Greg Reese Podcast—The Deep State Targeting We the People using Nanotechnology

| September 16, 2023
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About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School for 1 year (1988-89) with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama, (b. 1960 – d. 09/29/2019), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted since 1989 – for over 34 yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why? To avenge Harvard University’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Death certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & trading people’s identities like animals on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, Death Taxes, Fiat/Counterfeit currency not based on Gold or Silver, but based on NOTHING!—national currencies of the world promiscuously printed at will by the Rothschild Central Bankers to fund perpetual False Flag Wars) while keeping the entire world enslaved inside the Birth-School-Labor-Taxes-Debts-Retirement-Death cycle of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), then read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog that has recently exceeded 21 million views @ & on Facebook— #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

There are no coincidences in the universe, only convergences of Will, Intent, and Experience.

~ Neale Donald Walsch

Never allow a good crisis to go to waste.

~ Rahm Emmanuel (Chief Advisor to President Barack Hussein Obama)

The issue is never the issue, the issue is always the Revolution.

~ Students for a Democratic Society slogan (circa early 1960s)


You have been lied to all of your life. History has been a [Big] Lie created by the [Rothschild Khazarian] Cabal for thousands of years for Control.

~ #Plato’sAllegoryoftheCave


A. Prologue—Nanotechnology = Operation Northwoods 2.0

George Bernard Shaw, the famous Irish-English playwright famously stated that – “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” In today’s dystopian times that means to me that America’s intelligence agencies – particularly the NSA, CIA and FBI – have for over 100 years used “False Flag” democidal and genocidal tactics against the American people. Why? To control the masses, the narrative and especially Reality by keeping We the People enslaved inside of a false Matrix, a perverted existence of Reality called “Culture” and “Society”  .


For example, one of many, many CIA, FBI, NSA operations launched to control, enslave, and kill We the People is called, “Operation Northwoods”. Wikipedia has this definition of Operation Northwoods

Operation Northwoods was a proposed false flag operation against American citizens that originated within the US Department of Defense of the United States government in 1962. The proposals called for CIA operatives to both stage and commit acts of violent terrorism against American military and civilian targets, blaming them on the Cuban government, and using it to justify a war against Cuba. The possibilities detailed in the document included the remote control of civilian aircraft which would be secretly repainted as US Air Force planes,[2] a fabricated ‘shoot down’ of a US Air Force fighter aircraft off the coast of Cuba, the possible assassination of Cuban immigrants, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas,[3] blowing up a U.S. ship, and orchestrating terrorism in U.S. cities.[2] [4] The proposals were rejected by President John F. Kennedy.[5][6][7]

Operation Northwoods was one of the most successful intelligence tactics to distract the American people while keeping the masses unaware of what was really going on behind the scenes controlled by the 3-letter intelligence agencies, the Deep State and Shadow Governments working surreptitiously hand-and-hand at creating wars for profit for the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia and the Rockefeller Globalists.

That key sentence above about “…how the very problem that was started by the Khazarians also had a solution provided by them…” is a proven and effective tactic and stratagem used for thousands of years which the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia turned into demonic statecraft by their agent philosophers – Machiavelli (1469-1527)(“The end justifies the means”) and the man responsible for creating a systematic perversion of Law and History, Religion and Societal Morality, Truth and Reality – Hegel (1770-1831)(“War is progress, Peace is stagnation”; “To be independent of public opinion is the first formal condition of achieving anything great”) – using his so-called Hegelian Dialectic = Thesis – Antithesis – Synthesis or Problem – Reaction – Solution –

Think about all the World’s woes since the biblical Adam and Eve first encountered Satan and  fell into sin in the Garden of Eden according to the Book of Genesis 2:4-3:24—World Wars, Slavery, Famine, Poverty, Disease, Pandemics, Societal chaos, Race Wars, False Flags to foment war, Nation Balkanization, Debt-Slavery, Great Depressions, Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), Abortion, Child abuse, Eugenics, Ethnic Slavery, etc. Under the Rothschild-Illuminati-Hegel Dialectic ALL Reality is an artificial construct, or as Hegel famously declared, “Reality is a historical process” that is manipulated by sinister, Satanic forces behind public view.

