Kwame Brown: “Let’s put Trades and Coding in every School in America so that Black Boys will be Immune to White Zaddy Company Policy”

| August 1, 2021
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About the Author—Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama for 1 year (1988-89), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted for 30+ yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why?For Harvard’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-Year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund false flag wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog with the Youth that’s nearing 20 Million views @ & on Facebook — #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

The Hate is Real, but Love is Truth – #Momma’s Cookin.

~ Kwame Brown, Bust Life (July 28, 2021)

Kwame Brown – An Enigma wrapped inside a Mystery

20 years ago Kwame Brown made history by being #1 pick (out of high school) in the 2001 NBA Draft, however, that singular accomplishment is dwarfed by what the person I now call “King Kwame” has done in just over the past 2 1/2  months – breaking the Internet multiple times, amassing 410,000+ followers on YouTube while fighting his former NBA colleagues like Matt Barnes and Stephen Jackson, who openly and unprovokedly mocked him in an interview with Los Angeles Lakers CEO Jennie Buss on their podcast All the Smoke in late April and again in early May. These two seemingly innocuous events “unleashed the Beast” and ended the 20 year self-imposed Geechee silence that Kwame Brown endured for 20 years while launching the sports journalism careers of many Traitors and Haters including—@ESPN Rachel Nichols, Sally Jenkins, her fat former colleague at the Washington Post Sports, and last but not least, @ESPN $tephen A. $mith who went so far in his personal hatred of Kwame Brown as to be chosen by his White Zaddy Slavemasters to take his Hate Kwame Brown Tour on the road in 2011-12 where this Minstrel Show visited not only dozens of HBCUs (Historic Black Colleges and Universities), but also dozens of high schools.

Why? Because his White Zaddy Bosses were afraid that the dozens of colleges would have their basketball programs cash cow to lose Billion$ in revenue from talented young Black athletes who literally built college football arenas and college basketball stadiums all over America, but for decade upon decade TO THIS DAY are barred by law from having a financial stake in their own name, image and likeness… until just recently, however the new rules are very restrictive and punative. Therefore, the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia who control all sports, media and entertainment sent this Judas-Goat Stephen A. Smith out to mock Kwame Brown and make other promising high schoolers thinking about going directly into the NBA or NFL to be in fear of ridicule and career sabotage by $tephen A. $mith while he collected millions at Kwame Brown’s expense… It worked like a charm. . . until NOW!

Here is an excerpt of a piece I did to try to capture some of the sublime stoicism of his Geechee culture Kwame Brown had to master in order to have the discipline to be silent for 20 years while the Haters and Traitors made money and built careers slandering and defaming his Geechee name. It reminds me of King Sisyphus who according to Greek legend, cheated death twice and thus was cursed by Hades to roll a huge boulder up a hill only to see it roll back down and being doomed to repeat the process again and again for eternity. Here are the opening lines of my Poem for King👑 Kwame Brown

For 20 Years! We called this Man a Bust, *But when 2 times in 1 month he broke the Internet, Judas-Goat Niggers said, He broke our Trust,

For 20 Years! We called this Man a Scrub, We said his Life is over, his Life is Dirt, *But if that is true, then why all you Punk Bitches so Butt Hurt?

For 20 Years! My own People Defamed Me, Shamed Me, Blamed Me the Most, *But when I broke my Silence, you said, I broke Satan’s OATH.

For 20 Years! We tried to break his Spirit, Pervert his Manhood, said he was Crazy, said he ‘Woke up with Violence’, but in Silence he just kept Lookin’. . . Spookin’, *What the Hell is Kwame Brown’s Secret Solution?—A Critical Thinking Revolution? . . . I think it’s My Momma’s Cookin!
*N.B.: Excerpt from Poem for King Kwame Brown (27 June 2021), written on the 20th anniversary of Kwame Brown making NBA History by being the first high school student to become the #1 pick of the NBA Draft. Not even the Great Michael Jordan achieved this feat.

