Carl Jung—The Power of Knowing Your Dark Side

| January 7, 2023
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About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School for 1 year (1988-89) with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama, (b. 1961- d. 09/29/2019), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted since 1989 – for over 33 yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why? To avenge Harvard University’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Death certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & trading people’s identities like animals on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, Death Taxes, Fiat/Counterfeit currency not based on Gold or Silver, but based on NOTHING!—national currencies of the world promiscuously printed at will by the Rothschild Central Bankers to fund perpetual False Flag Wars) while keeping the entire world enslaved inside the Birth-School-Labor-Taxes-Debts-Retirement-Death cycle of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), then read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog that has recently exceeded 21 million views @ & on Facebook— #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871


“The shadow is everything which one has no wish to be. It follows us around all our life both literally and metaphorically we may try to ignore it consciously, but it will always form a part of our unconscious personality.”

~ Carl Jung, Father of Analytic Psychology

“Evil can be undone, but it cannot ‘develop’ into good. Time does not heal it. The spell must be unwound, bit by bit, ‘with backward mutters of dissevering power’ – or else not.”

~ C.S. Lewis, Christian Apologist

I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.

~ Apostle Paul (Romans 7:21)

“Out Satan must go every hair and feather!”

~ George MacDonald

The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.”

~ Gustav Le Bon


Prologue to Carl Jung’s Dark Side—It’s Origins and How to Neutralize it, Destroy it, or Exist with it

According to an encyclopedia note on Carl Jung, the founder of Analytic Psychology, his biography reads as follows—

Carl Gustav Jung (26 July 1875 – 6 June 1961) was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology. Jung’s work has been influential in the fields of psychiatry, anthropology, archaeology, literature, philosophy, psychology, and religious studies. Jung worked as a research scientist at the famous Burghölzli hospital, under Eugen Bleuler. During this time, he came to the attention of Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis. The two men conducted a lengthy correspondence and collaborated, for a while, on a joint vision of human psychology.

Freud saw the younger Jung as the heir he had been seeking to take forward his “new science” of psychoanalysis and to this end secured his appointment as president of his newly founded International Psychoanalytical Association. Jung’s research and personal vision, however, made it impossible for him to follow his older colleague’s doctrine and a schism became inevitable. This division was personally painful for Jung and resulted in the establishment of Jung’s analytical psychology as a comprehensive system separate from psychoanalysis.

Among the central concepts of analytical psychology is individuation—the lifelong psychological process of differentiation of the self out of each individual’s conscious and unconscious elements. Jung considered it to be the main task of human development. He created some of the best-known psychological concepts, including synchronicity, archetypal phenomena, the collective unconscious, the psychological complex and extraversion and introversion.”

*N.B.: Massachusetts, USA, in September 1909. Austrian psychologist Sigmund Freud, on his only visit to the USA, gave five lectures. Freud and Swiss psychologist Carl Jung (who also spoke) were then relatively unknown, but were awarded honorary degrees. Front row (left to right): Franz Boas, Edward Titchener, William James, William Stern, Leo Burgerstein, G. Stanley Hall (university president), Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Adolf Meyer, Herbert Jennings. . .

In an earlier series of essays, I’ve written about politics and geopolitics, secret societies and the Satanic New World Orders, I always opened with this Historical Prologue which outlines my imperative to find Veritas (Truth)—

One of the most important things I’ve learned from reading the writings of the great Greek philosopher Aristotle is this—In order to properly, systematically and comprehensively understand a given subject, discipline or area of inquiry always begin from “First Principles”. For example, in this essay I am writing about the stolen History of Humanity that allowed a very small Cabal of super rich narcissistic psychopaths called the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, the Illuminati, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Council of 13, Council of 300, World Economic Forum, United Nations, International Monetary Fund, Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, DAVOS, and other Globalist, elitist entities connected to the Satanic New World Order to effectively enslave hundreds of millions of people in America for 150 years (1871-2021). And billions worldwide under the treacherous legislation called the District of Columbia Act of 1871. In England this law was called the 1871 Act of England and a version of this evil, Machiavellian legislation that has enslaved America and the world for 150 years exits in virtually every United Nations member state country in the world to this day.

Therefore, using Aristotle’s First Principles Thesis #1—Always follow the Historical Illuminati Royal Bloodlines because doing this technique will assist us in understanding the power behind the Shadows who manipulate Reality vs. understanding the God of the Bible who controls the Reality of Truth in any given situation—

First principles thinking consists of deriving things to their fundamental proven axioms in the given arena, before reasoning up by asking which ones are relevant to the question at hand, then cross referencing conclusions based on chosen axioms and making sure conclusions don’t violate any fundamental laws.”

