in gold. Government-printed Greenbacks to fund the Civil War apart from the Rothschild Banking Cartels.
  • The Bankers wouldn’t stand for this. 5 days after the South surrendered on April 14, 1865, Lincoln was assassinated the next day by John Wilkes Booth, a member of The Knights of the Golden Circle (a forerunner of the Klu Klux Klan founded 9 months later by Confederate Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest on the day after Christmas, Dec. 25, 1865).
  • *N.B.: Answer to my Socratic Dialectical inquiry above = The Rothschild Banking Cartels and the Illuminati New World Order Network – ‘Slavery’ was NOT the driving force behind the War. The primary issue, as with all wars, was that of who would profit from this Civil War, e.g., who controlled the banks and the money supply?

Myths vs. Facts (Episode 25) – Build up to the Civil War: Who is to Blame?


“Welcome back again this week to Myths vs. Facts. We’ve been discussing the idea of blame for secession, and as we’ve stated the blame for Secession and the war is laid on the South today, but the blame could just as well have been placed on the North. There is an example after example in my book, To the Victor Go the Myths & the Monuments, of the people in the North who said secession was legitimate and more or less encouraged this move, but who became rabid Unionists once the Secession began. In all of these cases they were part of the Illuminous movements that came out of the second and third generation of organizations descendent from the Illuminati.”

“The anti-slavery movement was very large in the North. For instance, the American Anti-slavery Society of Garrison began early on to have seventy full time agents traveling the country forming chapters of the Anti-slavery Society. (You could imagine the cost of 70 full time agents). The organization had 250,000 members at one time with 2,000 local chapters and 20 journals. This is considerable influence and it would be the equivalent of over 10 million members today when measured by today’s level of population. This level of influence, keep in mind, was confined to the Northern states – less than half of the nation at the time. You can imagine the level of influence such an organization would have over states above the Mason-Dixon line today and no further West than Wisconsin with 10 million members.”

“Under the presidency of Wendell Phillips, the Anti-slavery Society became what was known as a Come-Outer movement. After the War, Phillips would join the newly formed Communist’s First Internationale. This was the type of leadership of this very large organization. Now Come-Outers believe that the Constitution is pro-slavery, therefore its destruction and the Union along with it, was desired. Again, no real talk of amending, they simply wanted to do away with the Constitution itself from the very beginning of the American Anti-slavery Society. Its leaders in the North advocated disunion of the United States. Recall that of William Garrison’s Abolitionist newspaper, The Liberator had on its masthead – Our country is the world – Our countrymen are mankind.”

By 1842, The Liberator also was using its motto –

“A repeal of the Union between Northern liberty and Southern slavery is essential to the abolition of the one and the preservation of the other.”

Why did so many American’s reject the Abolitionist Movement?

“The key words are a repeal of the Union – in other words Garrison never hid the end he had in mind – this union of the United States. This is why so many Americans rejected the Abolitionist program it wasn’t they were against slavery they were opposed to the leaders working to abolish the United States in the process and did not want the baggage that came with their program – the dissolution of the country and the Constitution. In January 1857, a Disunion Convention was held in Wooster, Massachusetts. In attendance were some of the Socialist and Anti-slavery leaders including John Brown, the terrorist. James Redpath covered the convention for the New York Tribune. It was Redpath who helped the public build-up of John Brown into a hero. After the convention Redpath went to Kansas to ride with another Abolitionist army terrorizing the countryside.”

“After the Civil War Redpath started a very successful speaker’s bureau to propagandize the people. Some of his speakers were vastly entertaining, but within the stable of speakers were men and women who were leaders in the Socialist agenda. My book contains all matter of quotes from Liberal clergy and politicians in the North who wanted to dissolve the United States and then switched immediately after the war started. I will stick with Wendell Phillips as an example however here. Early in the War he still advocated the disillusion of the country and gave a speech saying so. It was printed in the London Times entitled, “Disunion”. Just three months later Phillips gave a sermon supporting the war effort to preserve the Union on April 21, 1861. The Conspiracy got their war, now is the time to fight it.”