Yet to me (as a Black man old enough to be Kwame’s father) Kwame Brown appears to be an enigma wrapped up in a mystery. What I mean by this is rather than running from what people falsely and unjustly said about him as a Man and as a professional basketball player, this enigma with his Geechee lion heart willingly embraced the “busty bust” and “scrub” epithets placed on his Momma Son’s name and turned their Hatred into a Critical Thinking Revolution launched first on Facebook and then on YouTube to bring real solutions against Black pathology, ignorance, promiscuity and crime he colloquially referred to as “My Momma’s Cookin” which lead to his mantra —“Let’s put Trades and Coding in every School in America to help young Black Boys be immune to White Zaddy Company Policy”. This is a very POWERFUL and Liberating statement. He gave millions of people Hope and made hundreds of boring YouTube pages instant sensations by playing and commentating on his videos. Yet, these many “jewels” Kwame freely gave We the People were only a little hint of his Geechee inheritance that seemingly made Kwame Brown the MAN bulletproof—“The Hate is Real, but Love is Truth #Momma’s Cookin”.

After 20 years of silence you would think that the Black community in America would have welcomed Kwame Brown with open arms and a parade when a former “Celebrity” who is helping hundreds and hundreds of Black YouTubers make thousands of dollars on their channels (including his enemies) by using his content for free. While many do, in the Black community there are a multitude of people I call “Black Haters and Traitors” – Most Hated Blogger (M.H.B.), Hassan Campbell, Tommy Sotomayor, Kev Grillz and of course the G.A.G.A.G. (Go-Along-Get-Along-Gang), and of course the Judas Goat Sports Journalists who are partnered with the so-called Rothschild Khazarian Mafia to defame and destroy every Black man like Kwame Brown, Kevin Samuels, TicketTV, Karceno4Life, Self Talk, Tasha K, and many, many other who dares to stand for Truth, Masculinity and Economic Independence of Black America.

Yet, despite YouTube constantly messing with his algorithms, Kwame Brown, his Geechee ethnicity, and his Momma’s Cookin crusade continues onward and upwards. Kwame refuses to stop preaching his Booker T. Washington self help message of Black Economic Independence through bringing Coding and Trades back to the public and charter schools. This in essence is the primary message of KwameBrownBustLife website and his soon-to-be-released Momma’s Cookin’ podcast. Millions of people in America and throughout the World can’t wait!

My Experience with Coding in a Charter School

In January 2020 I had the great experience to work as a substitute teacher at a charter school that was majority Black neighborhood. It was a computer class for gifted students (6th and 7th grades) and their project was to create a computer code to make these little drones fly. I was in the class for 3 days – Day One: Review of the classroom notes the teacher left for me to review for the students. Day Two: Application of the class notes to start entering the codes into the computer. At this point there was feelings of frustration because not one student was able to put in the correct codes into the computer matrix in order to make the drones fly… yet! Day Three: It was a Friday and after about the first 15 minutes of class I heard a drone buzzing, 5 minutes later it was flying, then a second, a third, and a fourth drone was sounding off and flying. After about the first 30 minutes of class there were drones flying everywhere. More importantly was the pure adrenalin rush and intellectual leap all those students took that day by accomplishing this singular achievement which I am convinced would positively affect them for the rest of their lives!

During my 3 days with this computer science class I told them about my blog – – which at that time was 10 years old and how it was only made possible to be on the internet due to students like you who knew computer coding language. They were very excited about limitless benefits and POWER of coding and impressed with my blog and with how many hits and views it had. (Then it was about 16 million views!)

But the Devil and his slaves never rest, so of course when word reached the principal (a Black woman) and several teachers who viewed my website and saw that I really did teach Critical Thinking and not Communist Groupthink, I was immediately fired. Nevertheless, the seed I had already been planted for those 3 days together with the coding lessons their teacher taught them can never be removed by any Go-Along-Get-Along principal or myopic minded teachers, and I’m certain that most if not all those middle school students will go on to have very successful and economically sound company policy-proof careers as computer programmers and computer engineers if they ignore the Haters and Traitors and fulfill their God-ordained Destiny in Life.

Why does the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix fear Black Economic Independence?

