1939—Year One How the Nazis Changed the Universal Electrical Frequency of Salvation to Mind Control the World through Music

| September 12, 2021
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About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington—I went to Harvard Law School with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama for 1 year (1988-89), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted for 30+ yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on, Why?For Harvard’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-Year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund false flag wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog with the Youth that’s nearing 20 Million views @ EllisWashingtonReport.com & on Facebook — #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

If one should desire to know whether a kingdom is well governed, if its morals are good or bad, the quality of its music will furnish the answer.

~ Confucius 

Give me the music of a nation and I care not who makes its laws, I will control its people. 

~ Plato

And it came to pass, when the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, that David took an harp, and played with his hand: so Saul was refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit departed from him.

~ 1 Samuel 16:23

Are You on God’s Universal Vibration Frequency?—Your Eternal Salvation Depends on It!

It is IMPOSSIBLE to be saved or get saved though the blood atonement of Jesus Christ unless one is on the same frequency with God and his Son, Jesus Christ, who sacrificed his life to save the world from our sins. The Bible says, in 2 Corinthians 5:21—”For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.”

That said, with news coming out about how the Covid-19 vaccine is connected to 5G wireless technology and that the millions of people in America and around the world who for whatever reason (e.g., job, government mandates, fear, ignorance, acceptance) were foolish enough to get this democide weapon system (not a “Vaccine”) injected into their bodies have possibly taken what the Bible calls the “Mark of the Beast”. The effects?—since Covid-19 is an mRNA vaccine people taking it quite possibly will have their DNA changed at a molecular level and thus will be no longer fully human. Furthermore, people who took the jab are at risk of being manipulated like robots or executed remotely according to the electronic frequency manipulations of those Deep State people at the CDC, NIH, United Nations, World Health Organization, Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, who have been trying to have the control of life and death over the 7.8 billion people in the world who they want dictatorial control; who they want enslaved under their Satanic New World Order depopulation Agenda 2030. 

What will they do with this evil technology? I’m not certain, but you can be sure that it will have something to do with the Hegelian Dialectic—Satanic New World Order Agenda = [cause the] Problem – [fund the] Reaction – [mandate the] Solution. Secondly, the scientific genius Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) who discovered the technology to provide the entire world with free energy as early as the 1890s! But the Satanic New World Order and their allies, the Robber Barons back then (the precursors of today’s Technocracy Tyrants: Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg)—Conrad Vanderbilt, J.P. Morgan, James J. Hill, Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Leland Stanford, Jay Gould, Henry Ford, Collis Huntington).

These creators of the modern version of the Satanic New World Order didn’t want their economic, political, legal, media monopolies (which generated obscene profits and societal control) to be disturbed in any way, so they launched a vicious propaganda campaign against Tesla and Westinghouse’s AC current. Next the Robber Barons all threw their support and money behind a man they could control—Tesla’s former boss and his rival, Thomas Edison (1847-1931), who favored DC current. Tesla’s AC current and free energy for the world was ridiculed by John D. Rockefeller-controlled media as “dangerous to society”. 

Rise of the Robber Barons

What did the Robber Barons do to affect Tesla? John D. Rockefeller had by the early 1900s purchased all the major newspapers in America and had all of the senior newspaper editors on his payroll. That meant that virtually nothing got published in America that exposed the treason and evil deeds of these Robber Barons upon society. Tragically this mass mind-control through mass media control existed in America for 150 Y-E-A-R-S (1871-2021) and We the People were totally clueless, so clueless that virtually no one outside of the New World Order Cabal realized that their country, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INC. wasn’t the same country as the original 1776 Republic called These United States for America, founded in Natural Law and Natural Rights (i.e., the Common Law).

