5G Activated Zombie Apocalypse 2023

| October 18, 2023
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About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School for 1 year (1988-89) with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama, (b. 1960 – d. 09/29/2019), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia and Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted since 1989 – for over 34 yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why? To avenge Harvard University’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

How do We the People escape the 150-year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Death certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & trading people’s identities like animals on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, Death Taxes, Fiat/Counterfeit currency not based on Gold or Silver, but based on NOTHING! Cui bono – Who benefits? Why are all national currencies of the world promiscuously printed at will by the Rothschild Central Bankers to fund perpetual False Flag Wars) while keeping the entire world enslaved inside the Birth-School-Labor-Taxes-Debts-Retirement-Death cycle of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021)? By reading and sharing the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog that has recently exceeded 21 million views @ EllisWashingtonReport.com & on Facebook— #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

Hitler would have won World War II if he had only worn a doctor’s white smock as his uniform.”

~ Alex Jones, InfoWars.com

There are no coincidences in the universe, only convergences of Will, Intent, and Experience.

~ Neale Donald Walsch

Never allow a good crisis to go to waste.

~ Rahm Emmanuel (Chief Advisor to President Barack Hussein Obama)

The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the [Communist] Revolution.

~ Students for a Democratic Society slogan (circa early 1960s)


You have been lied to all of your life. History has been a [Big] Lie created by the [Rothschild Khazarian] Cabal for thousands of years for Control.

~ #Plato’sAllegoryoftheCave


A. Prologue—World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” = Communism 2.0

George Bernard Shaw, the famous Irish-English playwright famously stated that – “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” For me, given today’s dystopian times, that means that America’s intelligence agencies – particularly the NSA, CIA (formerly the OSS) and FBI – have for over 100 years used “False Flag” democidal and genocidal tactics against the American people. Why? To control the masses, control the narrative and especially to control Reality by keeping We the People enslaved inside of a false Matrix, a perverted existence of Reality called “Culture” and “Society.”

*N.B.: That these programs cited above are all still operable in society TO THIS DAY! For example, one of many, many CIA, FBI, NSA operations launched to control, enslave, and kill  We the People is called, “Project MK-Ultra” (1953-73). Wikipedia has this definition of Project MK-Ultra

Project MKUltra (or MK-Ultra)[a] was an illegal human experimentation program designed and undertaken by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and intended to develop procedures and identify drugs that could be used during interrogations to weaken people and force confessions through brainwashing and psychological torture.[1][2] It began in 1953 and was halted in 1973. MKUltra used numerous methods to manipulate its subjects’ mental states and brain functions, such as the covert administration of high doses of psychoactive drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals without the subjects’ consent, electroshocks,[3] hypnosis,[4][5] sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, and other forms of torture.[6][7]terrorism in U.S. cities.[2] [4] The proposals were rejected by President John F. Kennedy.[5][6][7]

Project MK-Ultra’s was one of the most successful intelligence tactics to distract the American people while keeping the masses unaware of what was really going on behind the scenes controlled by the 3-letter intelligence agencies, the Deep State and Shadow Governments working surreptitiously hand-and-hand at creating wars for profit for the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia and the Rockefeller Globalists by dumb-down the American people using mind-control techniques and a poor education system that teaches disinformation, misinformation, propaganda, lies and worthless information that doesn’t help the students get viable jobs, even after paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in tuition. Until you realize that We the People are enslaved inside the Matrix, e.g., “Culture” and “Society” then your mind will never be truly free to understand the Reality of TRUTH.

*N.B.: Resident Biden’s Secretary of Transportation, PETE BUTTIGIEG, is the MK-Ultra Manchurian Candidate cited in the above meme. There are literally tens of thousands of these traitorous Manchurian Candidates in leadership positions throughout government and the private sector in American – millions all over the world!