Recently on my Facebook page after listening to one of Kwame Brown’s latest videos on Coding and Trades, I wrote the following—

🗣Listen to @KwameBrownBustLife @

#CodingInSchools #TradesInSchools

Kwame Question? – What would happen to the multi-BILLION-dollar Prison Industrial Complex (that enslave millions of primarily Black Men who taught trades in PRISON for 15 cents an hour!) if Black America would DEMAND that Coding be put in all Public Schools, that Trades be put back in all Public Schools?

Why is it Important for the Public, Private and Charter Schools to teach Trades & Coding especially to Black Children? Kwame answers by stating this (I’m paraphrasing his sentiments), “Once you get a skill you can move to where the work is. That skill goes with you everywhere you go. Everybody can’t be a Rapper, everybody can’t be an entertainer, everybody can’t be a ball player! You are also ‘CORPORATE POLICY’ proof, you are ‘Company Policy’ proof where you can tell your boss who is unfair, unjust, duplicitous, racist, likes to play office games, or for any (or no) reason claim that you are “in violation of our COMPANY POLICY” to go pound sand. . . and walk right down the street to the next business who will welcome your skills and trades with open arms!” One of Kwame’s stalwart supporters, fellow bloggers Karceno4Life, even did an entire show on how “Kwame uses his influence [pushing the value of coding in the schools for children] the right way.”

Kwame Brown Stresses the Critical Importance of Mentors to Young Black Boys

Kwame Brown’s mantra besides teaching coding and trades in the schools is for young Black boys especially to get mentors. I was honored to have several magisterial Black men as my mentors growing up. One of them was Dr. Walter Williams (1936-2020), Professor of Economics at George Mason University for 40 years. Since my son was a freshman at GMU, I made him to be protégé of both Professor Williams and his good friend, Justice Clarence Thomas (a Gullah Geechee like Kwame Brown) who was also my mentor since my year at Harvard Law School with Barack Obama (1988-89).

Years ago, much of the behavior of young people that we see today would have never been tolerated. There was the vice principal’s office where corporal punishment would be administered for gross infractions. If the kid was unwise enough to tell his parents what happened, he might get more punishment at home. Today, unfortunately, we have replaced practices that worked with practices that sound good and caring. And we are witnessing the results.”

~ Professor Walter Williams
The Eternal Importance of Mentoring through the Generations—Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, my son, Stone and Dr. Walter Williams (Professor Emeritus of Economics, George Mason University), all having lunch together at The Hard Times Café in Fairfax Virginia (December 13, 2016). One of the greatest things I ever did for my son in this life was to introduce him to these two Strong, Magisterial Men who have helped me shape and guide his life. Due in part to their mentoring hand, Stone is presently working on a PhD degree in Public Policy at Clemson University and has never been to jail.

The answer to why are so many Black people attacking Kwame Brown for simply seeking ways to bring Coding and Trades to be taught in schools is both simple and complex. The simple question one must ask yourself is this – Why does the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix fear Black Economic Independence? Think in terms not only about Black peoples’ place in society, but also think in architectural terms. . . WHERE? Right, Black America for most of American history has purposely been placed at the very bottom of society. Even immigrants coming over here from every country around the world, often with little money in their pockets and no understanding of the English language are “allowed” to “make it” in America while all the institutions and laws are arrayed like soldiers on a vast battlefield to deconstruct, distract or destroy the Hopes and Dreams of Black people. . . especially the Black Man. It’s rather complex to come to this realization.

Think about it! The irony of Kwame Brown’s message to Black America to bring Coding and Trades back to the public schools meeting with great resistance by dozens of top Black bloggers on YouTube, yet in every prison in America (most corporate owned facilities) are currently teaching Black men many trades IN PRISON where they are paid 15 cents per hour? Do you think this is by accident, or is this a new form of voluntary slavery created by the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia to multiply their trillionaire fortune on the backs of young Black men?

Kwame is trying as one Man to end this Slave Mentality, to change this Slavery worldview that makes Black Men to use all their energy to destroy another Black Man whom they have never met before, but Kwame is meeting with great (even Demonic) resistance at every turn. REMEMBER!—the Rothschilds (the richest family in the world who are worth TRILLIONS) has been a major player in the human slavery market going back to the 1600s! The only thing that’s changed is that instead of using chains, they use iron bars to house millions of young Black men and exploit their labor for 15 cents an hour. . . and the Black community, Black Preachers, Black Principals, Black Teachers, Black Academics, Black Intellectuals, Black Politicians (except for Kwame and a few others) don’t say a mumbling WORD! . . . Why?!?

