Greg Reese Podcast — Natural Law and the Post-Apocalyptic World

| March 18, 2023
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About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School for 1 year (1988-89) with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama, (b. 1960 – d. 09/29/2019), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted since 1989 – for over 34 yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why? To avenge Harvard University’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Death certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & trading people’s identities like animals on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, Death Taxes, Fiat/Counterfeit currency not based on Gold or Silver, but based on NOTHING!—national currencies of the world promiscuously printed at will by the Rothschild Central Bankers to fund perpetual False Flag Wars) while keeping the entire world enslaved inside the Birth-School-Labor-Taxes-Debts-Retirement-Death cycle of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), then read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog that has recently exceeded 21 million views @ & on Facebook— #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

“Conspiracy Theorist” – Nothing more than a derogatory title [created by the CIA] used to dismiss a critical thinker.  ~ @IlluminatiBot

Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing. ~ George Orwell

“Natural Law contains principles and standards not simply made up by humans, but rather part of an objective moral order, present in the universe and accessible to human reason.”

~ David Adams, Philosophical Problems in the Law (1996)

You have been lied to all of your life. History has been a [Big] Lie created by the [Rothschild Khazarian] Cabal for thousands of years for Control.

~ #Plato’sAllegoryoftheCave


A. Prologue—Natural Law is applying God’s Holy Word to the Affairs of Mankind


In a 2015 essay I wrote celebrating the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta by King John in June of 1215, I wrote the following about the thoroughly Natural Law origins of this historical document that had supreme importance in the development of England from being a Monarchical dictatorship to a constitutional monarchy, and eventually to a Republic, the latter of which is the form of government that America uses today. England maintains the distinction of being the world’s oldest continuing Republic. In that essay I wrote the following about the Magna Carta—

Magna Carta = Kings aren’t gods and must be chained to the Law

One enduring leitmotif I found in my reading of the historical Magna Carta is that it forever determined that Kings aren’t gods, but mere men and thus must be confined [chained] to the Rule of Law as all men and institutions must be. 450 years later, many constitutional Framers including Thomas Jefferson, would use slavery metaphors to reaffirm the position of the Magna Carta applying it to America’s Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights. For example, Jefferson writing – In questions of power, then, let no more be said of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.

Here is an important historical excerpt in the Breitbart News interview of American Freedom Alliance President Avi Davis:

Breitbart News: For many Americans the Magna Carta may seem obscure. The time frame between the creation of the Magna Carta and founding of the United States is longer than the entire history of the United States. Can you explain what Americans in particular owe to this document?

Avi Davis: The Magna Carta passed through several iterations before it became incorporated into English law at the end of the 13th century. But almost every king who ascended the English throne recognized its legality and felt bound by its tenets – which became better defined and changed according to the needs of the times. The Glorious Revolution of 1688, wherein the last Stuart monarch was forced to abdicate his throne because he refused, like his father and grandfather before him, to accept the legislative supremacy of Parliament, was inspired by the Magna Carta and the Declaration of Rights of 1689, the forerunner of our own Bill of Rights, was drawn from the rights that had accrued under the Magna Carta during the preceding centuries.

Scholars have for centuries declared the unwritten English Constitution, which, transformed the English monarchy into a constitutional monarchy, to have been drawn from and inspired by the Magna Carta.

It is also unquestionable that the actions of the barons at Runnymede and the production of the Great Charter, inspired the American Colonists in the 1770s to claim their rights not to be taxed without representation. They made these claims not as Americans, but as transplanted Englishmen – British subjects – who had become habituated to exercising their rights as freemen and they invoked the Magna Carta constantly. The Declaration of Independence most definitely reflects these claims, and the later U.S. Constitution only amplifies them.

Natural Law,” according to David Adams’ book, Philosophical Problems in the Law, contains “principles and standards not simply made up by humans, but rather part of an objective moral order, present in the universe and accessible to human reason.” The Ancients like the Greek and Roman writers frequently wrote of a “Higher Law” based on the laws of God that transcended the laws of Man and the laws of Emperors and Kings. Also, in a relatively recent law review article by Justice Clarence Thomas, who wrote very beautifully about this transcendent Higher Law in its application to American jurisprudence.

Thomas Jefferson, in his Declaration of Independence, summarized Natural Law philosophy established in the Constitution as “…the law of Nature and of Nature’s God.” The original intent of the Constitution’s Framers understood that liberty, justice and Veritas (truth) could only be achieved when law and morality were indissolubly and forever integrated as the foundation of the rule of law. To separate legality and morality as Positive Law has done since circa 1900 has only led society and civilization into the abyss of chaos, anarchy, and nihilism.

