Myths vs. Facts (Part 12) – Build up to the Civil War: The Political Terrorists
About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama for 1 year (1988-89), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted for 30+ years—for my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why?—For Harvard’s original 1692 motto—Veritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}. To escape the 150-Year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund false flag wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog with the Youth that’s nearing 20 Million views @ & on Facebook — #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871 |
“New ideas will no longer be condemned by the masses, We are on the frontier of massive change. Starting from breaking out of our mental prisons.”
~ Kanye West, Speaking about the Apotheosis of President Trump
“Next to war, terrorism is the best means to get people to agree to changes in their government and to give up liberty for security.”
~ Art Thompson, Myths vs. Facts, Episode 23
Prologue—Scientific Rationalism = Academic & Illuminous Conspiracy for Global Democide (New World Order)
Socratic Dialectical Inquiry – How did the Western World move from a Judeo-Christian worldview based on the Resurrection of Jesus Christ (circa AD 28-1600) to Darwin’s Racialist Eugenics, Evolution Atheism and Satanic Child Sacrifice Worldview based on the Illuminati Conspiracy of the One-World Government, a.k.a the New World Order (1600-1860), in just over 250 years?
Radio commentator and Cultural Historian, Dr. Steve Turley in a blog post transcript of one of his radio shows titled, MAGA: Kayne West and the New Radical Paradigm!!! wrote some interesting things. Here, Dr. Turley gave a masterful and succinct answer to my Socratic Dialectical inquiry I posited above writing —
“The modernist metanarrative basically believed that Scientific Rationalism represented the one true way of understanding reality for all peoples, times, and places. It is basically a one-size-fits-all metanarrative that calls all cultures, customs, and traditions, all borders and economies, to submit to its vision of reality. And what scholars have noticed is that this modernist vision of reality has collapse; it had died. And as a result, populations are turning more and more to a kind of tribalism; turning towards their own ethnicity, culture, custom and tradition as the basis for social order in the absence of any metanarrative.” |
What I think Dr. Turley is postulating here is that whatever period you are discussing, since Mankind’s collective treason against God we call the Age of Enlightenment (1600-1800) is essentially de jure (legally) & de facto (unofficially) a godless, secularist, atheist age where God, Jesus, the Bible and morality are diminished in society and Humanism, Atheism, Relativism, Communism, Globalism, Liberalism, Progressivism, or what Turley called, “Scientific Rationalism” (e.g., Positivism, Logical Positivism, Positive Law), has been deemed by the Atheist Left to be the New god of this present Age of Modernity… It isn’t!
Furthermore, I prefer the term “Evolution Atheism” for there is nothing scientific or rational about Scientific Rationalism other than the Left and their Globalist allies systematically hijacking every societal institution through Illuminous front groups and using deductive reasoning to postulate that anything relating to God, Morality or National Sovereignty is BAD, and everything else that doesn’t aspire to those three ideas are GOOD. That’s a succinct history since the Age of Enlightenment (1600-1800) and that corruption of Christianity and History, Civilization and Society has continued to deconstruct and pervert society to the time period of this lecture review – the lead up to the Civil War (1850s) … and tragically, continues to our Modern Times today (2020).
Myths vs. Facts (Episode 23) – Build up to the Civil War: The Political Terrorists
“Welcome back again this week to Myths vs. Facts. We promise to talk about terrorism. Now next to war, terrorism is the best means to get people to agree to changes in their government and to give up liberty for security. Unknown to most is the fact that the first political terrorists were actually American, John Brown (1800-59). He was also a Communist according to his son. While Garrison and his coterie helped divide the country John Brown cauterized that division into a permanent separation. John Brown was a failure in business but found a new paid profession in acts of violence and terror backed up by Illuminous in New England. The entire story is detailed in our book, To the Victor Go the Myths & the Monuments. By the way we might mention also that when we talk about “Illuminous” now we’re talking about people who had the same goals as the Illuminati, but we cannot prove that there were actually members of the Illuminati, or that it still existed. All those second-generation organizations such as the Carbonari did exist.”