In 1871 the Republic of America was secretly taken over through Machiavellian legislation by Republican and Democrat traitors called the “DC Act of 1871”. Thus, the U.S.A. INC. has infiltrated our original REPUBLIC as a totally owned and controlled corporate asset or corporate dictatorship of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia for the past 150 years until President Trump restored our original Republic on Jan. 20, 2021, at 12:01 am — hours before that fake Inauguration proclaiming Dementia Joe Biden to be POTUS. On March 11, 2021 Trump was officially sworn in as the 19th POTUS by the U.S. Military because Trump had previously declared Martial Law due to the Democrats corrupting the 2020 Presidential Elections. More on that history later.

Happy Birthday to my England friend, Peniel Ngonde. This is my first essay dedicated exclusively to his Christian testimony videos he regularly posts on his YouTube channel. Thanks to the Peniel Ngonde YouTube channel, I now properly understand the real meaning of salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ must be renewed daily. And thus I have rededicated my life to Jesus Christ and daily—moment-by-moment seek His forgiveness for our sins. Peniel, I guess I finally tapped into the proper frequency to write this essay on his birthday which is dedicated to him. Peniel published this video titled—The Father Speaks on Sept. 4, 2021. Below is the transcript of the entire video with my occasional analysis—

Transcript of Peniel Ngonde’s Christian Testimony Video—The Father Speaks

“Created in My image and chosen before the foundation of time, I knew you, just as I knew He who would manifest and come forth from Me as My Son, the embodiment and complete essence of Me, He who spoke into existence all of Creation, making it manifest, for He is the Word. All created by Me have a choice in whom they serve. Freely, I have given that choice, and freely each one chooses the outcome determined by your destiny in Me. Your vessels can be used for honor or dishonor. You who choose to use them for honor are used as extensions of Me, as My Spirit works from within you.”

“All that I am makes Our home in you who are chosen and elected, and your purpose is carried out as you walk in this journey of obedience towards greater intimacy with us. Sent into a realm of duality, where a choice must be made, your example and your response to the position in which you have been called has eternal consequences.  Those of you born into this realm with a proclivity towards holiness and righteousness are given an opportunity in this life to display life, truth, and the Way, which is My Son, to those born with a proclivity towards evil. Once born into this body, not all are able to make the choice in whom they will serve easily, as they are bound by many dark [frequencies, energy] influencing forces.”
“In My Son, I gave you an example of how to live and how to walk out this journey. He, being Me, presented the only Way by which any soul returns to Me. Collectively, My body, you are to do the same, in that your quest for truth and eternal life with Me and all that is pure, holy, and righteous will lead those I place in your lives to also see My example in this realm, where otherwise, it would be gross darkness for them.” 

“An allotted time was given to those who rebelled against My authority and My Supreme Being, and as that time draws to its close, the darkness intensifies. Hence, this is why those of you chosen for this time to awaken, to remember who you are and why you are here, have come here to be the last generation. You each have an assignment and role to play, and are a piece of a much larger puzzle that you will soon understand with much more detail and clarity.” 

“The seed of My Spirit is placed in every soul that I create, and the yearning deep within to know truth is embedded in your core being. You are here to wake up, to remember thatyou are a spiritual being in service to the only ONE CREATOR, and your life is to demonstrate this in every aspect. My blueprint in your DNA carries eternal life. When you understand exactly who and what has been placed within, you come to the realization that nothing, nothing can harm you or destroy you as you are in Me– eternal, immortal, untouchable, heirs to My Kingdom. My seal, My name is in every DNA strand.”
Throughout world history, in war (e.g., the fall of the wall of Jericho through the sound of the trumpets, the splitting of the Red Sea by wind), and other events in the Bible including the story of how God used an unknown shepherd boy named David to slay Goliath, a 10-foot giant with the sound of the Word of God and a slingshot. Later David also was frequently called on to play his harp whose dulcet tones had the effect of exorcising demonic forces that possessed King Saul and constantly caused him to be at enmity with God’s will regarding the rulership over the Nation of Israel.

