Hollywood = Hellywood—CIA Predictive Programing: “V for Vendetta” (2005)

| December 27, 2021
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About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School for 1 year (1988-89) with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama, (b. 1961- d. 09/29/2019), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted for 32+ yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why? To avenge Harvard University’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, Death Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund False Flag Wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog that’s just exceeded 20 million views @ EllisWashingtonReport.com & on Facebook#JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

Ideas do not bleed, they do not love, they do not feel pain… ideas are bulletproof.”

V for Vendetta (2005)

Morpheus to Neo—“Everything they told you was a [Big] Lie.” 

~ The Matrix (1999)

A lot of movies are just the Deep State revealing so that if the information ever came out, they can say that’s a movie; that it’s not real.” 

~ Gene Decode, Military Intelligence Expert (beg. @5:58)

PrologueHollywood-Hellywood: Perfecting the Illusion of Reality Re-packaged as “Fiction” or CIA “Conspiracy Theory”

In my first essay of this series on Hollywood-Hellywood, I opened with this passage—”Did you know that the cinema or movie industry is 100% based on lies and trickery, delusion, propaganda, and CIA mind-control? That said, this industry is strictly controlled by the so-called Rothschild Khazarian Mafia and follow Satanic systems like the Illuminati, Babylonian Talmudic Money-Magic, the Kabballah cult of Judaism (‘Law of Opposites’), and MK Ultra Mind-control techniques used by all of the world’s secret police and intelligence agencies including—the Gestapo, the Nazi SS, OSS, CIA, FBI, Mossad, NKVD, KGB, Stasi, just to name a few of their evil and Machiavellian mechanisms to mind-control society through the cinema.”

According to a ‘Truth or Fiction’ meme I used as a thumbnail for this essay—The 2005 dystopian film titled “V for Vendetta” is about a Leftist authoritarian regime in London, England in the dystopian Year of 2020 (Are you Woke yet? – in order to make their demonic enslavement over U.S. more powerful, the Satanic New World Order have been telegraphing their Covid Scamdemic for 20 years!) that seizes absolute power over the people by creating a society of irrational fear due to an alleged deadly pandemic virus spreading throughout the world. In the film the media pushes fear-based propaganda on the TV and in all media in every household and on the all-seeing cameras on every street corner of the city. The maniacal dictator promises security in exchange for freedom, but in reality only gives masses slavery, fear, brutality, and death. “This is for your safety” is the leitmotiv (e.g., slave slogan) repeated throughout the film. Most importantly the film ends with society waking up en masses to the Reality of Truth and the corrupt, fascist regime is dismantled and destroyed in a complex and comprehensive internal revolution by the people who are consciously and unconsciously led by their hero, “V for Vendetta”. Once again, what year is the film set? . . . 2020. . . Are you WOKE yet?!?

Is Art imitating Life in the movie, V for Vendetta, or have We the People – even the entire world been subjected to a grand CIA/Mossad mind-control Conspiracy controlled by the 13 Royal Illuminati Bloodline families like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Payseurs and the European Monarchy (House of Windsor) in alliance with our secret service institutions, where the life we’ve lived for the past 150 years since the passage of the treacherous legislation DC Organic Act of 1871 or in England, Act of 1871 has stolen our country and it’s God-ordained freedoms based on Natural Law and Natural Rights from before our eyes over the past 5 or 6 GENERATIONS?

Plot to Movie – V for Vendetta (2005)

Wikipedia—Following global war and terrorism, the world is in turmoil. The United States is fractured as a result of a second civil war and an epidemic of the “St. Mary’s Virus” is ravaging continental Europe. Britain is ruled as a Supremacist[8][9] and neo-fascist[10] police state by the Norsefire Party, helmed by all-powerful High Chancellor Adam Sutler. Political opponents, immigrants, Jews, Muslims, atheists, homosexuals, and other “undesirables” are imprisoned and executed.On November 4, a vigilante in a Guy Fawkes mask, “V,” rescues Evey Hammond, an employee of the state-run British Television Network (BTN), from members of the “Fingermen” secret police. After the stroke of midnight, they watch his demolition of the Old Bailey, accompanied by fireworks and the “1812 Overture“. Inspector Finch of Scotland Yard investigates V’s activities. V hijacks a BTN broadcast to claim responsibility for the destruction, encouraging the people of Britain to rebel against their government and meet him on next year’s Guy Fawkes Night outside the Houses of Parliament. The police attempt to capture V. Evey helps him escape but is knocked unconscious.