“As we pointed out in an earlier segment the founder of Skull and Bones, William Huntington Russell, helped finance Brown and was named by Brown as one of the trustees of his will. There were many others who were involved in Brown’s terrorist activities. Some were men of finance others are still admired today such as Frederick Douglass who actually worked with Communists his entire career. To give you a better idea of John Brown’s connections following the raid on Harpers Ferry which did fail, several of the prominent men that were involved actually fled the country in fear of prosecution for Conspiracy and Treason. Keep in mind that a person can profess one thing, but their actions tell a different story. The raid on Harpers Ferry is a perfect example of certain prominent people not being punished for their actions – to do otherwise would have created a political upset that the powers that be could not allow to happen.”
“The same exists today, doesn’t it? For instance, the fiasco of the Hillary Clinton and Mueller investigations? People who were guilty then just as people who are guilty today are protected by the Deep State. In other words, there was a two-tier system of justice even back then – those at the bottom were sacrificed while those at the top got off scot-free. The people who actually helped, armed, finance and spread propaganda supporting John Brown included people like Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry Thoreau, the Communist Senator Charles Sumner, Allan Pinkerton, the detective who became Attorney General under Grant, Ebenezer Hoar, and many other prominent men unknown today and who I detail in my book. These men understood what Brown was doing – they were not innocent.”
“Let me illustrate the connections of people in support of Brown. Following the failed European Revolutions of 1848 and 49. An Englishman, Hugh Forbes, was sent to the United States by Mazzini, the head of the Carbonari, to pull together those who had immigrated to the United States into the Carbonari organization. In the process of making his rounds, a group of Americans asked Forbes to train Brown’s army since Forbes had been an officer under Garibaldi in the Carbonari army. After working with Brown for a short time Forbes realized there was no real army existing under Brown and returned to his original assignment. Individuals weren’t the only ones in support of Brown. The American Socialist newspapers began a buildup of Brown’s reputation as a “Freedom Fighter” just that they did later in the 20th century with Castro, Ho Chi Minh, Mao, and Che Guevara.”
Terrorist & Communist “Journalists” allied with the Radical Abolitionist, John Brown
“The newspapers not only built Browns reputation they sent out reporters who rode with Brown and participated in his terrorist acts. The man who later became the most famous and influential was Richard V. Hinton who is generally unknown today. He represented the Chicago Tribune and the Boston Traveler. Hinton would go on to help organize the Washington section of the Communist First Internationale and later edited the Socialist Party magazine. Hinton’s resume consisted of U.S. Commissioner of Immigration in Europe, Inspector of U.S. Councils in Europe, and finally the Special Agent in charge of the Department of Agriculture, 1890-92. Many think we only had Communists in the federal government starting in the 1930s, but it goes further back than that. Hinton was just one of the reporters that worked with Brown. One reporter who actually became an integral part of Brown’s organization was John G. Kagi. He represented the New York Tribune as well as the New York Evening Post, Washington National Era, Topeka Tribune, Lawrence Kansas Republican, The Chicago Tribune, and The Cleveland Leader. Kagi reported back to these newspapers while he was involved in the killing of innocent people and mayhem. He would die in the fight at Harpers Ferry.”
“Many books concentrate on what was called ‘The Secret Six’ who helped Brown. These were the six men of substance and station but by no means were alone in their dealings with Brown. Our book documents a wide range of people and organizations that helped Brown all knowing what he was up to without mentioning names. I spoke to one of the authors who wrote a great book about the men who helped Brown but said that it was ridiculous to believe that there was a Conspiracy involved. He missed the elephant in the room – most do. All the while, Brown was being built up into a folk hero in the North, in the South the citizens were becoming terrorized by Brown and having feel the feelings of apprehension over Northern support for Brown and his terrorism.”
“Southern members of the Conspiracy were at work in intensifying this fear among the Southern people to widen the gap between the North other than Southern Americans. With the action at Harpers Ferry, with Brown supposedly trying to instigate a slave revolt as a result, the citizens of the South reacted against the North enough to move them towards supporting secession which they had so far rejected. There never was any idea that a slave revolt would happen – first of all, there were never any effort to work among the slaves to instigate a revolt – It never happened. Second, the whole plan behind Brown was to use his activities as a catalyst for reaction amongst the people both in the North and the South.”
“Brown wasn’t smart enough to actually lead much of anything and was simply a pawn in the game used by [Illuminous and Communist] forces he really did not understand. The action is in the reaction. You cannot get people to act but you can get them to react. This was the purpose of Brown, the first political terrorist. Even though Brown failed to achieve what he thought would happen at Harpers Ferry he became a martyr for the cause Socialists began to sing his praises even inventing a song about Brown which, when hostilities began between the North and the South evolved into the song, The Battle Hymn of the Republic. Now this is a quick recap of Brown and his tale, but you can find the whole story the full story in great detail in my book. Next week we look at the Southern agitation for war by the same forces.”