“There were many Republicans that promoted the idea of separation of the two sections of the country before the War commenced. It was so bad that after the War, it led the Democrat Party to publish the Democratic Speaker’s Handbook for Democratic candidates to use against Republicans for bringing about the War. It contained example after example of Republicans who acted as hypocrites relative to their position before the War and how they switched once the War started. Perhaps the worst case was Edwin Stanton, who served on the State’s Rights Cabinet of Buchanan as Attorney General. He was for Secession until after the election of Lincoln, when he switched sides and wormed his way into the Lincoln cabinet as Secretary of War. Once the War had started, Stanton would oversee the largest buildup of Communists in the federal government and the military. We will get into this in another segment, very important information. Meanwhile, there were agitators in the South. We’ve documented this in an earlier segment but there were those who promoted the idea that not only were the slaves inferior, but what was needed was a totalitarian style of government.”

“Now this is not the story we hear today – that the Southerners were Libertarians. Not all of them were and they were part of the Socialist buildup in the thinking across the country. Men like George Fitzhugh and Governor James Henry Hammond of South Carolina were decidedly in favor of Big Government. ‘What was needed was good government and plenty of it, not liberty’ according to the Sociology for the South or the Failure of Free Society by George Fitzhugh in 1854. Now you can imagine how a Northerner would react to this statement so back and forth the rhetoric called for disunion in both sections of the country. You can imagine the reaction of the average citizen in the South when he realized that the North – these Unionists didn’t mean it [and] a lot of the Unionists in the South didn’t mean it either. By then it was too late; the die had been cast, war would descend on America and with-it massive changes in our society and in our form of government.”

Next week very important information on the elections of 1856, 1860 and 1864. I think you’ll find it very interesting until then next week.

Myths vs. Facts (Episode 26) – Elections of 1856, 1860, 1864: The Political Fix Was In


“Welcome back to another segment of Myths vs. Facts. We’ve already established, although very briefly, the fact that the wing comprising the Communist apparatus of the [Civil War] Conspiracy founded the Republican Party. Now if you’re coming in late on this series, I invite you to go back and see that segment; it is very important. It’s hard to believe but it’s known history. If you ask the right questions you can find out this information on the Internet. Now generally speaking, the Carbonari as represented by Young America gravitated more into the Democrat Party, but they were both still controlled by the Master Conspiracy and I will show their manipulation relative to the elections because the political fix was in.”

1850: Was the State of California originally a Marxist Communist Enclave?

“In 1856, it was the first national election that included the Republican Party. The Republican candidate was John C. Fremont, the most radical man in the campaign. Now considering we just finished up with the Civil War segments it’s worthwhile to note that if Fremont would have been elected in 1856 the Civil War would have started much sooner. Prior to the election of 1856, Fremont was an advocate of Young America and helped bring California into the United States by the use of force, helping to seize this mostly uninhabited area away from Mexico.  Fremont was not a nice character, had a violent temper, and killed men when it was more convenient than sparing their lives. One of Fremont’s traits was rarely respecting his superior officers in the army – either before or during the Civil War.” “For instance, during the Civil War Lincoln would have to rescind some of Fremont’s orders due to the problems they created, such as immediately freeing the slaves within his jurisdiction. This demonstrates that freeing the slaves was not a major aim of Lincoln as most believed today.”

“You can also tell a lot about a man by the company he keeps. As a Major-General, Fremont had Generals and Colonels under his command who were Marxist Germans and Hungarians such as Franz Sigel, Louis Blenker and Carl Schuz. Attracting radical Socialists to his cause would be common for Fremont from 1856 on. This was evident when looking at the diverse political delegates that nominated Fremont at the 1856 Convention of the Republican Party. They consisted of members of The Order such as the founder of Skull and Bones, Alphonso Taft.”

“Those that flocked to his ticket were Radical Communist German organizations. He had notable German revolutionaries speaking on his behalf. This was concerning to many Southern people were very afraid of the Republican Party. There were several states that were ready to pull out of the United States if Fremont would have been elected. This was certainly true of North and South Carolina and Louisiana. In 1856, the American people had the choice between three men for  president – Fremont, one who was right at home with radicals; Buchanan a man who had co-hosted a dinner in London with George Sanders for the conspiracies radical leaders; or Millard Fillmore in the Southern wing of the American Party nicknamed the Know-Nothings who had mentored radicals. The American Party was run like a secret society and when people who were members of it were asked about the party, they replied – I know nothing about it, thus it became known as the Know-Nothing Party.” As you can see, the election choices have not changed much over the years taking the Obama and Romney, Bush and Clinton families into account.”