V takes Evey to his home, where she is told she must remain for one year. V takes Evey’s access card and confronts Norsefire’s propagandist, Lewis Prothero, in the shower, killing him. Anthony Lilliman, the Bishop of London, advances on Evey, before being saved by V, who kills Lilliman. Evey offers to help but escapes to the home of her boss, talk show host Gordon Deitrich. In return for Evey trusting him, Gordon reveals subversive paintings, an antique Quran, and homoerotic photographs. V confronts Dr. Delia Surridge, who experimented on him and others at Larkhill  at a concentration camp 20 years earlier; seeing her genuine remorse, he kills her painlessly.

After Gordon satirizes the government on his show, his home is raided, and Evey is captured. She is tortured for information about V, her only solace being a note written by Valerie Page, an actress whose partner, Ruth, was captured by the Fingermen, being tortured, and killed after being revealed as Ruth’s partner. Evey is to be executed unless she reveals V’s location. When she says she would rather die, she is released, finding herself in V’s home. V reveals Gordon was executed, while he rescued Evey. V staged her imprisonment to free her from her fears. The note was indeed real, secretly passed from Valerie to V when he was imprisoned at Larkhill. Initially enraged, Evey realizes she has become stronger, marked by a moment in the rain. She leaves him, promising to return before November 5.

Reading Surridge’s journal, Finch learns V is the result of human experimentation and is targeting those who detained him. Finch searches for V’s true identity, tracing him to a bioweapons program in Larkhill. Finch meets William Rookwood, who tells him about the program. Fourteen years earlier, Sutler, Secretary of Defense at the time, launched a secret project at Larkhill, which resulted in the creation of the St. Mary’s Virus. Peter Creedy, the current leader of the Norsefire Party, suggested releasing the virus onto Britain, albeit through water route to avoid a pandemic. Targeting St. Mary’s School, a tube station and a water treatment plant, the virus killed more than 100,000 people and was blamed on a terrorist organisation. Norsefire used the fear and chaos to elevate Sutler to the office of High Chancellor, win an overwhelming majority in Parliament, and profit off the cure for the virus. Although Finch later disbelieves the story after discovering Rookwood is V in disguise, his faith in the Norsefire government is shaken.

As November 5 nears, V distributes thousands of Guy Fawkes masks. Riots begin to break out as a young girl is shot by the police, as Britain slowly descends into anarchy. On the eve of November 5, Evey visits V, who shows her a train filled with ANFO explosives in the abandoned London Underground, set to destroy Parliament. He leaves it to Evey to decide whether to use it. V meets Creedy, with whom he made a deal to surrender in exchange for Sutler’s execution. After Creedy executes Sutler by shooting him in the head, V reneges on his deal. After being shot multiple times, he kills Creedy and his men. Mortally wounded, V staggers to the tunnel where Evey is waiting and finally admits he loves her before dying in her arms. Despite their earlier experiences, Evey has grown close to V and is visibly heartbroken by his death.

Finch finds Evey placing V’s body aboard the train. Disillusioned by the Party’s regime, Finch allows Evey to send the train. Thousands of citizens wearing Guy Fawkes masks march toward the Houses of Parliament. Without any orders, the military allows the crowd to pass. As Parliament is destroyed, Finch asks Evey for V’s identity, to which she replies, “He was all of us.”   [End]

Analysis of Illuminati and Globalist New World Order Symbolism in the Movie, V for Vendetta—Revisiting Thomas Hobbes’ Leviathan

Here in Part 4 of my Hollywood = Hellywood essay series, I want to delve deeper into my subject matter reviewing the 2005 movie, “V for Vendetta” produced by the Wachowski brothers (who also produced The Matrix Trilogy), starring Natalie Portman and Hugo Weaving. —

At this point in history it is now clear that virtually every war since the American Revolution and the French Revolution (1789-1799) has been a contrived, construct war funded on both sides by the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia. Why? To keep the world enslaved in a senseless cycle of dystopian, perpetual Wars (what English philosopher Thomas Hobbes called in his works De Cive (1642) and Leviathan (1651)—Bellum omnia contra omnes (The war of all against all). In 2015, I published one of many essays and critical historical analysis of Hobbes’ ideas and how his worldview affected Western political philosophy, government organization – including the founding of the American Republic of 1776—On Hobbes and the Leviathan who Devours Men

In other words—“Without society, we would live in a state of nature, where we each have unlimited natural freedoms. The downside of this general autonomy is that it includes the “Right to all things” and thus the freedom to harm all who threaten one’s own self-preservation; there are no positive rights, only law of nature and an endless ‘War of all against all’”—(Bellum omnium contra omnes).”