Gleichschaltung“Consolidation. All of the German Volk’s social, political, and cultural organizations to be controlled and run according to Nazi ideology and policy. All opposition to be eliminated.”

~ Robert Michael, Karin Doerr[8]

In other words, the world you know is not really “Real” in an eternal sense of the word, but Reality is a version of a grand cynical construct – a Geopolitical Matrix Slavery orchestrated by the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia in one form or another over the past 2,000 years (perhaps from the “beginning”) to steal our Liberty and to enslave the world. Throughout all societal institutions, the Khazarian Mafia has built this Grand Illusion based not on Reality but created what the Nazis called a Weltanschauung (Nazi Worldview) and Gleichschaltung (lit. “coordination”, “synchronization”, “forcing together”, “Nazification of State and Society”, i.e., One-World Government, New World Order) based on systemic Perversion and Delusion, Narcissism and Nihilism, Communism and Perpetual Debt-Slavery.

Greg Reese Podcast – Government Sponsored Nanotechnology = Attempted DEMOCIDE i.e., Comprehensive Invasion of Privacy of Everything that Everyone says, does and THINKS in Real Time for C-O-N-T-R-O-L

{Transcript} After 9/11 and the birth of Homeland Security, fusion centers were set up to monitor U.S. citizens. And the U.S. Department of Justice legalized non-consensual experiments on the public. These Fusion centers employ civilians to target individuals and harass them, intimidate them, vandalize their property, and interfere with their day-to-day life. This is known as “Gang Stalking” [“Operation Northwoods 2.0]. Former high-ranking FBI agent, Ted Gunderson, reported in 2011 that he and thousands of others were being targeted. FBI agent Mike German confirmed this as well. Several federal agents have reported that they were targeting individual Americans including people who were simply Pro-Life. And that they were pressured to put more people on their targeting lists to legitimize more federal funding.

These Homeland Security Fusion centers are able to put any American citizen on the terrorist watch list without any reason or due process. In 2012, NSA whistleblower, William Binney, reported that the Feds are conducting comprehensive surveillance on nearly every US citizen and targeting whomever they please.

{Analysis} contributor, Greg Reese, in his podcast of Sept. 5, 2023 titled – Targeted Individuals, was commented upon in a TikTok comment  by “The NaturalHumanWay” (09-03-2022)— A must see: Brain science from bench to battlefield. You can find this on YouTube & at around the 40-minute mark is where you’ll find this clip. The article urges that We the People “really need to understand that our internal & external environment is what causes traditional so called “viruses” which in actual fact is your body trying to detox. The terrain is everything.” What I find particularly amazing about Greg Reese’s podcast on nanotechnology is how advanced it has grown just since the beginning of nanotech being introduced in the 1970s when all of these scientific achievements were only speculative and theoretical.

Also, with advent of “Gang Stalking” or creating voluminous Nazi-like “blacklists” which in effect is putting literally hundreds of millions of American citizens under 24/7 surveillance no longer under the pretense of “the Common Good” but to harass them for every cause. . . or for not cause at all, just because the Satanic New World Order government think it has the power over We the People. (It doesn’t!)

The article states, “But what we find here is that through technology, electromagnetic fields & propaganda, mind viruses can do a lot of damage to unsuspecting target populations.” #truth #media #activedenialsystem #neuroweapons This statement as well as the main points of Greg Reese’s podcast on nanotechnology demonstrates conclusively how the Bible warned us even as far back as the Antediluvian era (before Noah’s Great Flood) that mankind was hellbent on Genocide [e.g., DEMOCIDE] of humanity and destroying the world through gross wicked acts according to the narrative of Genesis 6:5-6 [Amplified Bible]—”The LORD saw that the wickedness (depravity) of man was great on the earth, and that every imagination or intent of the thoughts of his heart were only evil continually. The LORD regretted that He had made mankind on the earth, and He was [deeply] grieved in His heart.”


