War socialism

| April 16, 2011
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obama-hitler-lenin-changeWhat is war socialism? Conventional thinking says that liberals or Democratic socialists like Presidents Wilson, FDR, JFK, LBJ, Clinton and Obama hate war, while conservative warmongers like Theodore Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Bush-41 and Bush-43 can’t wait to start another war. This conformist view holds that Democratic socialists only go to war when forced to – Wilson (World War I), FDR, Truman (World War II, Korea), Clinton (Bosnia), Obama (Libya), or to clean up unpopular wars started by their jingoistic GOP predecessors – JFK, LBJ (Vietnam), Obama (Iraq, Afghanistan).

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  1. Larry says:

    Jeebus keerist…you are one miserable piece of shite. It must be tiring, seeing marxists and socialists under every rock. You mut go through a case of depends a week, you piss your pants so much. Screw you asshole.

    • ExGeeEye says:

      Now there is a cogent, well-reasoned argument, consisting of verifiable facts, related soberly and with a modicum of dignity seldom seen these days.

      Larry, please run for office. If you cannot, then please advocate for your preferred candidates in the same style as your comment here, in as many publications as possible.

      Thank you.

  2. Larry says:

    Jeebus keerist…you are one miserable piece of shite. It must be tiring, seeing marxists and socialists under every rock. You mut go through a case of depends a week, you piss your pants so much. Screw you asshole.

    • ExGeeEye says:

      Now there is a cogent, well-reasoned argument, consisting of verifiable facts, related soberly and with a modicum of dignity seldom seen these days.

      Larry, please run for office. If you cannot, then please advocate for your preferred candidates in the same style as your comment here, in as many publications as possible.

      Thank you.

  3. hinckleybuzzard says:

    No doubt that our participation in wars is generally instigated by the left–Wilson in WWI, Roosevelt in WWII, Truman via the UN in Korea, Kennedy crossing the Rubicon in Vietnam. Bush I and II meddling in the middle east might appear as exceptions but for the fact that neither one was a foreign policy conservative. “New World Order? Gimme a break.

    The left uses war just as they say–“never let a crisis go to waste because you can get things then that you couldn’t
    get otherwise–” Obama is no exception. He never had the slightest intention of pulling out of the mideast. The fishing in those troubled waters is so good for him that he dived into Libya too, just for good measure.

    Is Israel next? Ask Joe Biden when he wakes up from his nap.

  4. hinckleybuzzard says:

    No doubt that our participation in wars is generally instigated by the left–Wilson in WWI, Roosevelt in WWII, Truman via the UN in Korea, Kennedy crossing the Rubicon in Vietnam. Bush I and II meddling in the middle east might appear as exceptions but for the fact that neither one was a foreign policy conservative. “New World Order? Gimme a break.

    The left uses war just as they say–“never let a crisis go to waste because you can get things then that you couldn’t
    get otherwise–” Obama is no exception. He never had the slightest intention of pulling out of the mideast. The fishing in those troubled waters is so good for him that he dived into Libya too, just for good measure.

    Is Israel next? Ask Joe Biden when he wakes up from his nap.


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