That said, it is predictable that the plot of this movie, V for Vendetta takes place in the aftermath of a global war that produced a Hobbesian dystopian abyss of Bellum omnia contra omnes where an equally deadly pandemic called “St. Mary’s Virus” has ravaged the world, including the sovereign city-state of London (that’s right London, like the Vatican in Rome and Washington, D.C. are all separate, sovereign nations apart from the countries they are connected to). Think: The end of World War I (1914-18) and the succeeding virus that killed 50-100 million people called the Spanish Flu (Influenza). In World War II (1939-45), Adolph Hitler, the secret grandson of Nathan ROTHSCHILD (a Jew and a Zionist) was chosen by the Deep State leaders in America and England to rise from nothing as the leader of the Third Reich to use the Jews (and their Typhoid diseases) as a pretext to launch World War II and to launch the Holocaust against the Jews putting them into Concentration Camps numbering not 10, not 20, not 100, but over 42,500 all over Europe! 

In the V for Vendetta movie the High Chancellor Adam Sutler character was modelled after Adolph Hitler who was a bastard grandson of Lionel Nathan ROTHSCHILD = a Jew = a Zionist = a Khazar. So, why don’t our history books teach us that a Rothschild Jew named Adolph Hitler who was supported by America, England and the Vatican, started World War II, killed over 20 million people including over 6 million Jews in the Holocaust, escaped to South America at the end of the War and lived a comfortable, anonymous life into his 80s? Qui bono (Who benefits?)—Understand the Illuminati symbology—Satanic New World Order = Create the PROBLEM, Fund the REACTION, Mandate the [Final] SOLUTION. *Note: the Nazi’s human extermination program against the Jews was called the “Final Solution.” Why? Because they were following the Hegelian Dialectic.


Note here that this is the preferred method of a construct or Matrix History the entire world has been enslaved under virtually since the Garden of Eden, but for the purposes of this movie review, since the passage of the unconstitutional and treasonous DC Organic Act of 1871 in America and its companion legislation in England Act of 1871. These cataclysmic Look at the pattern of every world war and pandemic for thousands of years; it’s always the same. All Human History since  the Garden of Eden has been controlled and manipulated by Satan to install his New World Order over the World—

Satanic New World Order AGENDA = PROBLEM – REACTION – SOLUTION—How did Satan enslave the entire WORLD for 1000s and 1000s of years since the Garden of Eden without We the People & Humanity even Knowing about it [= Ignorance], Caring about it [= Apathy], Fearful of it [= Cowardice], or Allied with it [= Blasphemy & Treason]? Billions and Billions and Billions of Souls lost for Eternity! The mind control trick is called Hegelian Dialectic and this Satanic rhetorical devise has controlled the media, politics, religion, history, society, and civilization since Satan first used it to “beguile” using “forbidden fruit” to rape Eve in the Garden of Eden, 6,000 years ago.

Epilogue—V’s Speech to the City of London: Did Hollywood give U.S. Hints about Covid 15 years in advance?

Regarding how Hollywood in their major movies often shows big societal shifts in years, and even decades in advance, Military Intelligence expert Gene Decode gives us a reason why—“A lot of movies are just the Deep State revealing so that if the information ever came out, they could say that’s a movie; that it’s not real.” That said, I answer Yes to the question – Did Hollywood through the movie, V for Vendetta give U.S. hints about Covid 15  years in advance? Therefore, I will conclude this essay proving this point on many levels by analyzing V’s speech to the entire City-State of London—

Good evening, London. Allow me first to apologize for this interruption. I do, like many of you, appreciate the comforts of everyday routine – the security of the familiar, the tranquility of repetition. I enjoy them as much as any bloke. But in the spirit of commemoration, thereby those important events of the past usually associated with someone’s death or the end of some awful bloody struggle, a celebration of a nice holiday, I thought we could mark this November the 5th, a day that is sadly no longer remembered, by taking some time out of our daily lives to sit down and have a little chat.

There are of course those who do not want us to speak. I suspect even now, orders are being shouted into telephones, and men with guns will soon be on their way. Why? Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn’t there?

Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who’s to blame? Well certainly there are those who are more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but again truth be told, if you’re looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.

I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn’t be? War, terror, disease. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now high chancellorAdam SutlerHe promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent. Last night, I sought to end that silence. Last night, I destroyed the Old Bailey, to remind this country of what it has forgotten. More than four hundred years ago, a great citizen wished to embed the 5th of November forever in our memory. His hope was to remind the world that fairness, justice, and freedom are more than words – they are perspectives. So if you’ve seen nothing, if the crimes of this government remain unknown to you, then I would suggest you allow the 5th of November to pass unmarked.

But if you see what I see, if you feel as I feel, and if you would seek as I seek, then I ask you to stand beside me one year from tonight, outside the gates of Parliament, and together we shall give them a 5th of November that shall never, ever be forgot.

Here I will discuss several historical points about Guy Fox Night (5 Nov. 1605) and why his controversial actions really resonate with people in America and throughout the world who yearn for Freedom and Liberty in modern times—

  • First, Guy Fox was a Catholic Nationalist who thought that if he blew up the Parliament building it would cause a domino effect leading to the destruction of the English monarchy of King James I and the installation of the Catholic Queen Mary of Scots. 
  • Second, religious sectarian arguments aside, allow me to site the movie’s restatement of history to make a few observations about V’s speech to the City-State of London when he hacked into their universal surveillance system and used it to bring a message of Hope-Revolt-Liberty. *N.B.: Guy Fox Night (1605) occurs in the movie exactly 400 years later (the movie was produced in 2005). That is not a coincidence, because there is no such thing as coincidence.
  • Third, he admits to all the people that “there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn’t there? – as he launches into a succinct but passionate apologetic denouncing the totalitarianism of the Chancellor Sutler’s government and the necessity of the people of London to ignore fear and to rise up to revolt against this existential Tyranny and to install a Republic where all the people are treated equally, fairly, and justly.
  • Fourth, what is only hinted at by V, but what Q and QAnon movements (16 years later) have now made abundantly clear through the daily comprehensive reports by Judy Byington and others is that, history as you know it, has been a pile of lies and disinformation. That England, the Vatican, the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, the Illuminati, the Freemasons are in essence the head of the snake that must be decapitated if London (and the world) will ever enjoy Freedom again. 
  • Remember on the 400th anniversary of Guy Fox Night, V for Vendetta is about a totalitarian dictatorship that seizes power by using Hegelian Dialectic (Problem-Reaction-Solution) to create a climate of absolute fear due to an alleged pandemic virus that is killing people all over the world. The more fear is generated by the St. Mary Plandemic virus, the more people are desperate for security, the more the Chancellor Sutler’s government obliges the people with more oppression and terrorism, social lockdown, and murder all in the name of “Security.”

List of Elite Names who have been Arrested, Indicted or Executed by Military Tribunal for Treason, Sedition, Pedophilia, Satanism and other Crimes Against Humanity

Like in the literary epic Goethe’s Faust modern day elites in society have sold their souls to Satan for power, $$$ and control, but didn’t expect a man like Trump to become POTUS – a man who did not make a Satan oath, is not a pedophile and refused to join any of their Satanic secret societies. What will happen to all of the Deep State elites who have tortured, molested, sacrificed, abused children, extracted adrenochrome by drinking their blood in Satanic rituals? The following is a List of Indictments, Arrests and Executions—Dismantling the Deep State Operatives and Doubles (13 Oct. 2021) by Meedea Greere 


As I stated in Part 1 of this essay series—“No matter how advanced, incredible, and unbelievable the technology, everything that is so-called “fiction” in the movies is ultimately reality; We the People just aren’t aware of it yet, because the Deep State and the intelligence agencies haven’t revealed these technologies and Machiavellian world takeover stratagems to the American people yet. These strategies come from the Kabballah cult of the Law of Opposites whereby up is down, in is out, good is evil and fiction is REALITY.”


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HOW TO ESCAPE 150 Years of Slavery? Remember in my biography at the beginning of this essay, I wrote the following–“To escape the 150-year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, Death Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund False Flag Wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021). . .” What Theologian Paul Tillich called the question of ‘ultimate concern’ is this–Where are YOU? Where are your family members? Where are your nations, your generations, your Future on this Illuminati Pyramid of Power? Your answer will determine your ultimate DESTINY! Good News President Trump and the Alliance has destroyed this Illuminati Pyramid of Power and all of its evil institutions and minions.  



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