{Transcript} In 2014, Glen Greenwald exposed the methods used to target individuals such as hacking into people’s social media accounts, posing as that person, and contacting their friends and co-workers. is currently working on suing the federal government for targeting individual US citizens with different high-tech weapons including Directed Energy Weapons [e.g., the fires in Maui, Hawaii (8 Aug.)] . The Havanna Syndrome [2016/17], when diplomats in Cuba were attacked with Directed Energy Weapons, was not an isolated event. There are thousands of individuals who claim to be under this same sort of attack. And they have the scars to prove it.

As far back as 1976, the technology to remotely alter brain waves existed. Including Voice to Skull technology that allows the government to directly transmit voices into people’s brains. As bad as all this is, it is likely to get much worse. In 2017, Dr. James Giordano gave a lecture on the latest government technologies to target individuals. Such as neuroweapons to control brain function and modify memories.

*N.B.: Click here to read excerpts of this essential book exposing the corrupt and democidal vaccine industry.

{Dr. Giordano – Georgetown Lecture – beg.@02:37} “I’m looking to target key individuals who may be influential to relative aspects of their representative groups. I can affect individuals brain function in a variety of different ways, both positively and negatively by engaging or disengaging nodes and networks of the brain that therefore affect their cognition or motions and ultimately their behavior.

Something my colleague, James Canton, likes to play with an awful lot is the idea of “specialized nuero operations”, and here once again we are talking about the use of either drugs and or devises to modify the integrity of brainwave function that we realize can also modify people’s perception of time and space. We talked earlier about how these can be used for interrogation scenarios and this to can be used against key individuals to modify their perception of time; their perception of what occurred and what did not occur, memory modification, etc.”

{Transcript} Nano particulates that can give an individual a stroke.


*For further reading see, The Guardian, Genetically engineered ‘Magneto’ protein remotely controls brain and behavior by Mo Costandi (24 Mar. 2016). See also, The Mystery of the Havanna Syndrome (Unexplained brain injuries afflicted dozens of American diplomats and spies. What happened?), by Adam Entous and Jon Lee Anderson (9 Nov. 2018) where “Victims felt bursts of sound and pressure that left them dizzy and racked with headaches. No known cause seemed to fit.”

{Analysis} Carefully study the meme below by democide expert Professor R.J. Rummel, who first coined this term. Look at the biblical-level numbers of deaths by governments of their own people (outside of war where the numbers ironically are lower)! just since 1800 and one will have to soberly reflect on the truly demonic influence Satan has had over the minds of humanity perhaps to a 95-99% percentile in my review of history!

In my opinion the Havanna Syndrome is a variant of a more technologically complex form of the term Reese opened his podcast up discussing, namely “Gang Stalking”, where he stated that, These Fusion centers employ civilians to target individuals and harass them, intimidate them, vandalize their property, and interfere with their day-to-day life. This is known as, “Gang Stalking”. All of these “new” technologies are merely variations of the old tactics Satan used in the Garden of Eden (e.g., Hegelian Dialectic) to trick our forefathers to give up their rulership of planet earth and give that power and control into God’s enemy, Satan. These Machiavellian tactics through the ages are all a form of DIVIDE-and-CONQUER.

*N.B.: Divide and Conquer = The power to maintain control over your subordinates or subjects by encouraging dissent among them.

*N.B.: Look carefully at #7, the Bible gave us the perfect definition Satan’s divide and conquer strategy!

{Dr. Giordano} “So what we are able to do here is infiltrate the brain space with nanoparticulate matter that aggregates on sight in the brain and does one of two things – it either penetrates from the vascular space, gets into the bloodstream, gets in through the nose or the mucosa, or infiltrates the vascular space and clogs it. What results is what is cause a nanoparticulate stroke or a hemorrhagic diathesis a fancy word for it’s a predisposition for individuals having brain bleeds.”

{Transcript} He explains how they can make people sick with an undetectable illness to make them go crazy.

{Dr. Giordano} “What I’m doing is using dispersion methodology to be able to infect sentinel cases with the highly morbid condition. These individuals complain (again it is the central nervous system condition) so that they’re complaining about whatever the bug may do – It will produce some cascade neurological or neuropsychiatric side effect as symptoms.” What I’ve now done is that I have every individual who is diagnostically hypochondriacal and I’ve got every individual who is the worry well flooding the public health system banging on the door. The CDC comes back and says, ‘nonsense, that’s not real’. I come back and say, ‘that’s fake news’.”