Myths vs. Facts (Episode 24) – Build up to the Civil War: Conspiracy of the Secret Societies
“Welcome back again this week to Myths vs. Facts. Just as the conspiratorial forces were at work in the North, the same condition beset the South. The forces that were involved included Young America and some of their offshoots, such as The Knights of the Golden Circle. Now you can find all sorts of information concerning The Knights of the Golden Circle which operated after the Civil War began, but prior to the Civil War the history of the Knights is lacking – very hard to come by. It is very interesting that the man who started the Knights of the Golden Circle, George Bickley, as well as William Lloyd Garrison, the Abolitionist leader, belonged to the secret Brotherhood of the Union led by George Lippard – one of the top three leaders of the Rosicrucians. Lippard was an active Socialist and the Brotherhood of the Union reflected this goal. George Bickley had formed at least three circles of the Brotherhood of the Union before he started The Knights of the Golden Circle. Some histories say he did not, but he actually did. To have formed Brotherhood circles under Socialist leadership and suddenly switched to forming an entirely new organization ostensibly opposed to the Socialist agenda of the North raises some interesting questions about Bickley’s motivation.”
“Keep in mind that the Knights of the Golden Circle and the Brotherhood of the Union were both secret societies. The Knights particularly had levels of degrees as other secret organizations, but it was not an organization where all were equal and many prominent men in the South joined – some of them known to be involved in the Carbonari and Young America activities. In fact, John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of Lincoln became a member of the Knights of the Golden Circle and recruited others into their ranks prior to the Civil War. The Knights proliferated too rapidly not to have been founded on an existing organization. An important clue is that the Knights had the same agenda as Young America relative to the expansion of the United States into Latin America (see map below). One can assume that there was an authority above George Bickley because he was removed as its leader. It’s exceedingly rare for someone who starts a secret society to be removed from leadership when that society extends as widely as the Knights did. This part of their history is illusive to document.”
“Throughout the mid- to late-1850s the Knights worked to prepare the South for secession while Knights formed militias in the South Socialists-led organizations did the same in the North. It was obvious that these those behind these militias in the North and South were preparing for war long before the average citizen realized what was going on – at least in the North. While the average citizen in the North knew a gulf was forming between the North and South, they were by and large ignorant of the purpose of the militias being formed among such organizations as the German Turners Organization. At the very beginning of the Civil War the Knights militias went into the Confederate forces immediately after Fort Sumter, just as did the German Turner’s into the Union Army in the North. You see, neither side of the two regions had an army – the army was to be composed of the state militias and many of the states did not want to call their militias up to fight other states, therefore, in the beginning of secession, both sides relied on these private militias and were formed out of conspiratorial organizations.”
The KKK existed before 24 December 1865?
*N.B.: Neither KKK’s KGC origins or its Civil War existence is mentioned in this Wikipedia article
“Another organization that had ties to the Knights of the Golden Circle was the Ku Klux Klan. There’s more than a little evidence that the Ku Klux Klan was formed after the war on what was left of the Knights of the Golden Circle. For instance, General Nathan Bedford Forrest the head of the KKK worked with the Knights of the Golden Circle during the war. The KKK used many of the secret codes and signs of the Golden Circle. Also, the KKK proliferated too fast for it not to be based on an existing organization. Many men who held Socialist positions were members of the KKK such as Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black. So, to sum up the KKK – its leadership adopted many of the Socialist programs, however, their more overt goals were racist. Members of Skull and Bones worked both sides of secession, not just the North. For instance, William Berry of Skull and Bones presided over the Mississippi Secession Convention. John Perkins Jr. of Skull and Bones served as the Chairman of the Louisiana Secession Convention.”
Southern AND Northern Succession to get the War going?
“The idea of secession was not new. Jefferson, the Nicholas brothers had their plan for Kentucky secession as we pointed out in earlier segments of this series. New England leaders during the period of the War of 1812 plotted secession. Even the Northern leaders held a Hartford Convention thinking about seceding from the South. Young America leaders in the South held a secession convention in January of 1850 – It didn’t go very far. We told you about some of the agitation in the North, (but not all of it), that created reaction in the South this reaction was put to use by Young America and the Knights of the Golden Circle members to support secession among the people of the South by 1860. By 1858, for instance, sentiment for secession accelerated both in the South and the North. Many people in the North encouraged Southern secession up to the day the South began to secede, then flip-flopped and screamed foul and wanted to use the force to keep them in the Union.”