That key sentence above about “…how the very problem that was started by the Khazarians also had a solution provided by them…” is a proven and effective tactic and stratagem used for thousands of years which the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia turned into demonic statecraft by their agent philosophers – Machiavelli (1469-1527)(“The end justifies the means”) and the man responsible for creating a systematic perversion of Law and History, Religion and Societal Morality, Truth and Reality – Hegel (1770-1831)(“War is progress, Peace is stagnation”; “To be independent of public opinion is the first formal condition of achieving anything great”) – using his so-called Hegelian Dialectic = Thesis – Antithesis – Synthesis or Problem – Reaction – [Final] Solution –

*N.B.: Thus, as one meme stated – Hegelian Dialectic is a framework for guiding thoughts and actions into conflicts that lead to synthetic solutions which can only be introduced once those being manipulated take a side that will advance the pre-determined agenda. CONTROLLED OPPOSITION = PROBLEM—REACTION—SOLUTION.

Think about all the World’s woes since the biblical Adam and Eve first encountered Satan and  fell into sin in the Garden of Eden according to the Book of Genesis 2:4-3:24—World Wars, Slavery, Famine, Poverty, Disease, Pandemics, Societal chaos, Race Wars, False Flags to foment war, Nation Balkanization, Debt-Slavery, Great Depressions, Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), Abortion, Child abuse, Eugenics, Ethnic Slavery, Disinformation, Miseducation, etc. . . Under the Rothschild-Illuminati-Hegel Dialectic ALL Reality is an artificial construct, or as Hegel famously declared, “Reality is a historical process” that is manipulated by sinister, Satanic forces behind public view.

Gleichschaltung“Consolidation. All of the German Volk’s social, political, and cultural organizations to be controlled and run according to Nazi ideology and policy. All opposition to be eliminated.”

~ Robert Michael, Karin Doerr[8]

In other words, the world you know is not really “Real” in an eternal sense of the word, but Reality is a version of a grand diabolical construct – a Geopolitical Matrix Slavery orchestrated by the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia in one form or another over the past 2,000 years (perhaps from the “beginning”) to steal our Liberty and to enslave the world. Throughout all societal institutions, the Khazarian Mafia has built this Grand Illusion based not on Reality but construct ideas and fake institutions created what the Nazis called a Weltanschauung (Nazi Worldview) and Gleichschaltung (lit. “coordination”, “synchronization”, “forcing together”, “Nazification of State and Society”, i.e., One-World Government, New World Order) based on systemic Perversion and Delusion, Narcissism and Nihilism, Communism and Perpetual Debt-Slavery.

Greg Reese Podcast – 5G Activated Zombie Apocalypse (Sept. 22, 2023)

{Video Transcript} Military attorney Todd Callender is an expert in international law and morbidity mortality law. He’s been filing lawsuits and blowing the whistle on the enemy ever since they made the [COVID-19] shots mandatory. These lawsuits have led to his research team amassing thousands of whistleblowers that point to a planned, Marburg epidemic already paid for by taxpayer dollars in the recent Prep Act. Todd Callender said inside the lipid nanoparticles there are sealed pathogens including—E Coli, Marburg, and Ebola. And that different pathogens can be released by different frequencies pulsed through the 5G network.

{Attorney Todd Callender} Inside of these shots that people already received, inside the lipid nanoparticles, they hydrogel, there exists pathogens inside of the particles that have not yet opened. Those pathogens are chimeric. They include E coli, Marburg, Ebola, Staphylococcus and Brewer’s yeast, amongst others. We know that upon the broadcast from the 5G system that is now employed across the United States, and the world for that matter.

When they broadcast an 18 gigahertz signal from one minute, three different times as a pulse, it will cause those lipid nanoparticles to swell and release these pathogenic contents, thereby causing a Marburg epidemic that they’ve already spent the money on. It’s already done. The Marburg epidemic for purposes of the law has happened and now we just need the actual disaster to happen. And there’s actually worse parts to it than that, including the 1P36 gene deletion that effectively will turn those poor people into zombies. As odd as that sounds, our government’s preparing for that.