{Transcript} And  he says they can already control insects and use them to deliver bioweapons.

{ANALYSIS} The above lecture by Giordano is truly grotesque and chilling in describing how advanced nanotech science has developed for evil and morbid ends. For example, when Dr. Giordano flippantly stated that – “Something my colleague James Canton likes to play with an awful lot is the idea of “specialized neuro operations”, and here once again we are talking about the use of either drugs and or devises to modify the integrity of brainwave function that we realize can also modify people’s perception of time and space,” my blood literally froze in my veins. Not so much at the sheer wickedness of this technology used to essentially make the world in Orwellian terms a giant Animal Farm, or 1984 writ large—

*N.B.: For further reading see my 2013 essays – Utopia, Dystopia and Orwell’s ‘1984’ in 2013.

Nevertheless, Dr. Giordano words of nanotech global Democide with the detached coolness and grotesque coldness of his words; seemingly unaware (or unconcerned) about the levels violations of people’s Natural Rights, free will and constitutional freedoms under Natural Law that would be violated as nanotechnology is applied to public policy. Why? Because as I wrote in my 2001 book, THE INSEPARABILITY OF LAW AND MORALITY, to the degree society collectively moves away from moral and biblical principles will be to that same degree society irrevocable and collectively falls into the precipice of a dystopian abyss.

{Dr. Giordano} “I infiltrate the bugs nervous system and I can control the way it moves, by controlling the way it moves, I control the way it goes. I control its wing’s pattern. I control where it hovers, where it flies, where it articulates. And what I also can do is I can couple this on a very, very small scale so to a biosense or cameras. And what we basically have here is the biodrone.

I can one step further – I can also impregnate that individual organism with a very small-scale weaponizable delivery mode. In other words, if I’m using a very small-scale bioweapon such as a very potent nanotoxin or the delivery of a very small of microbes that we know can replicate, infect, or is genetically modified to have a very, very high morbidity effect. I then utilize this not only as a reconnaissance drone, but also as an infiltrative weaponizable drone that will then deliver some [mass Democide] payload.   {End of Transcript}

*N.B.: What’s in the Covid vaccines? University of Wisconsin experts explain each ingredient by Erin Sullivan. I include this article because I want to reader to see how these so-called “experts” gloss over and even lie about the deadly effects of the ingredients contained in the Covid-19 vaccine.

{Analysis} Once again most of what I read about nanotechnology seems hellbent on genociding and demociding the majority of the world’s population and the purely demonic point is that it’s proponents like Dr. Giordano who thinks that mass Genocide and mass Democide is a GOOD thing! One part of his lecture stated above I found particularly obscene to me was this statement – . . .[I]f I’m using a very small-scale bioweapon such as a very potent nanotoxin or the delivery of a very small of microbes that we know can replicate in infect, or is genetically modified to have a very, very high morbidity effect. This means that a major proposed used of nanotechnology is the efficient delivery (on a mass scale) of “small of microbes that we know can replicate in infect, or is genetically modified to have a very, very high morbidity effect.”

So now it’s not good enough to do what billionaire Globalist Bill Gates has done for decades, create millions of virus-infected mosquitoes and release them upon the nations and food supply of the world using an airplane or helicopter as a delivery system. Now, Nazi-inspired “science” has advanced to the next level of mass Democide by using millions of small, self-replicating nanobots (i.e., nanoinsects) to be released upon the populations of the world by the millions to kill humanity . . . all in the name of “THE GREATER GOOD” . Look at the picture of the Georgia Guidestones below.

*N.B.: For further reading about the Georgia Guidestone monument to the Satanic New World Order, see my 2011 article, The 10 Commandments of the Antichrist.