*N.B.: Homer Simpson is holding up a very interesting and provocative list of names. I suggest that you use the search engine: to look up some of these Rothschild Khazarian Mafia and Illuminati Satanist front organizations, CIA Secret Projects, CIA/FBI Operations, political policies and secret experiments like the Tuskegee Experiments, Project MK Ultra – they have been responsible for the democide and murder of millions and billions of people both in America and all over the world,

A few months ago (March 29, 2021) I posted this meme and wrote a essay with this provocative title—Black Rappers Satanic Deal with the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia to Destroy the Black Family by putting Black Men in Prison for Profit

DID YOU KNOW?!? – Black Rappers Satanic Deal with the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia to Destroy the Black Family by putting Black Men in Prison for Profit
Ellis Washington | March 29, 2021 | “All of the Black (and White) Hollywood, Sports, Entertainment celebrities who made the deal with the Devil for the Judas price of 30 pieces of silver, for celebrity will have your reward in HELL together with your masters— the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, Rockefellers, Illuminati who had a “Secret Meeting” of top record executives and the top 25-30 Rappers in 1991 at a large mansion in Hollywood Hills, California. Why? The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia who owns and controls Hollywood, Sports and Entertainment have for hundreds of years since slavery times wanted to destroy the Black family. Because of their extreme racism and hatred of humanity the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia’s evil intent to destroy Black America through destroying Black culture, the Black Man (through Prison Slavery) and the Black family was accelerated after Tupac’s death (Sept. 13, 1996).” 

Now do you understand why hundreds of trolls and millions of dollars has already been spent over the past 8 months against Kwame Brown, to silence his Geechee voice of Reason and Truth. However, the demonic forces of evil have taken their War Against Kwame Brown to another level especially since mid-May 2021 trying to stop, defame and destroy a “busty bust”, a “scrub” who played basketball 20 years ago to try to help young Black boys by bringing Coding and Trades back to every public school in America? Because when Kwame Brown says repeatedly to his nearly 500,000 followers of YouTube, “Let’s put Trades and Coding in every School in America so that Black Boys will be Immune to Company Policy” it is a direct attack against the Black Slave Weltanschauung (Nazi Worldview) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix which seeks to enslave the Black mind particularly of the Black male at all costs.

Why? Because if the Black Man can get free from the Matrix of the White Zaddy bosses who use Company Policy as an existential threat to make people bow down and worship at the altar of White Supremacy in order to get the few crumbs, the few dollars they allow you to make if you follow the G.A.G.A.G. – Go Along-Get-Along-Gang Worldview… THEN we will allow you to be a success like LeJudas-Goat James, Charlemagne the Lesser Charge, Rachel the Red-Headed Witch and $tephen A. Bitche$ just to name a few.

I’ll let Kwame Brown summarize the importance of bringing Coding and Trades to all the schools in the Black community as he addresses his legions of Black Haters of Black Traitor Bloggers on YouTube (e.g., Hassan Campbell, Tommy Sotomayor, Most Hated Blogger (M.H.B.), Kev Gillz and many, many other so-called “Clout Chasers”) in his own inimitable, Geechee style [beg.@1:09:12]—

“So, your whole game is destruction to our [Black] community; that’s why you didn’t like the things I was saying – Coding and Trades – because little boys wouldn’t look up to you no more, so you couldn’t get down with that. That’s why you didn’t like me saying – “We the People” so you couldn’t get down with that. So, you used the same old Nigger tactics the White Man taught you to use – Tell him its better to be a Street Nigger that will come in here because you disrespecting your ancestors; that will come into a prison system that will make all White people rich; that you’ll going to learn a trade in there.
That’s why the trades aren’t in in schools, you’re going to learn their trades. You’re going to work for them and their children, their PLANTATION. You’re still on the Plantation, because its in Niggers like your mind. And any Nigger that’s willing to walk upright, erect, and outside of that B.S. you are designed to tear down or make look weak. And you are the men I set me teeth thereon and that’s why I haven’t moved on…”

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