“In 1860, the second Republican candidate nominated for president was Abraham Lincoln. Did you know that prior to his presidential nomination he actually came in second for the nomination of vice president in 1856? By the 1860 election the convention that nominated Lincoln was broader in political scope but still had a large radical contingent plus the usual Skull and Bones members. Carl Schurz was one of the two men who escorted the permanent chairman to his seat in front of the convention hall in Chicago. Schurz served on the Platform Committee and became a member of the Republican National Committee.”

Schurz was heavily involved in Germany with Communist and under their command during the Revolutions of 1848 and other instances of a rebellion shirts came to the United States under the direction of the Carbonari leader Mazzini and was given letters of introduction to American leaders which put him in great stead. He moved to Wisconsin immediately where he was promoted by the governor and made a trustee of the University of Wisconsin and a Colonel in the state militia. Within a very short time – a couple of three years. Schurz was made our ambassador to Spain by Lincoln and upon his return given a commission as a General in the Union Army. After the War, he was involved in several Socialist initiatives including the National Greenback Party putting pressure on government to maintain its wartime initiative of using paper money as opposed to gold and silver which was used from the beginning of our country up to the Civil War.”

Communist California Alert! Republican General John C. Fremont conquered Sonoma and all ports of California in 1847. The formerly Mexican territory officially became part of the Union on Sept. 9, 1850. *N.B.: California’s flag denotes obvious Communist symbolism – 1) China’s flag (below) first created in 1921 has that conspicuous Communist Red Star that matches size and placement the Yellow Star of the Chinese Flag 100 years later when Mao’s Communist Revolution took over Chiang Kai-shek’s Republic of China (1949); 2) Soviet Communist Bear marauding inevitably, unstoppably towards the Communist Star.

Mao Zedong’s Flag for the Communist People’s Republic of China (since 1949)

“There is much more that could be said about Carl Schurz – he was a key Republican leader and looked upon as the leader of the so-called German vote. He was not atypical of many of the leaders of the Republican Party generally unknown today. At the 1860 Republican Chicago Convention the more radical preference was for Salmon Chase, but the forerunner was William Seward. Neither one of them could get the necessary votes for the nomination. Both men had a history of radical involvement with John Brown. For instance and both would moderate after the War. What is not well known is that bogus gallery tickets were printed to fill the convention hall – the galleries that is – with Lincoln supporters from around Illinois. It’s unknown how much they swayed the delegates for Lincoln with their constant cheering for Lincoln from the sidelines. On the third ballot, Lincoln came in with only one and a half votes needed to nominate and four changed their vote to put him over the top. It was close. This would be the only time that Lincoln would run on the Republican Party ticket. Most people think that’s not true, but it is true.”

“During the War, due to the rejection by Americans of the Radical Republicans, including the radical members of the cabinet Lincoln would run on, the National Union Party formed only to reelect Lincoln. The Radical Republicans formed the Radical Democracy Party running Fremont again while the Democrats ran General McClellan. The entire exercise was a ruse to gain votes for the radical agenda while making it appear to be something else. The tactic of the Left has always been to form more radical organizations to make their main organization seem moderate in comparison. This is what happened in the Election of 1864 since they knew they could not reelect Lincoln on the radical agenda of the Republican Party, they made it appear as if the Republicans had split and nominated Lincoln on one ticket, the National Union Party and Fremont on a more radical ticket, the Radical Democracy Party making Lincoln look moderate. At no time were there any radical policy changes made by Lincoln or changes in the cabinet -they remained the same.”

“Shortly before the [1864] Election, Fremont reluctantly withdrew in favor of the more moderate Lincoln. It was show business and it worked. Even today the modern political analysts haven’t figured it out. To better understand the problem in 1864 under Lincoln, the North was nearly a complete dictatorship. Transportation and communications were for all practical purposes nationalized, the writ of habeas corpus for instance was suspended, military tribunal replaced civilian courts in a large portion of the North and in the border states, a secret police system existed in the military, and in the Department of the Treasury. Wiretapping was performed on telegraph lines. Domestic passports were issued in order for citizens to travel in many parts of the country. Entire counties were evacuated as well as Jews in some areas controlled by the Union Army and many military units were under the command of European and domestic Communists. Indeed, the entire War Department was under the leadership of renowned Communists like Charles Dana. Few have heard that the state of New Jersey for instance passed a resolution in their legislature condemning the conduct of the war and its owner’s effect on the population. This was the condition that called for the ruse to re-elect Lincoln.

“Next week the election of 1860 itself just how did this backwoods rail-splitter Lincoln got the nomination. He was not that well-known.”