Covid-19 Shot + 5G Technology = Democidal Bioweapons [e.g., “Mark of the Beast”] to Murder 1 Billion + People Around the World

{Analysis} What most people fail to understand is that the Satanic New World Order and their false government control system called the Deep State has been around for a very long time. In another video by Greg Reese titled – David Martin Exposes Timeline of Biggest Democide in Recorded History (May 26, 2023), Dr. Martin gives a succinct history of the secret weaponization of vaccines to democide the masses in the name of the “Greater Good” and for “Population Control”. As Reese commented above: “Todd Callender said inside the lipid nanoparticles there are sealed pathogens including—E Coli, Marburg, and Ebola. And that different pathogens can be released by different frequencies pulsed through the 5G network.” Why? : History Repeating itself but with Newer more Efficient Technology This made me remember a wise aphorism by who Physicist Albert Einstein called the smartest man in the world, Nicolai Tesla said, If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration—

As Reese stated above, “When they broadcast an 18 gigahertz signal [or FREQUENCY] from one minute, three different times as a pulse, it will cause those lipid nanoparticles to swell and release these pathogenic contents, thereby causing a Marburg epidemic that they’ve already spent the money on. It’s already done.” Remember! Everything in the universe (including Frequency, Energy and Vibration) was created by God for Good, but everything in the universe beginning from the Garden of Eden has been corrupted by Satan for evil.

{Dr. David Martin} Corona virus was identified in 1965 as one of the first replicatable viral models that could be used to modify a series of other experiences of the human condition. What’s particularly interesting about its isolation is that in 1965 it was immediately identified as a pathogen that could be used and modified for a whole host of reasons. In 1966 the very first COV Corona virus model was used as a trans-Atlantic biological model in human manipulation. And in 1967 we did the first human trials on inoculating people with modified Corona virus.

The common cold was turned into a chimera in the 1970s. And in 1975, 1976 and 1977 we started figuring out how to modify Corona virus by putting it into different animals – pigs and dogs – and that became the basis of Pfizer’s first spike protein vaccine patent filed in 1990. And in 1990 they found out there was a problem with vaccines – THEY DIDN’T WORK. It turns out that Corona virus is a very malleable model. In fact, every publication on vaccines for Corona virus from 1990-2018 every single publication concluded that Corona virus escapes the vaccine impulse. . .

{Video Transcript} He also points out that 1P36 gene deletion is the #1 effect of the Pfizer shots, a disease with zombie-like symptoms that make a person aggressive with a propensity to bite. The CDC published a public service announcement on the preparedness for a zombie apocalypse in 2011.

That same year CON PLAN 8888-11 “COUNTER-ZOMBIE DOMINANCE” published. The military’s Advanced ammunition known as Multipurpose Rounds are single rounds comprised of multiple purpose options to be chosen from direct communication from the tank fire control to the cartridge chambered in the breach. So, it would make sense to arm weaponized vaccines the same way.

{Analysis} Connecting these ideas above and putting them context of modern times, in my essay of April 2021 titled – 1919 Influenza Pandemic to Covid-[20]19: 100 Years of Deep State Devils Demociding Dupes, I further expanded the democidal timeline of the government colluding with mad scientists without moral boundaries to manipulate and create a multitude of chimera viruses that can be enhanced, manipulated and weaponized by pathological scientists to kill millions of people under the guise of “natural causes” or the flu. In fact, writer Russ Winter in is pathbreaking article, The Truth Revealed About the Deadly 1918 Spanish Flu: It Was Actually Bacterial Pneumonia, exposed this bombshell criminal admission by the National Institution of Health regarding the 50-100 million casualties of the so-called “Spanish Flu” during the end of World War I (1918-19)—

According to a 2008 National Institute of Health paper, bacterial pneumonia was the killer in a minimum of 92.7% of the autopsies of those who died of so-called “Spanish flu” between 1918 and 1919.”

{Video Transcript} Popular online personality Jason Schurka has recently posted a warning that on October 4, 2:20 PM EST will be using 5G frequencies to operate pathogens in the blood of the vaccinated.