Many readers of my extended essay series on the Judy Byington News Reports will be able to easily deduce that the so-called innovation of nanotechnology for the Greater Good is not intended to benefit humanity in any way, But on the contrary accelerate foment natural catastrophic events or “Acts of God” which in reality disguises man-made False Flag events (i.e., like every war since the American and French Revolutions, including World War I, World War II, 9/11, the Maui fires, etc.) designed to do several horrific ends—1) Commit DEMOCIDE = Government killing of its citizens under policy or official  mandates; 2) Blame the fire tragedy (caused by lasers from satellites in space called D.E.W. or Directed Energy Weapons); 3) Swoop in like vultures and only reimburse the living Maui residents $700.00 for the destruction of their homes while forcing them to sell their land to the government. This tactics by the Deep State government is classic Hegelian Dialectic. In order to establish the Satanic New World Order Agenda—1) Create the PROBLEM; 2) Fund the REACTION, 3) Mandate the [Final] SOLUTION.

Epilogue—The Nanotech Democidal Beast Plan on July 11, 2023 had this very interesting video titled, The Nanotech Genocidal (Democidal) Beast Plan. And stated that “this is one of the most important broadcasts of the year. Researchers Hope & Tivon have uncovered documents which expose the entire New World Order nanotech genocidal beast system plan. Here are the facts, spread them far and wide.” I found the outline of the facts of the nanotech video below to be useful and therefore I have included them along with my commentary and analysis—

– UN and WEF Using LEO Satellites to Link Digital ID to Bank Accounts
– No One Was Told They Were Being Injected With Electromagnetic Devices
– Quantum Dot Technology in the Injections is What Enables EMF Communication and Blue Tooth Codes From Human Bodies
– Nanotech is Programmed to Manipulate The Electrical Balance In Your Body
– Shocking new Tests Showing Hydrogel Programmable Plastic In Vaccinated Blood
– Finally Explained: White Fibrous Structures Pulled out of Vaccinated Deceased
– How They Hook Up Human Bodies to the Internet Using 6G,7G Terahertz and Graphene Nanotech in the Covid Injections
– Internet of Nano Things, Internet of Bio-Nano Things, Internet of Space Things

Recall earlier in Greg Reese’s podcast that he stated that nanotechnology is not “new”. In fact, he stated that, “In 2014, Glen Greenwald exposed the methods used to target individuals such as hacking into people’s social media accounts, posing as that person, and contacting their friends and co-workers. is currently working on suing the federal government for targeting individual US citizens with different high-tech weapons including Directed Energy Weapons. The Havanna syndrome, when diplomats in Cuba were attacked with Directed Energy Weapons, was not an isolated event. There are thousands of individuals who claim to be under this same sort of attack. And they have the scars to prove it.

As far back as 1976, the technology to remotely alter brain waves existed. Including Voice to Skull technology that allows the government to directly transmit voices into people’s brains. As bad as all this is, it is likely to get much worse.” Therefore, since we have had nanotechnology in society for nearly 50 years it behooves each and every American to get a better understanding of the good and evil effects that this advanced technology has and is presently being used in society and to be vigilant in our fight to war against any use of nanotechnology to eradicate vast numbers of the population in the name of “the Greater Good.”

America was founded on immutable biblical principles called Natural Law and Natural Rights which where enshrined in the U.S. Constitution in the Bill of Rights. However, the 10 Original Bill of Rights were comprehensive but stated as a wall against the state and federal governments from infringing upon any rights stated or not stated (“enumerated”) in the Constitution. That’s why the constitutional Framers included the Ninth and Tenth Amendments to protect We the People against unforeseen tyranny and technology of the future that would seek to abridge our God-given Natural Rights founded in Natural Law.

How does the Nazi puppet government of Vichy France of 90 years ago mirror the tragic events of the fires of Maui? In a word – GOVERNMENT.

*N.B.: The word Government actually means mind control. It etymologically originated from the ancient Latin language. It splits into two words: 1) (guvernare) meaning “to control” and 2) (mens or mentis) meaning “mind”. Source:

In other words, both the French government under Adolph Hitler and the Nazis and the American government controlled by Resident Biden and the Deep State Democrats openly use False Flag events of Genocide and Democide to keep the populations in perpetual fear and confusion thereby allowing these totalitarian governments to seize more and more control over We the People. However, the demonic Deep State and Satanic New World Order cannot conquer U.S. unless we OBEY!

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