Epilogue—Illuminati Churches: Continuation of New World Order (1856-2020)

On 5 Aug. 2019 Christian blogger, Daniel Lee had a revelatory and comprehensive interview of the modern day prophet, Mark Taylor who discussed his 2018 movie version of his prescient book, The Trump Prophecy. In this interview that covered many topics of ultimate concern, one passage that stood out to me and thus caused me to include it as a epilogue to my continuing lecture review essay series on John Birch Society CEO’s Art Thompson magisterial 2016 book, To the Victor Go the Myths & the Monuments. As I cite several passages from this interview the thing I want you to keep in mind is how persistent (and thus predictable) both in the 1850s and the lead up to the Illuminati-Rothschild funded and fomented Civil War, and the lead up the Year 2020 as America decides whether to stay in the hand of God’s divine judgment against U.S. a little longer by re-electing Donald J. Trump, or will we collectively nail Christ back on the cross, plunge into the abyss and vote for one of the 22 Democrat Demon Candidates?

The Illuminati and their legions of Illuminous organizations, secret societies, cults, government and religious institutions including the 501(C)(3) Satanic-State Christian churches are by infiltrating, perverting, deconstructing and ultimately destroying every institution in society via their demonic efforts in “fundamentally transforming” the U.S. into just another cog in the Leviathan Satanic Snake called the New World Order. Remember the words of Democrat candidate Barack Hussein Obama’s promise to “fundamentally transform” (= forcible change, to deconstruct) America in a speech made on Oct. 30, 2008 – just 5 days before he became the 44th president of the U.S.—

*N.B.: For video transcript see YouTube video before the Liberal Fascists remove it from our collective memory!

MARK TAYLOR @3022: “…In these Illuminati churches they’re told what to do… We are learning through Q[Anon] right now that whether you are Hollywood, a rock star, or a Mega pastor –you cannot get that high up unless you are doing something for the Dark Side. Period… They are Illuminati-driven. They are given their 4:00 am talking points saying what they cannot say… One of the things they said is a fighting term – When you control the head you control the body. Well, when the head is Baal, you’re controlling the body already. So, they control the body of Christ. So, they control the opinions on certain issues through policies designed and written by the Illuminati basically, they are sent to ‘Our Ministers’. They call them who then preach the word of God and their interpretation to their followers. Their blind faith is used to transform them into willing soldiers to defend our cause during the catastrophes ahead. (They’re telling you that the catastrophes are coming because they generate them)!” 

“And marvel not; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.” –2 Corinthians 11:14

And he says,

“As the final phase is enacted we will propagate end time prophecy to convince them of their convictions… Then he says, “The rise of Islamic fundamentalism works as an Illuminati advantage, as a threat that will demand violent action. In the coming years planned terrorists’ acts (False Flags) will warrant a full scale retaliation and initiate the final phase of the ‘Great Plan’ as they call it. Christians will support the actions since they will believe them to be part of the end times prophecy [falsely concocted] by the Illuminati of religious leaders.”

“The more things change, the more things remain the same” was the wise aphorism attributed to playwright George Bernard Shaw. To wit, in 1859, 160 years ago, a pseudo-scientist demagogue named Charles Darwin wrote a popular anti-Christian screed on the non-Biblical origins of mankind titled, On the Origins of the Species (published 24 Nov. 1859) and like clockwork the Illuminati and Illuminous front organizations that had taken over most of the media then (as now) promoted this uneducated, unlettered charlatan as the Second Coming of Nostradamus… he wasn’t. But the die had been cast to dethrone God with Satan’s fake god, S-C-I-E-N-C-E. Soon another figure who was born the same year as Darwin – 1809, namely Abraham Lincoln would ascend to center stage to perform his part in the well-crafted Illuminati Conspiracy called the War between the States or the Civil War, where the primary intent by the Rothschild-Illuminati Cabal who funded the War was to divide America in half and given to their Apparatchiks of the New World Order. (Did that occur?) Also, more people would lose their Christian faith due to the sheer volume of the slaughter than all of the other American wars combined — Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes being the most conspicuous apostate… all presided under the auspices of the Illuminati Churches of America!