{Jason Schurka} On Oct. 4, 2023 at 2:22 pm EST the Emergency Broadcast System [EBS] will be activated across the entire United States under the leadership of FEMA disguised as a “test”, however, this test will be used to send high-frequency signal through devises like smart phones, radios and TVs with the intention of activating graphene oxide and other nanoparticles that have been inserted into billions of human beings around the world through obvious mediums [e.g., the COVID-19 clot shot].

If the Oct. 4 date does not occur for any reason the backup plan will be to do it on Oct. 11 at the same time. In the case that this is not able to be stopped, I asked that you all shut off your phones and all other relevant devices at 2:00 pm EST for a period of 2 hours to be safe.

{Video Transcript}  I don’t know who this guy is, but I would add that we probably would want to turn off the 5G for good and we definitely need to take control of our government because a plan as diabolical as this would be GAME OVER.

{Analysis} At the time of this writing it was literally Oct. 4 at 2:22 when I heard the EBS signal on my phone as Schurka was warning the world what was coming, that this EBS was a test to release 5G waves at a higher frequency to activate nanoparticles inside the blood of those people unfortunate enough to have taken the COVID-19 shot and those who have taken boosters 1, 2, 3, etc. . . As I stated in an earlier article about the Democide of the whole world that the Globalists are planning through Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset, I wrote the following—

The Great Reset is the grand center piece of Globalism, or a world without borders , national sovereignty, national identity, of Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum’s evil attempt to remake the entire world into a One-World Government were nationality, individual countries and sovereignty will be a thing of the past.  It is reminiscent of George Orwell’s famous quote from his dystopian novel, “1984”—”The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie become the truth.”

Greg Reese Podcast—Nobel Peace Prize for Shot that Killed over 100,000 American Children (Oct. 4, 2023)

{Video Transcript} Freedom of Information Act results have shown that the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists knew the mRNA injections were commonly fatal to babies in the womb. And $11 million was spent to bribe OB-GYNs to lie to pregnant women about the safety of the injections and convince them to get the shot. U.S. nursing home data [show below] clearly shows that the mRNA shots were killing the elderly. The mRNA shots are now causing cancer. The CDC now admits that at least 118K children have died suddenly in the USA since the rollout of the mRNA vaccines. The actual count is probably actually much higher and that was reported a year ago. Nothing has really changed.

The historical mass murder continues, and the perpetrators remain free pushing for round 2 and winning the Nobel Peace Prize. {NBC Reporter} Their discovery led to a monumental breakthrough but even they were surprised when they learned today they are receiving one of the world’s most prestigious awards.

{Weissman} It was real. We couldn’t get funding, we couldn’t get publications, we couldn’t get people really to notice mRNA as something really interesting. It had failed clinical trials and pretty much everyone had gave up on it. Everyone was skeptical, we didn’t care.

Katie and I certainly didn’t go into science for money or for awards. We did it because of interests and curiosity. We’ve got clinical trials for seven [7] vaccines going on right now. We’ve got work on cancer vaccines, vaccines for autoimmune diseases or allergies. We’ve got gene therapy moving into clinical development. We’ve got a variety of therapeutics. So, it’s already been going on for many years and this has just given mRNA the recognition.

{Analysis} The fact that we have just awarded the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize in medicine to two “scientists” that created the mRNA vaccine that has murdered over 118,000 people in America so far, (and that is a very low estimate), makes the words of Alex Jones of InfoWars.com seem tantamount to the prophetic when he stated—Hitler would have won World War II if he had only worn a doctor’s white smock as his uniform.”

Was Alex Jones wrong? In the clip by Greg Reese we can clearly see these two scientists Katalin Karikó and DrewWeissman—the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize winners in science are wearing their white smock uniforms, that their democidal mRNA research that has killed over 118,000 people and counting was rewarded by the scientific community with the most prestigious monetary prize on earth, the Nobel Peace Prize in Science and the propaganda media, the murderous scientific community, the Academy, the politicians in America and all over the world are united in extolling the praises of these two mass murderers.