Remember! 432 Hz is known as the “frequency of the Earth” and the “frequency of the Universe”, and for thousands of years the ancients knew about the substantial spiritual, medicinal and healing benefits of music tuned to the proper vibrational frequency of the universe, including the ancient Hebrews and Egyptians, Greeks (particularly Pythagoras) and Romans, and many, many other cultures of antiquity. However 6,000 years of music tuning that conformed to the universe was changed in the Year 1939—the advent and rise of the Nazi Third Reich and Minister of Propaganda Dr. Joseph Goebbels, who purpose wanted to weaponized music frequencies to 440 Hz—a frequency that no scientific relationship with our universe and causes agitation and depression. The Nazis used 440Hz music tuning in order to make the enemies of the Nazis—the Allied Powers (America, France, England, Russia, Australia, Canada) to think and feel a certain way. According to Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz this was a form of “Musical Cult Control” or mass mind control he wrote about in an article published in a scholarly journal in 2010 titled—”The Rockefeller’s War on Consciousness through the Imposition of A 440Hz Standard Tuning.”

In 1953, New World Order Satanist David Rockefeller used his Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research to take Goebbel’s initial music frequency change which was limited to Europe to apply worldwide. Since 1953, all nations under the authority of the United Nations have mandated that all musical instruments be tuned from the original 432 Hz to 440 Hz. The Effect? The nations of the world will be more compliant and easier to mind control to become slaves of the Globalist New World Order and their Satanic Agenda 2030
Because when I created all things, I knew who would choose loyalty to Me, and who would not along their journey. I also designed a plan and made a way, where otherwise, there would be no way back to Me for those who are in rebellion. My Son demonstrated this Way, and His life’s blood spilled and resurrected, pierced the veil and presented the Door by which all who call Him Savior and Messiah over their lives may be saved. He demonstrated in a fallen realm that anyone in Him has eternal life and cannot be destroyed. His blood resurrected. You are made in His image, in Our image. Therefore, you are His, you are Mine, you are Ours, and nothing can separate you from Us. Your role is to imitate Him in this flesh form while here. Your destiny is to wake up and follow in His leading, doing what He did, speaking what He spoke, manifesting life as He did in a realm of existence that is governed by darkness.” 

“This battle of good and evil, holy, and unholy, righteous, and unrighteous played out in carnality will soon culminate in the physical manifestation of My victory, which is already won. I will restore, renew, and have Heaven on earth, as I have intended it to be. Your role is to collectively work to seek and knock with every fiber of your being, a and I will answer you and reveal to you who I am, and who you are in Me, unifying you in My perfect design and revealing the greater plan.” 

“Your transformation is ongoing, both individually and collectively, as My remnant bride. This is done by choosing to operate in the spiritual, and not in the flesh or carnal nature in every thought, deed, and action. Each time you choose life, love, mercy, kindness, forgiveness, fruits of the spirit, the frequency shifts within you and with everything around you. Your cells respond, as they must align themselves to a higher design.” 

“Energy exists. It cannot be destroyed. And, when you align yourselves with Me and My will, your very cells resonate with the Great I am, and nothing can be the same around you. You are here to bring harmony back within your own soul, and then collectively to this realm, in all those who are lost and struggling to find their way out of darkness, those who have not yet decided for Me, for holiness and for righteousness.”

“This is the greatest battle of My creation, the choice between loyalties and who you will serve. Ultimately, I will reveal truth to all, but to those of you first called and awakened, your responsibility is to gather and teach and lead all those you are presented with, until the great move I do on this earth, where all will see Me as I am. I have chosen for you to be a reflection of Me, your Creator, who is infinite and ineffable in a finite and limited realm of existence. You are to demonstrate love and life during the time frame you have been placed here on the earth.”

“Each generation has been given its assignments as well as the keys to unlock greater and greater mysteries of My Kingdom, as you draw closer and closer to the end of this age. Those incarnated now have an extremely urgent and desperate role to awaken this last generation to truth, as this generation will see My return! For those that have left this flesh form and did not choose Me, they are lost, as this was the testing ground for them, for all who come here. Your obedience to the call on your life will save many more that could have been lost for eternity. Do you understand now how crucial this position is, and why the urgency to prepare your souls and ready your hearts? This is the end of this age, and the end of this part of My story. Have I not told you that in the end, I would pour out My Spirit upon all flesh? I wish no one to be lost.”