Greg Reese Podcast on Natural Law and the Post-Apocalyptic World contributor, Greg Reese, in his podcast of Jan. 14, 2023 titled – Natural Law and the Post-Apocalyptic World, pulls back the curtain of History and Politics, Culture and Society and exposes the existential evil that has kept humanity enslaved in occultic thinking. This wicked force has its origins through the Ages even going back to Satan’s first appearance in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3) where his Satanic New World Order is hidden in plain sight for thousands of years appearing on the back of all our money, was born – a comprehensive, clandestine, shadowy, Machiavellian system that secretly controls virtually all institutions and government systems of America and the entire world.


Below is a transcript of this interesting podcast of Feb. 22, 2023, by Greg Reese of—

{Transcript} “As we have discussed recently the world “Occult” means hidden. In the dark Satanic occult, which has been ruling over humanity maintains its power by hiding knowledge from the public. This hidden knowledge can be described as Natural Law or Universal Law – inescapable laws of reality that affect each and everyone of us from moment to moment. They have been hidden from the public as a means of keeping humanity ignorant and thereby controllable and ultimately enslaved. So long as we remain ignorant of them mankind will never be free.

{Transcript} The etymology of the word “apocalypse” reveals its occulting meaning which is to uncover or reveal something that was hidden. One can argue that the apocalypse has already happened and that we are living in the post-apocalyptic world. In 1928, Manly P. Hall published, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, a comprehensive introduction to all of this occultic knowledge which has been used to manipulate the ignorant masses of humanity for millennia. And why many people chose to educate themselves, many others have chosen to remain ignorant. Ignorance is not bliss, it is the reason why humanity continues to fall deeper into bondage.

Remember that in the first book of the Bible, Genesis 3 chronicles when Satan first encountered mankind. He took the shape of a snake (or serpent) and entered into a dialogue with Eve (with Adam seemingly acting as a silent participant)? Satan’s first mode of attack was to attack Eve’s understanding of what God commanded that they do or not do in the Garden of Eden, with these 4 little words that have endured in infamy through the Ages. . . “Yea, hath God said?”

The utter genius and Machiavellian intent of Satan’s stratagems cannot be underestimated, and it shows the utter simplicity of Satan’s plots and plans against the children of God that would have damnable consequences for eternity. In this short passage above the seeds of Satanism are on full display—

  • Divide and conquer—Satan tactically divided Adam from Eve (Adam was the head in creation, why then did Eve presume to debate Satan? Why did Adam remain silent throughout the most pivotal discourse in the world which would determine control of earth and the eternal fate of billions of people over the next 6,000 years?
  • Satan divided Adam and Eve from God—With his pithy and insipid question to Eve—“Yea, hath God said?” Thus, Satan masterfully played to Eve’s ego and her illegal desire to be “the boss” to “make decisions on her own”, and with Adam being inexplicably silent here, Eve allowed Satan to sow seeds of doubt in her heart about God’s commandments to them. The battle was already won for Satan and tragically lost for Adam and Eve (and for all humanity).
  • Thirdly, and this is the most critical part for this essay, Satan implied to Eve that God didn’t want you to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil because you would become “like gods knowing good from evil”. Thus, Satan falsely and unjustly charged God to Eve accursing God of holding back “hidden knowledge” from you while me (Satan) is freely sharing this same knowledge with you, therefore you should trust (worship) me (Satan) more than God.

This last bullet point encapsulates the thesis of this essay about Natural Law and the Occult. Natural Law or what theologians later called General Revelation is defined as –

Includes all means apart from Christ and the Bible; that is God’s revelation through nature (Rom. 1:18-21), through His providential dealings with man (Rom. 8:28), and through His preservation of the universe (Col. 1:17), and man’s moral nature (Gen. 1:26; Acts 17:29.

*N.B.: Ryrie Study Bible (1978), p. 1858

However, the Occult comes from Satan and through ancient hermetical writings on philosophy, hidden knowledge and mystery cults.


{Transcript} These laws are fairly simple and can be found in every culture on earth. In The Hermetic Sciences revealed to the public in 1908, we have seven laws. The first three – Mentalism, Correspondence (e.g., “As above, so below; as below, so above”), and Vibration teaches how everything is connected; that everything begins with our thoughts and that everything in this reality is a frequency. You could say that we are all living in the mind of God and our thoughts matter.

The Principle of Polarity teaches us that things that are considered opposites are actually related – Love and Hate are merely polar opposites of the same thing and knowing this helps us better to transform our hate into love. It allows us to turn a negative into a positive.