 The real irony of this story is that if they had killed one person, their crimes would not have gained such attention and they certainly would never have received the Nobel Peace Prize, however, once the Satanic New World Order pushes its agenda, it will use the full forces of Hegelian Dialectic to achieve its objectives even if it means to celebrating two mass murderers as scientific Heroes!

In a July 2021 essay about how Trump Redpilled America and the entire world, I wrote the following regarding the deep roots of the Illuminati Bloodlines of which the Klaus Schwab family is one of their many branches—

Part II: We Are All Nazis Now!

In an essay I wrote in June 2020 with the provocative title—Are We All Nazis Now? then I wasn’t sure so I stated my question as a Socratic Dialectical inquiry, however, in this section of my essay, looking at recent national and world events and trends in analytical terms over the past year, I am convinced more than ever that this question must be answered in the affirmative (at least for the past 150 years of American history). Let me explain. There is no such thing as “coincidence” , in the Reality of Truth throughout history there are only Patterns by which if we are wise and knowledgeable we can connect the dots and determine how for most of the history of humanity we have been mind-controlled by evil forces behind the shadows to behave in a way that is not conducive to a healthy and spiritual lifestyle. It is time to break free from Satan’s New World Order MATRIX!


To show you how the only thing that is different from how the Satanic New World Order operated 100 years ago to today is that the technology is more deadly and more capable of having catastrophic Democidal effects upon BILLIONS in the human population. Their demonic depopulation Agenda 2030 remains the same. To demonstrate historically how 5G technology has evolved over the past 100+ years –from the Spanish Flu (1918-19) = 50-100 million deaths worldwide to COVID-19 and now the new launch of the MARBURG Virus (700 million – 2 billion + deaths by 2028) according to the research of Dr. David Martin. Therefore, this section below is an excerpt from my essay of April 2021 titled – 1919 Influenza Pandemic to Covid-[20]19: 100 Years of Deep State Devils Demociding Dupes

[Essay Excerpt]

CONSPIRACY? Yes! But not ‘Conspiracy Theory’—It seems just like today’s Covid-19 fake “Scam-demic”, the Influenza pandemic of 1918-19 was likewise another example of a man-made fake pandemic; a mass medical construct [actually bacterial pneumonia] designed to commit world genocide (better Democide because of government mask mandates). Cui Bono? – Who benefits? Why? To hide the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia-financed and fomented World War I (at that time the bloodiest war in history) so they could solidify their Debt-slavery over America, Europe and the entire world through their Central Banking/Babylonian-Talmudic Money Magick system of creating (counterfeiting) money from nothing.

Socratic Dialectical Inquiry? Were U.S. soldiers in WW I used as guinea pigs, purposely infected with influenza and sent over to Europe as “Cloud adults” to cause a pandemic of bacterial infections (pneumonia, meningitis)? More research needed, but I wouldn’t doubt it. Here is a good article by Russ Winter, The Truth Revealed About the Deadly 1918 Spanish Flu: It Was Actually Bacterial PneumoniaWinter dropped the bombshell statement from the mouth of the Deep State Leviathan monster (National Institute of Health) itself—

According to a 2008 National Institute of Health paper, bacterial pneumonia was the killer in a minimum of 92.7% of the autopsies of those who died of so-called “Spanish flu” between 1918 and 1919.

So, an experimental anti-meningoccic serum that was derived from horses was injected into soldiers who would be entering the cramped and unsanitary living conditions of war. What could possibly go wrong?

The Institute said it distributed the bacterial serum to England, France, Belgium, Italy, and other countries during WWI. Ultimately, these Rockefeller Institute quacks killed 50 to 100 million people via bacterial lung infections from 1918 to 1919.”

History Repeating Itself?—During the Nuremberg Trials (1945-48) where at the end of World War II the Allied Powers did a series of United Nations cynical show trials against alleged Nazi leaders, “plotters and planners” of World War II, Herman Göring, one of Adolf Hitler’s top lieutenants, who testified at the Court in Nuremberg was asked – How did you get the German people to accept all this?