“The great separation is here, and there are even many layers to that scripture. This is the final dividing for this age of those who call Me Father, from those who do not. Revelation, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding are given to all who seek in earnest, and who surrender all. I am revealing greater details about your positions as you seek, and some of you now understand with greater clarity what you have been destined for in Me during this time, and as you transcend into glorification in Me.” 

“The power of the Great I AM within you cannot be underestimated. This is why My Son spoke to you that you will collectively do all these things and more on the earth, as you are an example of My power and authority multiplied across the earth. Greater is He that is in you than anything in this fallen realm. You are kings and priests of an eternal realm of glory, a Kingdom that can never be shaken or destroyed. Your realization of these profound truths I am sharing with you will change you forever, will heal you from within as your very cells must respond to this truth embraced, and grant you keys to even deeper and greater revelations, as I draw you deeper and further into My heart, where you will for eternity be maturing, for My heart is ever expanding. There is no limit to the potential I have placed within you while you are here. You choose your limitations, or you choose to break free from them. You were placed here to awaken, to remember.” 

“I have provided ALL things necessary to find the path to Me, to complete truth. Ignorance will not be an excuse. My people are being destroyed for lack of knowledge, but for those who take this path of truth and intimacy with Me, your rewards will be great. Every inner desire that I have placed in you will be fulfilled. The deepest longings of your heart will finally be answered. I am the answer to all things that each soul seeks in the quest to know one’s purpose and reason for being here, and why there is so much suffering in this realm.”

“The challenge is to overcome all odds sent against you in this realm and break free of the illusion of this reality. Continue to wake up My chosen children! Children, keep waking up, wake up, and greater things than these will you know! I hold you in My embrace. I bless you, I have you. i am in control of all things. I am all-knowing and all powerful. I will cause you to remember! Keep running, asking, seeking, knocking… I am here My loves, I am here. I love you eternally.”
~ Yahuah your Father

Whose Vibrational Frequency are you Turned to: God or the Nazis?

According to an interesting article by Brian T Collins titled—Who and Why Changed Music Tuning Frequency from 432 Hz to 440 Hz? The writer wrote the following interesting history about how the world from the Garden of Eden to 1939 moved from 432 Hz to 440 Hz—”In Nazi Germany, the Minister Of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels ordered in 1939 to replace all tuning forks to 440Hz. Before that period, instruments were tuned 8 Hz lower to 432Hz.”

“When you compare the same composition in 432Hz and 440Hz there’s definitely a difference. There are many theories why we still listen to music at 440Hz, some even claim that 432 is in harmony with the vibration Universe and now we are blocked from this “channel”. Personally, I don’t agree with the conspiracy theories, partly because I work with music and audio for a living, and it contradicts my understanding of sound and how I utilize it.” 

My only disagreement with this writer, Brian Collins is when he gets intellectually lazy and concludes article with this insipid remark: “To me, 440Hz and 432Hz are different flavors of the same thing. Some people prefer to tune their instruments to 432Hz others to 440Hz which it’s more like a personal preference.” Wrong, music tuning at 432 Hz perfectly harmonizes with the universe, science and the collective consciousness of antiquity. To come to that conclusion after the unimaginable amount of organization, propaganda, plotting and planning for Joseph Goebbels and the Nazis in 1939 to negatively affect the conscious make all the nations of Europe and with the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research’s help in 1953, the entire world moved from 432Hz, the ancient frequency for tuning instruments, to 440Hz as merely a “personal preference”.