“Reaching out to the one arch enemy to dissolve the Union in the name of slavery would not seem to be what the Abolitionists would do. By so doing if successful they would have dissolved the Union, but slavery would have kept going. If the abolition of slavery was the goal then why reach out in this manner when the end result would not have been the elimination of slavery, but the disillusion of the United States? Logically the goal had to be secession. To get the war going, for instance in December 1859 the abolitionists in New York adopted this resolution—
“RESOLVED: That we invite a free correspondence with the Disillusionists of the South… to secure the dissolution of the present imperfect and inglorious union between the free and slave states.” |
“This was not an unusual occurrence and many Northern Abolitionists leaders gave speeches encouraging disunion. Now for someone who thinks logically, this does not make sense on the surface, but it made perfect sense if the idea was to get a war started. There were concerned citizens and political movements that wanted to find a means to stop this juggernaut. In 1861 for instance, the New York Democratic Party called for a convention to be held January 31 in Albany in its call the Democratic Central Committee stated this—
“In this emergency conservative men of all classes call upon our time-honored party, which at this moment represents the views and feelings of a majority of the people of New York, to cooperate with patriotic citizens elsewhere and especially with the efforts of the “Border States,” in putting down the agitation and conspiracies of the Secessionists of the South and ultra-Republicans of the North.” (Emphasis added) |
“Note, that they said “Conspiracies” – on both sides. Again, Conspiracy was not a theory among early Americans. They understood that it was a natural byproduct in politics. Conspiracies always exist in politics period. Next week we’ll take a look at the North relative to the agitation to get the South to secede and then flipped to oppose secession and agitate for war. Today the South is blamed for the Civil War, but there was blame enough all around until next week.”
Epilogue—For over 240 years the Illuminati always infiltrates all sides of a Conspiracy to ensure Victory!
Now where is this axiomatic about the Illuminati playing all sides of any given Conspiracy to insure victory for the establishment of their anti-God, anti-U.S. New World Order oligarchy? Art Thompson writes:
“The Knights of the Golden Circle which operated after the Civil War began. But prior to the Civil War the history of the Knights is lacking – very hard to come by. It is very interesting that the man who started the Knights of the Golden Circle, George Bickley, as well as William Lloyd Garrison, the abolitionist leader, belonged to the secret Brotherhood of the Union led by George Lippard – one of the top three leaders of the Rosicrucians.” |
Here you have the Southern secret society – Knights of the Golden Circle (who was pushing for Southern secession from the North ) vs. the Northern secret society – Brotherhood of the Union (who was concurrently pushing for Northern secession from the South), that not only had opposing objectives, but it’s leadership (Bickley & Garrison) served in both organizations! How could this be? Look at the Illuminati Objective I cited in the bold subtitle above— Since 1 May 1776, for over 240 years the Illuminati always infiltrates all sides of a Conspiracy to ensure Victory! They did it with their first Revolution infiltration of 1776—the American Revolution (1775-83) where Founding Fathers and Continental allies like Washington, Franklin, Gen. Lafayette, Jefferson, Paine, Clymer were either Illuminati or whose actions bore the goals of the Illuminous.
As the march to war became inevitable in the pre-Civil War Period, we see Illuminati and Illuminous big names get exposed throughout this era (1850s) including—George Bickley, William Lloyd Garrison, Abraham Lincoln, John Brown, George Lippard, John Wilkes Booth, Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest, Gen. Ethan Allen Hitchcock, Horace Greely, Linton, O.W. Holmes Jr., Alan Pinkerton, Richard V. Hinton, John H. Kagi, among many, many other infamous and duplicitous people who are all painstakingly chronicled in Art Thompson’s magisterial opus.
*N.B. Although the Wiki article ignores the 800 lb. gorilla in this infamous cartoon, scholar G.W. Hubbs is prescient (p. xii), i.e., the Democrat Party donkey with the “KKK” signature walking away from the symbolic murders of these two Republican abolitionists (Lakin & Cloud). This was a blatant symbol (and WARNING) to all readers and “agitators” in the North that any White Abolitionist allies including Scalawags & Carpetbaggers coming into the South pushing for equal rights for Blacks would be killed (lynched).