. . . In the 1999 movie, The Matrix—”Everything they told you was a [Big] Lie”. This statement is a variation of the 4th head quote above, and it encapsulates very succinctly the false reality Humanity has been enslaved under virtually since the Garden of Eden when our progenitors—Adam and Eve were first encountered by a supernatural demonic entity called Satan in the book of Genesis 3. It was during this time of our earliest generations that the child of Satan (Cain) and the child of Adam and Eve (Abel) brought sin offerings to God. This passage is chronicled in Genesis 4:6-8—

The key passage for our discussion about Psychologist Carl Jung’s theory of the dark side is Genesis 4:7 where God is waring Cain to not act upon the evil impulses he is thinking of doing in his heart – “…and if thou doest not well, Sin lieth at the door…” Regarding the Biblical account of one of the earliest appearances of evil this passage let it be known that it is second only to when our progenitors, Adam and Eve first encountered Satan himself who took the form of a serpent and spoke through the animal in Genesis 3. The passage in Genesis 4 shows how Cain (like all humanity) will inevitably come to a moral crossroads in life where the stark choice between Good and Evil will be presented before us and where we will have the ultimate choice to follow God and do good or follow Satan and do Evil, but the choice is always our choice. Therefore, in the Christian tradition each individual person (like Cain in Genesis 4) will have the choice to choose Good or Evil. The wrong choice corrupts that individual and exposes his Soul to the evil intent of Satan and his demons. Collectively then the wrong choice by enough people in the world, condemns the world to the abyss of Hell, but once again the choice is always ours.

Transcript of After Skool Video on Carl Jung’s Concept of ‘The Shadow’ or ‘Dark Side’

[Video Transcript] “This After Skool presentation was  written and recorded by Eternalised. Swiss psychiatrist and psychologist Carl Gustav Jung is the founder of analytical psychology and revolutionized the field with his in-depth exploration of the unconscious. Through his confrontation with the unconscious, he explored the dark side of human nature while many denied it and focus solely on the light side. It is a fact that we all go through dark times, as we’re gradually assaulted and overcome by the trials and tribulations of life. Jung writes, “It is high time we realized that it is pointless to praise the light and preach it if nobody can see it.”

It is much more  needful to teach people the art of seeing. It is becoming increasingly more common to display  only the pleasant parts and highlights of our lives. This one-sidedness creates an artificial view of life in which our dark side is buried and considered taboo in society. And as we see other people with their seemingly amazing lives, we become even more resentful and disappointed with ourselves. We see our behavior socially unacceptable and tries to conceal our emotions and contradict our real self. This forms the persona a false social mask that make us appear more likable to others to the detriment of our mental stability and which ends up negatively affecting our whole life. We unconsciously let other people live our life for us and we become inauthentic mere numbers in the crowd.

As we proceed in our review of the After Skool narrative today regarding Carl Jung’s analysis of the human psyche he calls the shadow or dark side, I will juxtapose his analytical psychological philosophy with the biblical narrative so that the reader can choose for himself which path is the right one for him to take – to fight it, to destroy it, to ignore with it, or to ally it himself with the shadow or dark side. However, make no mistake about it, because each of us are responsible, autonomous individuals we will have to make one of these four choices when confronted with the dark side— fight it, destroy it, ally with it, or ignore it.

While the Biblical worldview or Christian’s commandment of Christ is to fight the dark side (what the Apostle Paul calls – “the good fight of faith” or “the war against the flesh” – Romans 7:14-25) – a lifetime, internecine battle between Good and Evil that constantly battles for the soul and heart and mind and emotions of every human on earth. Such a perpetual war for the Christian must be waged against the forces of evil every minute of every day of our life until we die and go to our eternal reward in Heaven where in the book of Job 3:17 says, “… the wicked cease from troubling; And there the weary are at rest.” However, Jung seems to prefer that humanity embrace or ally ourselves with the dark side not because in Jung’s mind it is better to do evil than good, but as an inexorable price of being fully Human one has to make the proverbial Faustian bargain with the Devil to maintain what he considers the proper balance and health of one’s psyche. Thus, Jung’s choice to embrace or ally with the dark side is not so much a choice but acceding to the inexorable forces of Nature that ultimately control the course of our collective psyche. In other words, in Jung’s analysis of the dark side – Surrender is better than War.