The Principle of Rhythm teaches that everything in nature has its own rhythm. The measure of a swing to the right is the same as the measure of the swing to the left, this helps us to better navigate the waves of reality. The principle of Cause and Effect may be the most difficult to understand. Each one of our thoughts and corresponding actions in this life has an inescapable effect upon everything around us. And the Principle of Gender teaches us that there are only two genders, and that everything is this reality has its masculine and feminine aspects.

Regarding the use of frequency in general to control humanity and all things in the universe, the research by that super genius scientist Nicola Tesla would be a good starting point.


However, did you know that “In 1953 a worldwide agreement was made based on an idea by the Rockefeller Foundation to change the frequency of music. They changed it from its natural harmonic resonance 432hz to the current consciousness suppressing 440hz.” Using basic deductive reasoning, if the frequency of music intonation is perverted, then it follows that the music set to that frequency (even Gospel and Classic music) will likewise be perverted and conscious suppressing, right?

Regarding The Principle of Correspondence – “As above, so below” this comes Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, but originally came from right from Satan or “Baphomet” himself. *N.B.: the words on Baphomet’s right arm (Solve = dissolve) and his left arm (Coagula = coagulate)

From The Principle of Polarity comes numerous occultic philosophies (e.g., Yin and Yang, Kabbalah). In my essay of Sept. 2020—Kabbalah Cult 2020—Jewish Perversion and the Law of Opposites, I stated the following regarding this popular branch of Jewish mysticism as applied to several aspects of contemporary culture and society—

America was originally founded as a Republic (“under these United States FOR America”) when the Framers founded America as a Constitutional Republic exactly 231 years ago from this date on 17 September 1789. Nevertheless, Newton’s maxim remained operable throughout human history (“For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”). What does this mean for the founding of America? Following the Kabbalah doctrine Paradoxical coincidences of opposites and Dualistic Cosmology) our nation’s birth occurred the same year that witnessed the founding of a Satanic ‘republic’ called The French Revolution (1789-1799) that took place in France and affecting all of Europe to this day.

Trained Jesuit, lawyer, professor and Satanist Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830), the Rothschild Central Bankers, and the Freemasons were the 3 main organizations that infiltrated France and caused the French Revolution as a beach head to take over all of Europe and eventually America and the entire world. Globalists call this governmental entity the New World Order or One World Government. In the book of Revelation 13:18 the Bible calls this Globalist abomination the Satanic government of Anti-Christ and his gematria (numerical value = 666).

{Transcript} One can argue that the Apocalypse happened thousands of years ago with the Ten Commandments – the laws on how to liberate oneself from the land of slavery. These Natural Laws were taught in the east by the Buddha, who taught us of right action. And these Natural Laws were perhaps most eloquently simplified in the teachings of Christ with the Golden Rule – In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.” Do not take another person’s life; Do not rape or assault another person; Do not steal another person’s property and do not trespass upon them in any way; Do not coerce or manipulate another person. In the most simple terms – Do not steal anything from anyone.

Live and Let Live, this is the path to freedom. [Jesus said,] “and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” Each and every one of us is affecting this reality with every thought and every action. And if we chose to remain ignorant of this then we are choosing to remain sheep and we will always be enslaved. Understanding these Natural Laws and treating each other with love and respect is the only way to true freedom.

Today’s politics is nothing more than fighting for your favorite prison guard. Prison guards who will ultimately coerce you and trespass against you. True freedom comes from our actions because a society of ignorant and belligerent sheep deserve to be imprisoned and that will never change.” {End}

Continuing my analysis of the above passages by Greg Reese, I was reminded of my ongoing narrative to alert all Americans to the Grand Conspiracy that was perpetrated on U.S. with the passage of the D.C. Act of 1871 during the presidency of Ulysses S. Grant—

Why are there 2 United States of America?

Nevertheless, what is America today if not a Republic and when did this treason take place in American history? America has not been a Republic since the Silent Coup of 1871 when during the chaos of the aftermath of the Civil War (1861-65) and the great social upheaval putting the country back together called “Radical Reconstruction” (1863-77), Illuminati, Freemason, Kabbalist elements in society funded by the Satanic Cabal of Jewish Bankers known as the House of Rothschild in 1871 secretly turned “The United States FOR America” into the U.S.A. (a corporation = United States OF America, Inc.). The results? All of our storied, iconic Judeo-Christian morality, Natural Law and Natural Rights which enshrined all of America’s founding documents including—The Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights were all effectively a dead letter since 1871… until a miracle happened, and God gave humanity one last chance at redemption with the ascendancy of President Donald J. Trump (2016 – present).