These unsung heroes – Lakin & Cloud – ignored in all the Socialist history books, and many others like them who gallantly put their lives on the line fighting against Democrat Party racism and terrorism, fascism and Satanic hatred, must never be forgotten. This battle of Good vs. Evil continues into the 2020 election next year with President Trump, a champion of Black America, battling heroically against the existential racism and demagoguery of the Democrat Socialist Party… TO THIS DAY!
A tragic footnote of history is America’s existential obsession on the Slavery Question during the Founding and the Civil War periods that mirror today’s obsession with the “Rights Culture” in modern times. This societal obsession and lack of collective judgement brings to mind the prophetic words of the Russian literary genius, Alexander Solzhenitsyn – “We have put too much faith in political and social reforms, only to find out that we were being deprived of our most precious possession: our spiritual Life.”
Suggested Readings:
- G. Ward Hubbs, Search for Freedom After the Civil War: Klansman, Carpetbagger, Scalawag, and Freedman (2015), xi-xii.
- Arkon Daraul, A History of Secret Societies (Citadel Press: 1961, 1989), 109-110 (Totenbund – the Death League).
- Robert Denney, The Civil War Years (Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., NY, 1992).
- Marx and Engels, The Civil War in the United States (International Publishers, New World Paperback Ed., 1937).
- Art Thompson, To the Victor Go the Myths & the Monuments (John Birch Society, 2016). See sections on Bickley, George, 281, 463; Brown, John, 274-77; 290-302; Darwin, Charles, 291, 409, 467; Darwinism, 225, 341, 408, 419; Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 10, 47-52; Garrison, Wm. Lloyd, xxxiv, xxxix, 187, 188, 191, 197, 209, 262, 268, 269, 272; Greeley, Horace, xxix, xxxi, 36, 48, 76, 102, 121; Lincoln, Abraham, xiv, 16, 102, 140, 222, 246, 261, 262, 285, 296, 319; Hinton, Richard J., 293, 297, 307; Hoar, Ebenezer, 287, 395, 410; Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 26, 48, 192, 193, 269, 304; Kagi, John H., 297; Pinkerton, Alan, 287, 300, 352, 422; Russell, Wm., 26, 198, 287, 288, 291, 424; Thoreau, Henry David, 38, 218; Turners, 27, 170, 245, 340-45; Sumner, Charles (Senator), 28, 47, 49, 192, 238, 244; White, Andrew Dickenson, 26, 50, 51, 258; Wolf’s Head, 28, 171; Interesting Rosicrucian flowcharts/Conspirators – Council of Three – including Abraham Lincoln, 14-16; American Intellectual Conspirators, 52; Illuminati hierarchy flowcharts, 47-48, 221 (many names).
- John Robinson, Proofs of A Conspiracy ([1797], John Birch Society, 1967 ed.).
- Augustin Barruel, Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, ([1797], 2002 ed.). Cited by Thompson in his book, To the Victor…, pp. xxxii, 6, 8, 9, 63, 481.
- Bill Federer, Yale President Battles French Illuminati, (01/10/2015).
- Ellis Washington, The Progressive Revolution—Vol. II: 2009 Writings—[History of] Liberal Fascism through the Ages (University Press of America, 2013), p. 28 on the Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831) and Worcester v. Georgia 1832) Supreme Court cases.
- _____________, 1918-2018—100 Years of UnNatural Law of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, 9 Faulkner Law Review No. 1, 209 (Fall 2017), pp. 171-226.
- _____________, The Inseparability of Law and Morality: The Constitution, Natural Law and the Rule of Law, University Press of America (2002), Chaps. 10-12 (Reply to Judge Richard A. Posner…), 233-326.
- ______________, Why Does the Left So Hate America?, (2015).
- Dinesh D’Souza, The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left (2017).
- Dr. Dave Janda, President Trump Exposes the Deep State Fraud,, Operation Freedom (June 18, 2019).
- Thanks to Peniel Ngonde whose Christian videos on Civil War General and 33rd Degree Freemason icon, Albert Pike is very important to exposing this lost, perverted Civil War history that so affects U.S. today.
- Joseph Holt, Report of the Judge Advocate General on “The Order of American Knights,” alias “The Sons of Liberty.” A Western Conspiracy in aid of the Southern Rebellion (Washington, D.C.: Union Congressional Committee, 1864).
Category: Commentary