How the Satanic New World Order will try to Destroy Reality and Religion using Project Blue Beam (Holographic UFOs)

| February 26, 2023
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About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School for 1 year (1988-89) with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama, (b. 1960 – d. 09/29/2019), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted since 1989 – for over 34 yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why? To avenge Harvard University’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Death certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & trading people’s identities like animals on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, Death Taxes, Fiat/Counterfeit currency not based on Gold or Silver, but based on NOTHING!—national currencies of the world promiscuously printed at will by the Rothschild Central Bankers to fund perpetual False Flag Wars) while keeping the entire world enslaved inside the Birth-School-Labor-Taxes-Debts-Retirement-Death cycle of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), then read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog that has recently exceeded 21 million views @ & on Facebook— #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

“NASA, with the help of the United Nations, was attempting to implement a New Age religion with the Antichrist at its head and start a New World Order, via a technologically simulated Second Coming of Christ.”

~ Serge Monast


You have been lied to all of your life. History has been a [Big] Lie created by the [Rothschild Khazarian] Cabal for thousands of years for Control.

~ #Plato’sAllegoryoftheCave


A. Project Blue Beam and the Government’s Art of Distraction:

According to QAnon and financial expert Dr. Charlie Ward, regarding Project Blue Beam as a 100% total construct and distraction to keep the world from knowing about or focusing on real events of Biblical-level change right before our very eyes. Exhibit A: The Chinese balloons that the U.S. are shooting down all over America. What are they? The world is in turmoil because of these UFOs.

Wards states that “UFOs (unidentified flying objects) are becoming more and more seen, they are a distraction, don’t get distracted. This is all a distraction, alien invasion; we’re in that phase right now, as there is about to be 130ish members of government in America that are going to be exposed as members who have travelled to Epstein Island on a regular basis.”

So, they need as much distraction as they can possibly get to take your eyes away from these corrupt politicians who have been involved in child trafficking and pedophilia.”

We the People News Documentary on Project Blue Beam

Below is a transcript of this interesting video documentary followed by my commentary and analysis of a recent report on Project Blue Beam published by Mary of We the People News.

{Transcript beg. @25:04-31:43} Project Blue Beam was a plan that had been designed to usher humanity into their New World. In order to reach their New World, four key objectives had to be achieved. First, a different face had to be abolished and a world religion that was based on the Cult of Man and the number of the Beast [666] would be created and intensely promoted by the mainstream media.

{Analysis} Because the pastors, prophets, evangelists, and teachers of the Christian churches worldwide have long ago forsaken teaching doctrines of holiness, purity, sanctification and obedience in place of celebrity, tolerance, easy faith, once-saved-always-saved and other cultic apostacies like the ubiquitous Prosperity Gospel of Materialism that so many false teachers and pastors of mega-churches preach exclusively including—T.D. Jakes, Bishop Eddie Long, T.B. Joshua, Fred Price, Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland, John Hagee, Steven Furtick, Sarah Young, Todd Bentley, Todd White, Charles Taze Russell, Rick Joiner, Perry Stone, Rod Parsley, Myles Munroe, Creflo Dollar, Joyce Myer, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Hagan, Paula White, etc.

These legions of Christian charlatans have made themselves multi-millionaires marketing the Gospel of Jesus Christ which the Bible repeatedly commands must be preached unto the four corners of the earth for FREE. Why do you think that Saint Paul, a man who wrote half of the New Testament was compelled to take a “second job” working as a tentmaker? Because the money he raised to help spread the Gospel of Jesus was all given to the poor, the widowed, and to establish churches all over the world for the needy. None of the money that the Apostle Paul collected was used for fancy clothes, fancy transportation, jewelry, and mansions. In other words, unlike these prosperity preachers of today, none of the offerings Paul received were for his own personal enjoyment. Therefore, the world stands at the precipice of a One World Government with its own One World Religion headed by Satan’s son whom the Bible refers to as the Antichrist. That’s why journalist Serge Monast was absolutely right when he famously stated that, “NASA, with the help of the United Nations, was attempting to implement a New Age religion with the Antichrist at its head and start a New World Order, via a technologically simulated Second Coming of Christ.”