Nazi Lieutenant, Herman Goering

Goering replied:

′′It was very simple, it has nothing to do with Nazism, it has something to do with Humans. You can do it in a Nazi, Socialist, Communist regime, in a Monarchy and even in a Democracy. The only thing that needs to be done to enslave people is to scare them. If you manage to find a way to scare people, you can make them do what you want.”

A contemporary and rival tyrant to Adolph Hitler was Communist Russian dictator Joseph Stalin who had a similar fail-safe aphorism he used to enslave the masses when they were stirring to wake from their slumber—“The easiest way to gain control of a population is to carry out acts of terror. [The public] will clamor for such laws if their safety is threatened.” As it was 100 years ago so it is now.

All of these “new” technologies are merely variations of the old tactics Satan used in the Garden of Eden (e.g., Hegelian Dialectic = Divide-and-Conquer, “the End Justifies the Means” [Machiavelli]) to trick our forefathers to give up their God-ordained rulership of planet earth and give that power and control into God’s enemy, Satan. These Machiavellian tactics through the ages are all a form of DIVIDE-and-CONQUER.

*N.B.: Divide and Conquer = The power to maintain control over and even enslave your subordinates or subjects by encouraging dissent and dysfunction among them—Bellum omnium contra omnes. (The war of all against all)

     ~ Thomas Hobbes, De Cive (1642), Leviathan (1651)

Many readers of my extended essay series on the Judy Byington News Reports will be able to easily deduce that the so-called innovation of nanotechnology for the Greater Good is not intended to benefit humanity in any way, But on the contrary accelerate foment natural catastrophic events or “Acts of God” which in reality disguises man-made False Flag events (i.e., like every war since the American and French Revolutions, including World War I, World War II, 9/11, the Maui fires, etc.) designed to do several horrific ends—1) Commit DEMOCIDE = Government killing of its citizens under policy or official  mandates; 2) Blame the fire tragedy (caused by lasers from satellites in space called D.E.W. or Directed Energy Weapons); 3) Swoop in like vultures and only reimburse the living Maui residents $700.00 for the destruction of their homes while forcing them to sell their land to the government. This tactics by the Deep State government is classic Hegelian Dialectic. In order to establish the Satanic New World Order Agenda—1) Create the PROBLEM; 2) Fund the REACTION, 3) Mandate the [Final] SOLUTION.

How does the Nazi puppet government of Vichy France of 90 years ago mirror the tragic events of the establishment of the Antichrist system of implanting microchips in people’s heads or in their right hand as the Bible foretold 2,000 years ago in the book of Revelation 13? In a word – GOVERNMENT.

*N.B.: The word Government actually means mind control. It etymologically originated from the ancient Latin language. It splits into two words: 1) (guvernare) meaning “to control” and 2) (mens or mentis) meaning “mind”. Source: Medium.com

In other words, both the French government under Adolph Hitler and the Nazis and the American government controlled by Resident Biden and the Deep State Democrats openly use False Flag events of Genocide and Democide to keep the populations in perpetual fear and confusion thereby allowing these totalitarian governments to seize more and more control over We the People. However, the demonic Deep State and Satanic New World Order cannot conquer U.S. unless we OBEY! The Mark of the Beast (Rev. 13) is already here.

5G activated technology that will release a host of deadly nonpathogens in people’s bloodstream who already took the Covid-19 shot is just one of many ways people will accept the Satanic New World Order system. *N.B.: For further research see my essay of Sept. 16, 2023—Greg Reese Podcast: The Deep State is Targeting We the People using Nanotechnology.


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  1. Where can we buy your books?

  2. Nice to hear from you fellow Patriot, MYLES. Keep up the fight to wake up others by sending them the links my articles @ http://www.EllisWashingtonReport.com. Especially send my articles to our YOUTH who must learn the TRUTH!
    You can buy my books by clicking on any book link on my blog cited above and thanks for your support my Friend!


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