Standardization of music tuning is much, much more important than a difference of 8 Hz. Just look at footage and the mayhem of your average Rock or Rap concert; how that most of the audience are literally out of their minds to see the destructive power of music tuned to the wrong frequency. This 440Hz negative aspect of music tuning also applies to all kinds of music including Classical, Gospel, Jazz, Soul, Pop, Folk, Tin Pan Alley, Broadway — all kinds of musical styles are affected. This treachery and cultural democide by the Satanic New World Order descend back over 100 years ago to the early 1920s and the research and writings of the so-called Socialist Frankfurt School

Nevertheless, let’s check out some of the theories out there

Brian Collins continues writing, “the tone La at 432Hz was intentionally hidden from the world because it’s a balance point in nature. 432Hz is a vibration having roots in The Golden Ratio and combines the properties of light, time, space, matter and gravity into biology, DNA, and consciousness. A=432Hz, known as Verdi’s ‘A’ is an alternative tuning that is mathematically consistent with the universe. Music based on 432Hz transmits beneficial healing energy because it is a pure tone of math fundamental to nature.”

Brian Collins writes that, “Earth’s frequency is 8hz. When the brain is relaxed, its alpha waves are also 8Hz. When we listen to music at 440Hz, the root tone is changed from 8Hz to 8.25 Hz, meaning the harmonics are not in tune with The Universe. (Remember that the next time you listen to Dubstep.) Humans vibrate from 16 to 32 Hz, the same as C0 to C1 on a musical scale. 440 Hz is not in tune with the human’s vibration because the root tone is 16.5 Hz. It’s claimed that listening to 440 Hz will make you tired and apathetic​.” 

1939—Year One When the Nazis changed the music frequency tuning from 432Hz to 440Hz to negatively affect and mind control the consciousness of the entire world 

I call 1939 Year One for the Nazi global propaganda campaign spearheaded by Adolph Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda himself—Dr. Joseph Goebbels to mandate that all music be tuned to the frequency of 440Hz vs. the previous frequency dating back to ancient times – perhaps to our very beginnings to the Garden of Eden and the frequency that was in perfect tune with the universe at 432Hz. Thus, in conclusion, 81 years ago 432Hz was changed to 440Hz as mandated by the Nazis and began to be applied worldwide and a few months later on Sept. 1, 1939 when Adolph Hitler’s Blitzkrieg was launched against Poland thus officially beginning the start of World War II… Coincidence? There is no such thing as coincidence. Control the tuning frequency music, you control media, communication, society, culture. Control music, you control Nations, you control the entire world!

In 1953, David Rockefeller, who is part of the 13 Illuminati Bloodline families, took Goebbels 440Hz frequency decree and made it Global. Why? Their researchers at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research and the Rockefeller Foundation discovered that not only were the Nazis correct in changing music tuning frequencies from 432Hz to 440 Hz as a surreptitious form of what Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz called, “Music Cult Control”, but they discovered the added benefit that this turning frequency helped foment societal deconstruction, disruption of consciousness or what Dr. Horowitz called “Rockefeller’s War on Consciousness”, depression, violence, and a host of other social maladies that negatively affect America and the entire world to this day!

Wikipedia on Twitter: "Snow leopards' tails are thick due to fat storage  and are very thickly covered with fur, which allows them to be used like a  blanket to protect their faces
THE HOLOCAUST, NAZISM, ADOLPH HITLER & THE THIRD REICH WERE NOT CREATED IN GERMANY, BUT DECADES EARLIER BY SOCIALITS & COMMUNIST INTELLECTUALS IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA! The British Tavistock Institute of Medical Psychology, the City of London, Washington, D.C., the Illuminati, the Vatican and the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia all conspired to secretly create the philosophy and governmental architecture of the Nazi Third Reich and it’s “Furher” – Adolph Hitler (an illegitimate grandson of Lionel Nathan Rothschild). The Nazis didn’t loose World War II, they came back home to the nation that create them . . . AMERICA. See Project MK Ultra, Operation Paperclip, Operation Mockingbird, CIA Project Monarch, Project Monarch Butterfly and the Vatican-controlled Ratlines of World War II that facilitated fake IDs, passports, $$$, transportation to high-ranking Nazis to the Americas, Canada and all over the world.