{Transcript} Secondly, all national identities were to be removed so that the New World [Order] government could take control.

{Analysis} In an article and video interview by whistleblower/martyr Rosa Koire exposing Agenda 2030, she states that “What this plan does is it destroys the concept of the nation-state and it completely destroys it and devolves it into the city-states or regions. And these are not individual cities, like San Francisco or New York, these are regions that are governed by megacities, which are huge, enormous cities that could be part of Washington State, part of Oregon, part of Idaho and part of British Columbia.

  “So, it breaks the national borders, it breaks state borders, it breaks, of course, county and city borders and this is about destroying your ability to be able actually control what it is that happens to you…“It’s a global plan that’s implemented locally…it’s a stealth plan and you’ll never see it called ‘Agenda 21[2030]’…

{Transcript} Thirdly, the marital fidelity and family model of today was to be steadily phased out so that the new family identities could be easily controlled while the world government and all kinds of family affairs would therefore be managed under a totalitarian control system.

{Analysis} Of this 7 Illuminati objectives to establish Satan’s New World Order #5—“Abolition of the Family” has been achieved through a myriad of government policies and philosophes of man namely, but not limited to –Feminism, Marxism, Hegelian Dialectic, Kabbalah ( = Law of Opposites).

In a 2014 essay I published in, On Hobbes and the Leviathan who devours men, I had the following analysis about infamous English Enlightenment philosopher, Thomas Hobbes and his celebration of a totalitarian form of government as the best to rule men—

Again, again and again we see Hobbesian fascism of the seventeenth century on display in modern times where his sovereign devolves to tyrannical status under the guise of “democracy” – Theodore Roosevelt’s “Square Deal” and conservation fascism confiscating 230 million of acres of land as federal land, Woodrow Wilson’s Twenty One Points and his League of Nations (a precursor to the socialist, anti-Semitic United Nations), FDR’s New Deal and welfare state, Truman’s “Fair Deal,” LBJ’s “Great Society,” Nixon’s EPA, OSHA, Affirmative Action, Clinton’s “Global Initiative” and Obama’s New Deal, Part 2, bringing in millions of diseased, uneducated and illegal aliens from El Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico to purposely collapse the system as the Columbia professor mentors Cloward and Piven taught him in the early 1980s and now Obama’s feckless egalitarianism is spreading the deadly disease Ebola in America.

The cumulative effect of confiscating and Marxist redistribution of trillions of taxpayers’ money to improve the human condition, yet in all respects society is more ignorant, decadent, alienated and poverty-stricken than preceding generations of the past 100 years is so Hobbes’s “Sovereign” as synonymous with tyranny and dictatorship could pervert the Constitution for power, for money and to control the masses and make their own citizens slaves to the federal government and to the omnipotent State.

From the Age of Enlightenment to the French Revolution, from Marxist socialism, Darwin’s evolution atheism to Obama’s Neo-Marxism and Saul Alinsky policies, liberals have turned liberalism into fascism, tyranny and genocide in their social contract to seize power, resources, control and all societal institutions. This is Hobbes’s tragic, anti-God legacy – Hell on earth through government, or as he once writes: “Hell is Truth seen too late.”

*N.B.: This essay is based in part on ideas from Great Books of the Western World, Robert Maynard Hutchins, Editor-in-Chief (University of Chicago, 1952), Vol. 1, Chap. 31 – Government; Vol. 23 – Machiavelli and Hobbes; The Oxford Guide to Philosophy, Ted Honderich, Editor (Oxford University Press, 2005), essay on Hobbes, pp. 392-396.

{Transcript} And fourthly, all individual artistic and scientific works would be suppressed and deviated and then replaced with all kinds of artistry and sciences. Once these steps were brought into play then natural disasters would seemingly take place in various geographic locations and be used to reveal facts about the true history of planet earth that have been suppressed for many eons so that the face of the world could be entirely discredited.