Throughout Jung’s analysis of the dark side, I get a strong impression that Jung has some experience with Christianity, perhaps as a young child he attended church and heard some sermons about Jesus Christ and the radical Gospel he preached commanding all humanity to Repent and make their Souls acceptable to God through the shed blood of Jesus, which He sacrificed on the cross. Nevertheless, Jung’s analysis of the dark side categorically rejects traditional, biblical, evangelical Christianity a priori, although not as partisan, viciously and hatefully as his intellectual mentor Sigmund Freud does, nevertheless, Jung here takes on a Secular Preacher’s mantel when he launches his low key apologetic against Christianity— Jung writes, “It is high time we realized that it is pointless to praise the light and preach it if nobody can see it.”

This is a common, but sophomoric tactic of argumentation we call “Red herring”—arguing facts that others have not made, or are not permitted into evidence, are evident here. If Jung is arguing against Christianity by stating “… it is pointless to praise the light and preach it if nobody can see it”, he is only half right. The Bible says the world belongs to Satan (an unwitting gift from our progenitors Adam and Eve when they allowed Satan to make them sin by eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in Genesis 3), yet Jung fails to understand that Jesus called himself “the light of the world”, Jesus took back the keys of death and hell from Satan when he died on the cross for all humanity “to have a hope of salvation”, and for all humanity to “look to Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of our faith” which is the only way to bring true and lasting peace on earth. Man cannot do this self-actualization by himself.

[Video Transcript] It is impossible to progress towards self-realization if we are presenting ourselves as someone different to who we really are. When we realize that we have been living a lie the false mask shatters and we come face to face with the emptiness of our self which may result in an existential crisis. Authenticity opens the path towards self-realization with a radically honest view of life we can progress towards psychic wholeness by acknowledging our dark side that most people cannot bear to look at. We mustn’t repress our darkness but rather confront it. Nobody is perfect and taking responsibility to acknowledge this can bring relief to others and a feeling that they are not alone. Jung writes, “There’s no light without shadow and no psychic wholeness without imperfection.” To round itself out, life calls not for perfection, but for completeness and for this the thorn in the flesh is needed.

The suffering of defects without which there is no progress and no ascent. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious the persona as well as all our defects, insecurities, repressions, and memories long avoided feed and form our shadow the unknown dark side of our personality. The shadow is everything which one has no wish to be. It follows us around all our life both literally and metaphorically. We may try to ignore it consciously, but it will always form a part of our unconscious personality. It is not some detached thing that can be avoided it is a part of you. To go against the shadow means to go against yourself. We are all capable of good and evil that is the only reality it is important to know how much good we can do, and what crimes we’re capable of, and knowing this choose not to do evil; that is the true moral position.

Here when Jung writes, “We mustn’t repress our darkness but rather confront it” and later, “There’s no light without shadow and no psychic wholeness without imperfection,” once again Jung is half right, but his predisposition against Christianity forbids his analysis of the dark side to consider according to the Bible all of humanity are fallen Souls going back to the Garden of Eden, thus all Humanity is forever lost because God is Holy and cannot tolerate sin or sinful beings to be in His presence. However, since God is omniscient (all knowing), He knew the beginning from the end and the end from the beginning, and made a way for humanity to escape what St. Paul called, “the sting of death”. The other verse below is from Genesis 3 is the first direct prophecy of the internecine battles through the Ages which God demonstrates His eternal love by sending His son, Jesus Christ as a sacrifice to forgive the sins of the world.

However, when Jung declares that, “To go against the shadow means to go against yourself,” Jung is partially right that when we sin we not only distance ourselves from a Holy God and from His means to cleanse us from sin and to restore fellowship with God, but when we sin, when we continue in sin, then we become Sin – an anthropogenic embodiment of evil reminiscent of the figure cited above in Genesis 4 when God warned Cain to repent because “…Sin lieth at the door [of your heart].” Well, we all know the story of our progenitors; Cain (as the son of Satan) did not repent of his sins by offering a blood sacrifice like his brother Abel had done, perhaps due to his progeny, he could not repent and thus sin took it’s natural course… death of his brother Abel for Paul wrote in Romans 3:23 –The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

[Video Transcript] The shadow is commonly mistaken as an enemy or evil entity, however it is really exactly like any human being who sometimes resists or sometimes gives love, whatever the situation requires. The shadow becomes hostile only when it is ignored or misunderstood. A frequent nightmare consists in being chased or confronted by scary monster or shadowy figure, but when one confronts the figure and questions it, it starts to take on an amiable appearance. To honor and accept our shadow is a profound spiritual discipline. The shadow of an aggressive person contains tenderness relatedness and sincerity, while the shadow of a shy person would be assertive responsible and confident. It has a compensatory role and represents  everything that we lack.