To T. H. Huxley   2 June [1859] My dear Huxley I meant to have added one other word. You speak of finding a flaw in my hypothesis, & this shows you do not understand its nature. It is a mere rag of an hypothesis with as many flaws & holes as sound parts.— My question is whether the rag is worth anything? I think by careful treatment I can carry in it my fruit to market for a short distance over a gentle road; but I fear that you will give the poor rag such a devil of a shake that it will fall all to atoms; & a poor rag is better than nothing to carry one’s fruit to market in— So do not be too ferocious.—3 Ever yours | Most truly | C. Darwin

*N.B.: Of course Evolution Atheist Scientists ignored this confessional letter by Darwin to T.H. Huxley (1825-95) – the later celebrated for his fanatical zeal in spreading the Evolution Atheism Conspiracy that Huxley was known as “Darwin’s Bulldog”. The letter is dated 2 June 1859… fully 5 ½ months before the publication of Darwin’s fictitious bible of Evolution Atheism LIES and invidious RACISM, which formed the scientific (and together with Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto [1848]), the ideological and economic foundations for both the Democrat Socialist Party and the Marxist Atheist Academy that today is dominated to the 95-99% by the Democrat Left.

GOEBBELS ALERT! In other words, Darwin, and his publishers, and the Fake Media of the 1850s and the so-called ‘Scientific Community’ and the Academy, politicians, judges, lawyers, doctors, intellectuals, Robber Barons, and the most influential and affluent people of society in America and all over the world were fully aware that they were publishing, celebrating and fomenting Lies and a venal Conspiracy on a Global scale, but what has the Illuminati been skilled at doing ever since their inception on 1 May 1776? Fomenting demonic Big Lies on the world… in the 1770s, in the 1850s, in the 1950s, and now as we approach the decisive election year of 2020!

Suggested Readings:

  1. G. Ward Hubbs, Search for Freedom After the Civil War: Klansman, Carpetbagger, Scalawag, and Freedman (2015), xi-xii.
  2. Arkon Daraul, A History of Secret Societies  (Citadel Press: 1961, 1989), 109-110 (Totenbund – the Death League).
  3. Robert Denney, The Civil War Years (Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., NY, 1992).
  4. Marx and Engels, The Civil War in the United States (International Publishers, New World Paperback Ed., 1937).
  5. Art Thompson, To the Victor Go the Myths & the Monuments (John Birch Society, 2016). See sections on Interesting Rosicrucian flowcharts/Conspirators – Council of Three – including Abraham Lincoln, 14-16; American Intellectual Conspirators, 52; Illuminati hierarchy flowcharts, 47-48, 221 (many names).
  6. John Robinson, Proofs of A Conspiracy ([1797], John Birch Society, 1967 ed.). 
  7. Augustin Barruel, Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, ([1797], 2002 ed.). Cited by Thompson in his book, To the Victor…, pp. xxxii, 6, 8, 9, 63, 481.
  8. Bill Federer, Yale President Battles French Illuminati, (01/10/2015).
  9. Ellis Washington, The Progressive Revolution—Vol. II: 2009 Writings—[History of] Liberal Fascism through the Ages (University Press of America, 2013), p. 28 on the Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831) and Worcester v. Georgia 1832) Supreme Court cases.
  10. _____________, 1918-2018—100 Years of UnNatural Law of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, 9 Faulkner Law Review No. 1, 209 (Fall 2017), pp. 171-226.
  11. _____________, The Inseparability of Law and Morality: The Constitution, Natural Law and the Rule of Law, University Press of America (2002), Chaps. 10-12 (Reply to Judge Richard A. Posner…), 233-326.
  12. _____________, Nigger Manifesto: Institutional, Intellectual and ideological Racism Inside the American Academy (2018).
  13. ______________, Why Does the Left So Hate America?, (2015).
  14. Dinesh D’Souza, The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left (2017).
  15. Dr. Dave Janda, President Trump Exposes the Deep State Fraud,, Operation Freedom (June 18, 2019).
  16. Thanks to Peniel Ngonde whose Christian videos on Civil War General and 33rd Degree Freemason icon, Albert Pike is very important to exposing this lost, perverted Civil War history that so affects U.S. today. See also his comprehensive series of video sermons on false ministers, false prophets, Megapastors and Satanic/Government-owned 501(C)(3) churches (approx. 97% of all U.S. churches today!) @
  17. Joseph Holt, Report of the Judge Advocate General on “The Order of American Knights,” alias “The Sons of Liberty.” A Western Conspiracy in aid of the Southern Rebellion (Washington, D.C.: Union Congressional Committee, 1864).

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  1. william joyce says:

    wow I have read some of this material over the years, but never so well out lined. thank you sir.


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