{Analysis} In the article, An Appeal For Heresy – The Separation Of Science And State (01/20/23), was illuminating in exposing the sophistic pseudo-science of “scientism” which the Deep State, the Globalists and the Satanic New World Order are all in one accord to force onto society as a bogus Reality of “Truth”. The article states that “What we call science operates in a matrix of a strict social hierarchy, which oftentimes resembles aspects of irrational cults and organized religions. Scientism is a dominant belief system of the New World Order and the puppet masters have been forcing it on us, however, those who will reject it will be the new heretics. The fanatics who demand the separation of Church and State should also…

Source: Text – Check out Ground Zero Radio with Clyde Lewis Live Nightly @


{Transcript} Complete social upheaval would occur because the perception of God that many individuals had would change as they had accepted the version of reality which had been presented to them. A breakdown in traditional belief systems and the human psyche were there to become very widespread. With the psychological conditioning having already been completed because of how cultural conditioning and predictive program had been consistently used in film and television.

Most people had been prepared for a long time so that they would accept the Satanic agenda. Many had just watched the movie screens and continued to be spectators that would never become aware of the circus show that was being performed behind the scenes – a horror show that most could never truly comprehend. Project Blue Beam then showed an enormous cosmic show of trickery where three-dimensional holograms were projected by huge satellites using lasers. Yes, it was a scientific film in real time above the skies of planet earth.

{Analysis} The word circus above reminds me of a famous quote by the ancient Roman poet Juvenal who criticized the Roman empire as being concerned about nothing but keeping the people enslaved in entertainments and diversions collectively showcased in the gladiatorial blood sport games of the Colosseum. Last Sunday the world enjoyed another grand spectacle called the Super Bowl which if you shift one letter to the left = Superb Owl. *N.B.: That owl is the Satanic symbol of the super elite occult secret society called Bohemian Grove—

{Transcript} Most UFO sightings that had been reported were really artificially generated as they had been produced by using Project Blue Beam technology. Such plans have been hidden from the general public for a very long time. The secrecy was disturbing as no one actually knew the truth, but how else would they ____ link the covert civilization to the overall control grid of planet earth? They had been developing their plan for well over 70 years and had created a massive inversion of physical reality so that beliefs of many individuals could be easily reprogrammed.

{Analysis} Two years ago in 2021, I wrote a 5-part article on my recent discovery of a shadowy secret society of fake Jews called the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia. In part 5 of that essay series, I wrote a conclusion on Project Blue Beam—

Epilogue: Project Blue Beam, Agenda 2030 and Beyond. . . the Choice is Yours!

For the conclusion of this essay, I want to discuss other esoteric evil plots the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia has in store for the world:

NASA’s Project Blue Beam would be intended to establish the beginning of the New World Order, conceived as a single Globalist government, a single army, a single religion, a cashless society with the population controlled by microchips connected to a single computer. This Globalization taken to democidal levels and that’s the major point of Globalism = Population Control = Population Reduction = Population DEMOCIDE which according to the term’s inventor Political Scientist R.J. Rummel—“the intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity and pursuant to government policy or high command.” The writer continues, “The world elite would not be subjected to this type of control system, but rather they would be the executioners.” In his 1994 book, Project Blue Beam, journalists Serge Monast wrote the following comments that are tragically prescient to this very day and era—

“There is an experiment by NASA and other government agencies to lead us into a global government by fooling us into a staged tribulation featuring a staged holographic alien invasion, to bring in a false messiah to unite all religions into a one world religion.” He also wrote that “the holographic technology could be felt through touch and that through certain frequencies you could hear voices talking to you.”

{Transcript} Another aspect of Project Blue Beam was to merge all of the religious teachings into one so that only the Satanic overlords could then speak to them. [Bible verses] People could hear their version of God in every language and culture as the demonic hologram spoke from the skies which people believed was some kind of divine sign from the heavens where the projections were actually being projected from satellite transmissions themselves. [verse] Individuals heard voices in their head as light beamed signals from orbiting satellites that had  been repeatedly stored and encrypted from the vast quantities of social media data that had been gathered for many years.