The shadow contains pure gold as psychological insight waiting to be integrated into our personality. This inner gold is all our potential and ideal self which we all look up to in life and strive to become, and for that reason the shadow is our ally in the journey of life. The less we acknowledge our shadow the more it is liable to burst forth certainly in a moment of unawareness. Everyone carries a shadow and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life the blacker and denser it is.

What Jung calls “the shadow” or “dark side” the Bible refers to as “the flesh”. The apostle Paul (who wrote nearly half of the New Testament) had a lot to say about the flesh, foremost of which Christians were commanded in 1 John 2:16 –  “For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world.” In Galatians 5;16 – “This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.” And in 2 Timothy 2:22 – “Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.”

When Jung says that the shadow contains pure gold that we should integrate into our personality, this is the very opposite of what the Bible commands Christians to do to the flesh, which John subdivides into the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. These are sinful parts of our eternal soul which are with us all the time since birth, therefore God requires that we be “born again” in order to rid ourselves of our sinful nature and put on the holy nature of God which can only be done by the washing of our sinful nature by the blood of Jesus Christ, not by, according to Jung, embracing our dark side to become a whole or better person. This type of reasoning is completely perverted, idolatrous, and antithetical to everyone of God’s commandments in the Bible.

*N.B.: The choice is yours—Human self-improvement (Jung) vs. Faith in the blood of Jesus Christ (the Bible)

The Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

[Video Transcript] To bolster his theory that mankind should enthusiastically embrace its dark side, Jung recounts the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Jekyll tries to repress his dark side but instead ends up giving life to shadow, Hyde who takes control over him as an autonomous personality and performs evil acts against his will. The dissociation takes on the form of a physical change rather than, as in reality, an inner psychic state. It must be us who integrates our shadow and not the other way around. We talk about being able to control ourselves, but self-control is a rare and remarkable virtue. The result of ignoring  our shadow is Psychological Projection where we unconsciously attribute our own unacceptable thoughts and feelings to other people projection is always easier than Assimilation. By pointing our finger to other people, we reduce the discomfort and anxiety about ourselves and avoid taking responsibility to admit that we are in the wrong.

Our world takes on an illusory existence and what is being spun is a cocoon which in the end will completely envelop us. This can also negatively affect the relationships we have with our friends or loved ones which we often take for granted. We do not value what we have until we lose it and once, we do, the whole world takes on a dark appearance and we fall into a depression filled with sadness, self-hatred and Regret Projection can also appear collectively when people think it is they who are wrong, and they who must be fought against.

In the above passage Jung clumsily tries to bolster his arguments for humanity to embrace their dark side with the familiar story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, but he ignores the actual origins and narrative details of Dr. Jekyll’s dark side or alter ego, Mr. Hyde = DRUGS concocted by Dr. Jekyll which when taken unleased the demonic forces already lying latent inside the body of Dr. Jekyll thus revealing the hidden monster within, Mr. Hyde.

In July 2021, I wrote an essay exposing the covid-19 Plandemic as a grand conspiracy to genocide (or better to democide) the world as a population control strategy by the Satanic New World Order and the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia and Big Pharma controlled by the Rockefellers. Speaking of the Rockefellers, the article I wrote two years ago cited some little-known history how society in the early 1900s went from relying on holistic medicine to pharmaceutical medicine based on petroleum products. I thought oil clogged the arteries, right? Not if that knowledge is in the way of increasing the profit margins of the then biggest oil Robber Baron in the world in 1900, John D. Rockefeller. As I wrote in that essay—

It’s all Hegelian Dialectic = AGENDA (New World Order, One World Government) = PROBLEM (Homeopathy & Natural Medicines) REACTION (Flexner Report demonized traditional medicine on a nation-wide tour w/compromised media) SOLUTION (Natural medicine dies, birth of chemical/oil-based drugs & medicines [Greek: Pharmakeia = Pharmacy, Illicit drugs, sorcery, witchcraft] with its many deadly side effects, mind-control and demonic possession). The meme below demonstrates how literally since the Garden of Eden Satanic Globalists like the 13 Illuminati Bloodline Families, Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, John D. Rockefeller and other Uber-rich psychopaths have manipulated human DNA, society, and nations with this simple, but genocidal Hegelian Dialectical formula—

[Video Transcript] The tendency to see one shadow out there in a specific person or a group of people is the most dangerous aspect of the modern psyche. The collective shadow ultimately leads to war, economic chaos, strikes, racial intolerance, and more. The scariest part is that people are entirely unaware of being immersed in it; our good qualities remain dormant until we acknowledge the existence of our personal shadow, all our energy lies in our shadow and ignoring it makes us feel lifeless, exhausted, and lazy. A confrontation with one shadow

fills one up with energy and stamina which we can use for our daily tasks and work this can be done through shadow work the practice which includes self-awareness, watching one’s emotional reactions, being radically honest, and paying attention to one’s dreams.