These intelligence projects against We the People are just the tip of the iceberg of the numerous so-called “Black Ops Projects” publicly admitted (declassified) and other projects much more nefarious and grotesque than one could imagine that are still classified. Hopefully one President Trump is made known to the world that he is still POTUS that all the books will be opened and every hidden thing done by our government from the beginning will be known by all. Only then can the healing of the Nations begin.

Education vs. Miseducation – Self-control vs. Mind-control—Your Communist Public and Private (Catholic and Jewish, Muslim & Protestant) Schools and the thousands and thousands of history books written by Marxist Historians and Socialist Professors told U.S. that America and the Allied Powers won World War II. We didn’t win World War II. The Nazis won World War II (in a de facto sense). What I mean is that the Nazi Braintrust and all the top military leaders simply came back home to where Nazism and the Third Reich was birthed. . . The Nazis came back home to America! Look up Project Monarch, Operation Paperclip and Operation Mockingbird. Humanity has been mind-controlled and lied to since Satan first “beguiled” or raped Eve in the Garden of Eden producing the Satanic Bloodline of Cain and eventually the 13 Illuminati Bloodline Families which include the European Monarchy (incl. the Merovingians), the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. . . Are you WOKE Yet?!?

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Remember the credo of the Satanic Vatican, the Jesuits and the Freemasons—Ordo ab Chao = Order out of Chaos. Another way of putting it is the so-called Hegelian Dialectic = Satanic New World Order Agenda = Problem (Thesis) – Reaction (Antithesis) – Solution (Synthesis).

Since the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, who were part of the 13 Illuminati Bloodline Families (e.g., Bloodline of Cain/Satan) were hellbent in establishing the Satanic New World Order on earth, one way to achieve this was through population control, population reduction and eventually using a perversion of politics and law—population Democide— “the intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity and pursuant to government policy or high command.” All so-called History is an artificial construct; History is all Hegelian Dialectic. As it was first done when Satan “beguiled” or raped Eve in the Garden of Eden to produce the Satanic bloodline of Cain from which the 13 Illuminati Bloodline Families, all the world leaders, CEOs, Bankers including the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia all descend.

The cults of the Freemasons and the Jesuits (= the Vatican) both had a worldview that drove their demonic organizations for centuries—Ordo ab Chao (= Order out of Chaos). This means to dominate, control, and eventually eliminate Humanity (which all New World Order Satanists utterly hate), they devised a plan to control History and create a new, false reality or artificial construct –(Think the Construct scene from the 1999 movie, The Matrix) by secretly manipulating all the major events, discoveries by creating Order out of Chaos. 


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The Matrix" (1999) -- 'Construct' Scenes on Make a GIF
The TRUTH of REALITY and the REALITY of TRUTH—”How do you define ‘real’? If you’re talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then ‘real’ is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.”
~ Morpheus, The Matrix (1999)(Construct Scene video excerpt)

Since most people are sheep, naïve, fearful, delusional, prideful, or are only concerned with the “world as it is” or obsessed with their own personal happiness and contentment in this fake world of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix, it was relatively easy to manipulate and weaponize the tuning of music which for the past 82 years has greatly contributed to the destructiveness of the consciousness of humanity by mandating worldwide by raising the music tuning frequency just 8Hz – from 432Hz to 440Hz. Look at the resultant chaos with how music—Jazz, Blues, Rock, Pop, Country, Rap, Hip Hop, even Classical and Gospel music tuned to 440Hz has destroyed generation after generation in just the past 100 years. And it has all been done with the voluntary cooperation of the masses which is why I call this cultic phenomenon – Voluntary Slavery. . . Are you WOKE yet? Time is running out!

Law Offices of Jonathan Franklin: The Damaging Effect from Music Worldwide  has Been Tuned to 440 Hertz - Dangerous to Life!

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