What happened over the next 150 years has been nothing short of the greatest Satanic con job in the history of humanity (barring the Garden of Eden of course). Below I have transcribed the video program by Everything Inside me (Believe what I tell you not what you see [Satanic Spells]) followed by an Epilogue summarizing lessons from real History We the People must all take serious heed of if we are to defeat their Grand New World Order Conspiracy that systematically will democide U.S. all and turn the entire world into a dystopian Apocalypse ruled over by Satan though his son… the Anti-Christ.

Question—Why didn’t our Best and Brightest fail to inform U.S. that We the People were Slaves of the Rothschild Central Bankers for the past 150 YEARS (1871-2021)?!? – Think about all the books you read, the TV/Radio shows you watched, the Social Media posts you read and responded to. Think about Fox News, the so-called “Conservative” Media of “Truth”. Think about Ronald Reagan, Thomas Sowell, William Buckley, MLK, the Heritage Foundation, Hoover Institution, AEI, all the so-called Conservative Think Tanks, your Rabbis, Christian Ministers & Christian Organizations, your father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, great grandfather, great grandmother, etc., Why did not one of them mention these 4 little words to you… Ever!?! –”DC Act of 1871

ANSWER – You only have 4 choices – 1) IGNORANCE (They didn’t know that our country was stolen from U.S. 150 years ago); 2) APATHY (they didn’t care), 3) COWARDICE and 4) COLLUSION (they were afraid and by default became willing or unwilling allies of New World Order [Satanists]). I say this not to put you on a guilt trip or to disrespect your family, mentors and friends, but so you will understand that oftentimes those who love us the most can hurt us the most. And to do what Jesus Christ commanded us to do during these Last Days = “REDEEMING THE TIME FOR THE DAYS ARE EVIL”~ Ephesians 5:16

It’s called Hegelian Dialectic = Agenda: 1. Create the PROBLEM 2. Fund the REACTION 3. Mandate the SOLUTION. This simple but Democidal Satanic Hegelian Dialectic goes beyond its initial creator (Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel [1770-1831]), all the way back to the Garden of Eden in the Book of Genesis 3 when Satan had sex with (“beguiled Eve”) and created the Seed of Cain (i.e., the Canaanites, Reptilians, Nephilim, Anunnaki, Dracos, Kenites, Khazarians, Rothschilds, 13 Illuminati Bloodline Families).

Epilogue—Natural Law and its Antithesis – Hegelian Dialectic and the Satanic New World Order (aka The Occult)

The Bible states in the Gospel of John 1:1-3—“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him and without Him was not anything made that was made.”

According to ancient hermetical teachings of The Mystery Schools, words and names hold certain amounts of energy. Key words give power to shape reality simply by speaking to them. Since we are God’s creation, created in His image, we likewise have access to metaphysical powers of God, including speaking things into reality. But few of us realize that we possess this awesome power, and even fewer of us realize how to legally tap into this limitless power which is an aspect of Natural Law.


Study carefully the Hegelian Dialectical meme below and especially examine that key sentence above about “…how the very problem that was started by the Khazarians also had a solution provided by them…” is a proven and effective tactic and stratagem used for thousands of years which the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia turned into demonic statecraft by their agent philosophers – Machiavelli (1469-1527)(“The end justifies the means”) and the man responsible for creating a systematic perversion of Law and History, Religion and Societal Morality, Truth and Reality – Hegel (1770-1831)(“War is progress, Peace is stagnation”; “To be independent of public opinion is the first formal condition of achieving anything great”) – using his so-called Hegelian Dialectic Thesis – Antithesis – Synthesis or Problem – Reaction – Solution –

Think about all the World’s woes since the biblical Adam and Eve fell into sin in the Garden of Eden according to the Book of Genesis 2:4-3:24—World Wars, Slavery, Famine, Poverty, Disease, Pandemics, Societal chaos, Race Wars, False Flags to foment war, Nation Balkanization, Debt-Slavery, Great Depressions, Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), Abortion, Child abuse, Eugenics, Slavery, etc. Under the Rothschild-Illuminati-Hegel Dialectic, ALL Reality is an artificial construct, or as Hegel famously declared, “Reality is a historical process” that is manipulated by sinister, Satanic forces behind public view.

In other words, the world you know is not really “real”, it is a version of a cynical construct – a Geopolitical Matrix Slavery orchestrated by the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia in one form or another over the past 2,000 years (perhaps from the “beginning”). Throughout all societal institutions, the Khazarian Mafia has built this Grand Illusion based not on Reality but created what the Nazis called a Weltanschauung (Worldview) and Gleichschaltung (One-World Government, New World Order) based on systemic Perversion and Delusion, Narcissism and Nihilism, Communism and Perpetual Debt-Slavery


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