The paradox of human existence is that to experience the light and true happiness we must descend into the dark. The true source of light is that which endures and continues to burn in the depths of the darkness. The figure of the wounded healer is one who is at home in the darkness of suffering and finds light and recovery—a sort of creative depression which is the cry of the soul for growth. We should not try to cure it because it cures us. We should experience what it means, what it has to teach, and what its purpose is. This shamanic figure has learned to cure himself and find the gold in his shadow and bring the wisdom to his people.

Jung, Star Wars and the Dark Side

When Jung states in the above passage that, “…our good qualities remain dormant until we acknowledge the existence of our personal shadow,” and later states that, “…all our energy lies in our shadow and ignoring it makes us feel lifeless, exhausted, and lazy. A confrontation with one shadow fills one up with energy and stamina which we can use for our daily tasks and work, this can be done through shadow work,” Jung has definitely crossed the proverbial Rubicon and has like the evil Sith from the Star Wars movie who convinced the genial Luke Skywalker to use his vast powers as a Jedi knight in service to the dark side. (Perhaps that is where Star Wars director George Lucas got this idea from?) It is like in the worldview of Jung that humans are incomplete unless they stop fighting against their dark side and embrace the darkness. Only then can they be whole, better, or psychical complete human beings.

This is totally perverted thinking and absolutely counterintuitive to what Man needs to do to affected a utopian society whereby God and Man are no longer at war (what English philosopher and writer Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) called Bellum omnium contra omnes [“the war of all against all”]). In 2014 I wrote an extended essay on Hobbes and his existential state of Human Nature. Jung’s idea to embrace the dark side would only lead to Trotsky’s “Perpetual War” thesis where Man and God would be at war with one another forever. However, the Bible narrative prophecies about a 1,000-year Millennium reign of Jesus Christ where Jesus would reign for a truly utopian kingdom on earth, while Satan is chained in the bowels of Hell.

[Video Transcript] We stop fearing the darkness once we know the phoenix in us will rise from the ashes for only that which can destroy itself is truly alive. By becoming our authentic self and integrating our dark side, we can also become consciously aware of the collective shadow and not fall prey to it. This allows us to positively influence other people to do the same—improve our lives and the lives of those around us. People often ask Jung, ‘will we make it?’ Referring to the cataclysm of our time, he always replied, ‘if enough people will do their Inner Work’. Jung provides us with ways to explore the unconscious and achieve a better understanding of ourselves, the world, and other people.

He tells us that we must have a dark side if we are to be whole by denying the darkness, we are denying half of ourselves the place where light and dark begin to touch is the most profound experience we can have in life. It is the union of opposites that gives rise to the self the totality of our personality and the main goal of human psychological development. The sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.

*N.B.: If you’re interested in learning more about the works of Jung head over to my channel eternalized where i have explained these concepts more in depth thank you for watching.

Jung postulates that we as humans can never be our “authentic selves” unless we embrace the dark side, yet the Bible says in John 8:12, Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. Therefore, to embrace the dark side is to embrace sin and we know from the Bible both in the Old Testament and the New Testament that according to Hebrews 4:12, “Follow … holiness without which no Man shall see the Lord.” George MacDonald (1824-1905), a legendary English writer of the mid-1800s to early 1900s whose prolific output guided many future generations of great American and European literary figures including Lewis Carroll, W.H. Auden, Mark Twain, C.K. Chesterton, J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, George Orwell, Ray Bradbury, and many others stated that, “Out Satan must go, every hair and feather!” In other words, contrary to Jung’s analysis of the dark side, there can never be any union between Good and Evil, Light and Darkness, God and Satan—

Finally, when Jung states that, “It is the union of opposites that gives rise to the self the totality of our personality and the main goal of human psychological development,” this narrative is deeply rooted in the occult or Kabbalist/Freemason thinking and Jung ignores the severity of Evil – that evil must be undone, deconstructed, and utterly destroyed in the hearts and minds of each individual human being, or face the wrath of a holy and just God on Judgement Day. C.S. Lewis put the sentiment of joining evil with good in this manner, “Evil can be undone, but it cannot ‘develop’ into good…”—

Contrary to what the psychologist Carl Jung stated as “the greatest threat to civilization lies not with the forces of nature, nor with any physical disease, but with our inability to deal with the forces of our own psyche,” on the contrary the French Economist and Libertarian thinker, Gustav Le Bon stated it well that – “The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.”

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