{Analysis} If we are to believe what Monast writes as being true, it is imperative more than ever to make the majority of the public aware of the NASA project in order to not fall prey to mass deception, societal breakdown and from the ashes dystopia and mass slavery under the Antichrist.

{Transcript} After the fake alien invasion had been shown and the holographic projections had passed advanced sciences were introduced and various kinds of ______ systems were displayed. They had been retrieved from crashed UFOs, which the seemingly heroic nations had destroyed to save humanity. But beside the scientific endeavors, there was also occult technology that was used to control the masses as so many feared that another attack by the extraterrestrials would occur once again in the near future. Their plan was coming to completion an a new world of occult technology would quickly formed but they did not understand the power of other forces that were at work. Although they had their Satanic agenda and intended to control every living thing on planet earth, their plans would eventually fail.

There were other levels at work that were not of the physical world and resonated far beyond linear space time in domains where thoughts and influences of the Satanic overlords had no effect. Because higher vibrations were arising from humanity as they started to spiritually and psychologically develop, their plan could only last for a limited time until the last hurdle had been reached.

{Analysis} Another evil plot by the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia aka the Globalists or New World Order to take over the world (and there are many) is called Agenda [20]21, renamed Agenda 2030 due to the unforeseen apotheosis of President Donald Trump, whom in their Satanic arrogance, never imagined he would ever defeat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. . . but he did. Therefore, the evil intent of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia is delayed, but not denied (so they think!)

What is Agenda 2030? Basically, it is the establishment of their Satanic One World Government or Globalization which is the standardization of all systems, such as natural resources, water, food, education, energy, law enforcement, etc. All systems have to be brought into coordination in order to control them all. During World War II, Adolph Hitler (a secret Jew or Khazar and grandson of Nathan Rothschild) and his Nazis Third Reich called these strategies for world domination control Weltanschauung (e.g., ‘Nazi’ Worldview) and Gleichshaltung (e.g., forced control, coordination). Why? Because when systems don’t meet or are out of “balance” or don’t synchronize with each other, they can’t be controlled centrally. The goal of Agenda 2021 and 2030 is of course a One World Government and total control from a central unit following the Nazi Third Reich paradigm of World War II (1939-45). The Bible calls that ultimate figure or person the Antichrist or son of Satan (Rev. 13:16-17). Thus, the New World Order and all of their allied entities have from the beginning, from the Garden of Eden devoted to establishing Satan’s kingdom here on earth as an affront and challenge to God, Jesus Christ His Son, and his kingdom in heaven.

Therefore the upcoming and now existential Satanic New World Order will more than likely be ushered into mainstream society and culture through two construct (fake) avenues: (1) Creation of a One World Government and Religion with the United Nations and the Illuminati taking the lead in this grand Conspiracy to destroy or infiltrate Christianity; (2) In the thumbnail meme for this essay it states that “According to the late journalist Serge Monast, NASA is planning on projecting giant 3D holograms of religious figures into the atmosphere to initiate a spiritual apocalypse among world religions.”

Jesus during his short time here on earth had a saying that applies to the above passage by Fulford, “Of them, Jesus said: ‘[B]lessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear'” (Matthew 13:16). The point about this passage that has not changed from when Jesus spoke those words over 2,000 years ago is that people are creatures of habit (good or bad, but mostly bad) therefore, many times they don’t see major events (like the Son of God speaking to them right now) or events like the arrests of major world leaders from treason, sedition, fraud, and for new crimes that many people are not aware of, e.g., Crimes Against Humanity, War Crimes, Conspiracy to Commit War Crimes, Pedophilia, Child Trafficking, Human Trafficking, etc. We the People must be vigilant and verify every so-called UFO through the lens of the Word of God, which will exist forever and has never been wrong.

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